I personally would stay away from any of the foxfarm beastie bloom, cha ching, etc. I don't even use tiger bloom any longer. I'm currently into my fourth and fifth grows, I think? No matter, that isn't important, what is, is what I've learned in those grows. It's a weed we're growing, there are seeds to be found everywhere and since I've gotten that little idea through my head, I've been enjoying my grows much more. The first couple I bought everything, tried a ton of stuff, did more harm than good and spent good money I shouldn't have. My last three grows I got serious, with my equipment, not so serious about my hobby. I refuse to live and die with my plants, something goes ungodly wrong, I'll start a new batch. Each grow I've tried to make it more simple, use less stuff and less of that stuff. My current grow I used foxfarm grow big and big bloom while vegging and for flowering jack's classic blossom booster, npk 1-3-2. I just got a new batch of grow nutes, I'll be using 9-3-6 for veg and jack's for flower. My tap water is like 8.5 so I put three droppers of ph down in my liquids before watering. I have not once checked the ph of my liquids or my soil the entire grow. I've read it's to much P in veg that causes stretching that's why I decided on the 9-3-6. Don't get me wrong, I keep a close eye on my girls and they are doing nicely. I just decided to keep my nutes at a low dose and feed them regularly instead of once a week with a strong dose. I've had no problems at all. All of those high P flowering nutes to me are a waste, the plants can't use it all so why give it to them? I see so many people writing about nutrient problems, low and steady feeding works for me fine. I don't seem to develop the problems so many others do.