Club 600


Well-Known Member
Uhhh I has something to say before Doobs post but now I cant remember :shock: Damn son! Can I come hang out bro? lol

Oh yeah,,
COF, thats a sad story. Iv read of people blowing themselves up trying to make BHO, I think your right on this account,, but the worst part is they had kids... Fking children having children. Why are things so backwards.
Just another reason not to make the shit. If I was regulator I would make BHO not fit for human consumption.

I will be happy to accept all and anyones expanded clay aggregate.... :-) Im a grow hoarder I tell ya!


Well-Known Member
im very excited .... going to be testing some chernobyl f-2's lime cherry slurpee phenos for nugbuckets...... good thing i got another light hehehe. all organic probably going to put them in 7-10 gallons and get them big. camera time......


Well-Known Member
well then man it depends on you, how you like your highs and if you want a little more lift or couch lock.......they look like theyve swelled a bit have you flushed?


Well-Known Member
No I dont flush, purely organics ... but you may note that not much is written about the Sunset Limited and that swelling could be why, strange plant but hoping for best.


Well-Known Member
i also run pure organics man but il drench em with twice their volume for at least 10-14 days before i pull em down, ive really noticed a flavor difference and a cleaner burn if i flush and flush and flush....dont get me wrong im not dilusional about what is happening in the soil (i know everything isnt getting washed out) but i do feel like it gives my girls the oppertunity to tone down their uptake and get a nice clean drink before they die.


Well-Known Member
someone recently posted about the dangers of being a lottery about this one

Brothers blow up house while celebrating lottery win with drugs

Published February 18, 2013

WICHITA, Kan. – Authorities say two brothers accidentally blew up their house after celebrating a $75,000 winning lottery ticket by purchasing marijuana and meth.
Wichita police Sgt. Bruce Watts said one of the brothers was taken to a hospital and the other to jail after Friday's explosion. The Wichita Eagle
reported that the injured 27-year-old brother is in serious but stable condition with second-degree burns on his hands, arms and chest.
Watts said the explosion happened after one of the brothers went to the kitchen to refuel the butane torches they planned to use to light their bongs. The brother emptied a couple large cans of butane lighter fluid, leaking butane into the air.
Eventually, butane vapor reached the pilot light in the furnace, causing the blast.
"The butane vapor reached the pilot light in the furnace, and as you might expect, ka-boom," Watts told the newspaper.
The injured brother was wearing a lottery T-shirt during the explosion. His girlfriend reportedly loaded him and some children into a car and drove him to the emergency room of a nearby hospital, where she dropped him off and left, according to the newspaper

sounds like they were trying to make some bho....told you that shit was dangerous

" His girlfriend reportedly loaded him and some children into a car and drove him to the emergency room of a nearby hospital, where she dropped him off and left, according to the newspaper"

Freakin Idiots!!!


Well-Known Member
I'll have to try next grow as two days more will bring to 10 weeks and cant go much more... I just always think of them as Tomatoes or even roses and cant imagine starving them for better flavor, but havent smoked either YET..


Well-Known Member
One theory, my own (as far as I know), is that by forcing a starve by flushing keeps the plant alive while it finishes it's life-cycle.
If you think about it: when late in the season the nutrients in the soil, if it were grown in the wild or cultivated, would be depleted, the soil would also be getting cooler and slowing down the microbial life and nematodes, so the plant not only feeds on itself to finish or stay alive in the hopes of getting pollinated it gets more resinous as a means to catch free floating pollen and to attract insects that might carry the right pollen for it.
The end result is a flower that smokes & tastes different than if done otherwise.
It's only a theory, mind you.
Crackpot, at best.

(*the jist was that it's possibly a tool to use to signal the plant to do something)


Well-Known Member
You can bet that, once cannabis finally (hopefully) becomes legal at the Federal level, there will be a literal explosion of experiments, studies, and testing going on to truly bring cannabis up the bleeding edge of botany.
We're still half underground when it comes to that stuff, and I hope we see it in our lifetimes.