Well-Known Member
not according to my wife (non smoker) hahaha. But I fixed that today, redirected my exhaust....she should be happy now. And no smoking in my house, only the potting shed....MEN ONLY AREA (unless you is a Ganja Girl!)
lol I wish I had your guys problem. My ole lady smokes like a burnt clutchLol. I hella fuck my old lady over. She don't even smoke and I got this 3x3 tent in the room where she sleeps. I figure it just gives her more incentive to move to a bigger place where I can have my own room or an out building. One can dream.

Thats pretty cool dude. Thats a keeper there pal.I'm so glad my wife supports and enjoys the fruits of my hobby, hell, she picked out my last seed order.

In the words of Devin the Dude....Mo for me!! haha

Heads Up You fountain of knowledge you.I personally would stay away from any of the foxfarm beastie bloom, cha ching, etc. I don't even use tiger bloom any longer. I'm currently into my fourth and fifth grows, I think? No matter, that isn't important, what is, is what I've learned in those grows. It's a weed we're growing, there are seeds to be found everywhere and since I've gotten that little idea through my head, I've been enjoying my grows much more. The first couple I bought everything, tried a ton of stuff, did more harm than good and spent good money I shouldn't have. My last three grows I got serious, with my equipment, not so serious about my hobby. I refuse to live and die with my plants, something goes ungodly wrong, I'll start a new batch. Each grow I've tried to make it more simple, use less stuff and less of that stuff. My current grow I used foxfarm grow big and big bloom while vegging and for flowering jack's classic blossom booster, npk 1-3-2. I just got a new batch of grow nutes, I'll be using 9-3-6 for veg and jack's for flower. My tap water is like 8.5 so I put three droppers of ph down in my liquids before watering. I have not once checked the ph of my liquids or my soil the entire grow. I've read it's to much P in veg that causes stretching that's why I decided on the 9-3-6. Don't get me wrong, I keep a close eye on my girls and they are doing nicely. I just decided to keep my nutes at a low dose and feed them regularly instead of once a week with a strong dose. I've had no problems at all. All of those high P flowering nutes to me are a waste, the plants can't use it all so why give it to them? I see so many people writing about nutrient problems, low and steady feeding works for me fine. I don't seem to develop the problems so many others do.
Hey masonman, I am using Jack's Classic blossom booster, 1-3-2 for flowering and love it and the results. Jack's is great stuff for a chemical fertilizer. Only using the highest grades of ingredients and if you notice the nitrogen is in two forms, I forget all the techno talk. I would prefer not to use a 20-20-20 but I'm pretty sure it won't hurt. My only concern would be the high phosphorous during veg. I've read in a couple of different places, uncle ben being one that to much P during veg is what causes stretching. I just got some dyna-gro stuff with an npk of 9-3-6, haven't used it yet but I'll report the results when I do. Just got done taking some pics, here they are at almost eleven weeks. The sour cream got chopped sunday, I'm letting the bottom half of the plant go another week or so. I'm thinking maybe another week for the strawberry haze and two more for the malawi 99 and the arjan's haze.


As for the ole hunch backed mason man finding time to bs is getting hard to come by lol. Its a good thing though peeps. Im not your typical stoner. The good gear wires me up and other peeps get couchlocked hahaha pussies lol. Im fucking stoned again and loving it by god.
Also im starting to like this new layout on RIU. Bump for the efforts RIU GODS.