Club 600


Well-Known Member
What on fucking earth was that bro. I can't see shit anymore, lol.

Weird man. Where did you find that?
lol I also had my wtf face on. I finished the samsung "story" and then it got interesting lol

Went bowling tonight, got a 128 and a 131. Not bad for not drinking while bowling. I swear I got better as the beers went down. In fact the last time I drank I was bowling... was the only time I got over 200. It was the first weekend I hung out with my (now) wife. I snuck in Michelob's and they got pissed cause they didn't sell michelobs so I bought one of their bud lights, and kept refilling the bottle all night, lol. Good times. That was over 6 and a half years ago. Craziest thing was how sick I became from not drinking. I guess my body totally became dependent on it, and most things in my insides stopped working without alcohol.

Sorry about the tangent. Had fun bowlilng. Wife broke 100. Just barely. She had 80 going into the 10th and got a stike and a spare. Nice save!

Hey BC. If you ever want a couple cat's I got a couple for you. And that's no joke.
Bowling is sweet. I also do better with a few cold ones in me.

WHeat thins ftwHs'


Well-Known Member
Sup gangster's! Another early rise, or late night im not sure ???? Good to pop into the club at these times to catch some of the old team haha.
How's tricks jig, Dutchie....
Just doing some catching up while ive got the peace and time to do so lol. Not got alot of fancy Pic's atm im afraid, but me tent's packing and going to be a stonker haul when done :)

I'll get updates done throughout and try my best to keep them reg.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you guys on that link. . . wtf just happened to me? I click on that link and japanese seizure warriors fml.

Did somebody say bowling? . . .


Well-Known Member
Sup gangster's! Another early rise, or late night im not sure ???? Good to pop into the club at these times to catch some of the old team haha.
How's tricks jig, Dutchie....
Just doing some catching up while ive got the peace and time to do so lol. Not got alot of fancy Pic's atm im afraid, but me tent's packing and going to be a stonker haul when done :weed:


I'll get updates done throughout and try my best to keep them reg.

Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
hey cinders. tricks is good mate. always good to cya round the 6. have you tried smart pots... amd if so do you like the air pots better at all?


Well-Known Member
Hey Cindy, always great to see you pop by. Your ladies are looking good too. Hanging out for a bit?

Whodat. ain't that the truth.


Well-Known Member
Morning guys gals and others, cereal and meusli time over here. What is this video you talk of, must be on another to come in a bit once I have fondled and caressed the ladies sufficiently to excite them enough for a photoshoot....I do a lot of fondling so it could be some time........ho hum,

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
New place doesnt allow cats, we even had to leave Boots with the father in law, which really sucks, cause i had him since he wax a bottle fed baby


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Uncle buck has been going through spamming the shit outta threads with that link. Don't fucking click on it. Something is up.

edit: I'm sleepy. Fuk hackers. Hi DST. Goodnight 600. Oh, and I heard they're working on the like button. :peace: