Well-Known Member
Notorious, you make some good points. Whenever for profits comes to town, quality usually suffers. If they legalize and make the tax for growing too high, it will only keep the indoor growers indoors, it will keep them undercover so the government can't get their fingers into their pie. Just like we do now for any part of the country that doesn't have medical.
However with that said, there is such an industry that could be built around hemp, I still think legalization is the route to take. It may not help individual growers nor the growers in your state but I do think the benefits of such and industry would help the nation as a whole. It would put a lot of people to work.
I know where youre coming from man. there's definitely a market for hemp and Americans can only middleman hemp because of bullshit laws to where we can only import it and not cultivate our own, but giving the power to the same govt that runs DMV(and wants to take over the entire health care and financial system) to set up this hemp industry would be a disaster. it would be solely based off how much the beauracrats could skim off the top while completely screwing the people who make it all work. All the workers would be unionized and then inevitably become state workers for the hemp branch of the govt just like GM. Dispensary workers are being unionized as we speak...there's not much of a "free market" anymore with the govt in power
It just breaks my heart that anyone would want to keep pot illegal. Kills me. Taxes or no taxes. Sad.
Agreed. there are too many people out there that could benefit from it instead of having to take Oxy's and other fucked up prescribed medications that just end up enslaving the patient to the big pharmas