Well-Known Member
I miss Alaska, until I go back and realize why I left.

So fuck it wilma big 4 pot tomorrow off eBay
I think I've smoked all 3 over there. My vote would be the Exo. But danmed if they aren't all good in their own way.Question for you UK folk,
which is better in your opinion: Psychosis, Livers, or Exo?
When I get back on laptop I will have a read on auto pots what's the difference in them and wilma
YYYYEEEESSSSS!!!!!!! Who do I make the check out to? Do you know how much money this just saved me!? How much time!! Omg Ty! Best news I'v had in days! I never once thought of this and I work on the thing all the time. I know EXACTLY where the spicket is that bypasses the salt. Of course I'll need to read more into feeding but things are looking up. Thanks again!Ooops!!!
I re-read your post and saw where I missed you describing the RO & softener set up.
Sorry about that!
I did find this on a forum for orchid growers while researching your problem:
(*the OP was a lady who grows orchids indoors who finds herself suddenly in a house that uses well water, and has a salt softener & RO system installed by her mom. Her system also has the softener after the RO like yours)
"water softeners are ion exchangers, not removers. They take "hard" minerals like calcium and magnesium out of the water by replacing them with sodium, or in some cases, potassium.
From your bathub's point of view, this is good, since you don't get scale (the mineral kind) depositing from sodium as you do with Ca or Mg.
From your orchid's point of view, this is bad, because most can take (and require) reasonable levels of Ca and Mg, but cannot deal with excess sodium.
You should indeed put the RO unit after the water softener if you have the choice, as MB said, because Ca and Mg ions are worse for the RO membrane (will shorten its life) than sodium.
And to echo Jane in response to Calvin's question, there is almost certainly a source of unsoftened water in the house.
Most likely outside for the hoses, but also possibly inside in the basement.
Find where the water supply pipe enters the house: it's where the meter/shutoff is, and there is often a spigot nearby for draining the pipes or filling large buckets.
This will be upstream of the water softener.
As a last resort, water softeners I've seen have a "bypass" switch. Hit it to cut the water softener out of the loop, fill your buckets for watering, then turn it back on."
I got you figured out now... you just like spending money at the drop of a hat. Lol. Keep the checkbook and wallet securely in your pocket.YYYYEEEESSSSS!!!!!!! Who do I make the check out to?
Hey I'm not saying it isn't cannabis lol. I said the same thing to my girl, those damn politicians wont let us know that they smoke the dank unless they support it.Of course, politicians NEVER EVER EVER say one thing and do another.
If it's not cannabis who's influence he was under, then it was a prescription drug, or combination of prescription drugs (whether actually prescribed to him, or ones he got elsewhere).
Clonidine is one that gives cottonmouth (regulates blood pressure, helps with anxiety/panic attacks and ADHD, etc), but none of them cause the eyelid droop.
The only ones that do are ones that also cause an altered state of being.
I stand by my cannabis theory.
OMG I've seen that dude in person and I was wishing my ears would stop bleeding so I wouldn't have to listen anymore.Hehe... my favorite is John Edwards. Anyone screaming that loud about how much they love the lord is doing some nasty shit in the background.
I bet it smells good as fuck in there! I know outside my house smells like a dead skunk but hey my closet neighbor is over a mile away so who cares haha.[video=youtube;v3jmFljdnwI][/video]
If he had some medicated banana bread like mine he would be a comedian melting into the background lol.Guy gets a belly full of delicious banana bread and suddenly he's a comedian!
Everyone likes a girl who likes to be tied upYou guys are a laugh a minute.
Installing more bondage screen in my closet. The girls are going to get tied up real good.![]()
Dude my girl's grandparents have a cabin up in Fairbanks and we spent a month up there and that was the longest,coldest month of my life!I miss Alaska, until I go back and realize why I left.
My vote is with the exo to! I love that shit. Produces rock hard buds and that's what I'm all about.I think I've smoked all 3 over there. My vote would be the Exo. But danmed if they aren't all good in their own way.
GHB is right. With something someone else made you can run into leaks and just more of a mess. I've done cocco and I loved it I just have been doing the whole soil thing lately. But anyways back to the point I've found unless you know what your doing and having that many connections you can have leaks everywhere making a huge mess. Ask bassman about water all over the floor lol.I'd listen to GHB. He really does have your best interests. Lot's of little things to go wrong with those setups.
ok so im still gona be doing a soil grow in my 3x3 cuboard aswell till i get the hang of this wilma and coco, was also wondering if i would need 1 of these with the wilma
i can still be there a few times a day if needs be and will be till i get a decent regeme going with it, im just investing sum of this money off these plants now instead of wasting it in ladbrokes haha