I thought the stretch was over, until I watered, then it wasnt over. Oh well still got height to work with. Being at day 18 of 12/12, I think they should stop stretching any day now. For the most part I think they have slowed down. Some never grew all that much compared to the others. Got some decent trichome coverage on some of them now. Something is messed up with my computer so I cant upload pics on here at the moment. I have to use a different one, that I dont always have access to because its being used. Pics asap I promise. I think Im doing ok for being at this stage. Just hoping I get to the end with no issues. That Sensi Star has been sticky to the touch on the stems and had a bit of trichs here and there since veg, and its only getting worse (better). Im very pleased with how she has grown, had some issues at first with yellowing but the grow big cleared that up. I have always wanted to grow that strain and am glad she is performing how she has. Black Jack is a tiny fucker compared to the rest, but looks good and is sticky. She had the same issues that the sensi had but also mad a great come back. White Russian looks great, with nice buds sites all over, a bunch towards the top. The SAD looks very nice, has a lower branch that worked its way to the top as well and fattened up like it wanted to be a top too. That should be nice in the end. The cheese, well its my least favorite out of the bunch, so far at least. Coletrain is coming along and its sativa traits have come out in flowering, it was the runt at one point and now is as tall as everything else. MK Ultra is behind most, but im sure it will catch up, I can see that its starting to pick up now, very dark leaves on her, I think she might turn purple, we'll see. Violator looks great, smells interesting, hard to explain. The Wembley I could give the same description for as the Violator, and the look similar as well, they almost look like twins, very unique smell as well, different than everything else in the room. But thats the same for each one. Sour Kush looks alright, I dont think its going to be a big producer but I think it will be killer shit. The chronic looks good too, I hope it puts out some huge buds, smells somewhat floral, I hope that changes, never been much of a fan of that. I think thats everything, 18 days in, and a far ways to go.