Club 600


Well-Known Member
Not being able to check on my babies whenever I want is killing me. I wish they'd hurry up and grow already :weed: so I can bring them over here. I won't be happy until the plants are at my place and in my room. That won't happen until we run out of room at my buddy's place. I think there's 20 plants total that will be vegging under my old t8 light. It will light a 2' x 4' pretty well so I think it might be a few weeks before we run out of room. Whenever we pot up to the 3 gal pots we're both using. The clones are in the 5" x 5" pots I normally use for hydro right now and I figure they will suffice for two to three weeks. The seedlings are in party cups and I'm not really sure how long I should leave them in the cups before potting them up to the 3 gal. It's been a while since I last ran soil and even longer since I used party cups for my sprouts.

Anyone want to throw their .02 out there on the party cups? I know some of you guys use them.


Well-Known Member
I wait until the sprouts are about 5" across from leaf tip to leaf tip before I stat up-canning.
Sometimes bigger if they are a lanky strain.
You could always just cut the bottoms off of the cups when you have a few nodes on the seedling, and set the cups in a shallow hole in the 3-gal pots.
Zero stress transplanting.

I have a bad habit of leaving seedlings in the cups for too long sometimes.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I use the 9 oz cups and leave the plants in there until they are about 12" tall. You just have to water everyday.
They then go into the 7" square pots where they will stay.
