Club 600


Well-Known Member
Doobie your cat looks a lot like mine.003.JPG

I was supposed to go to moms house for the week this morning but all is finally well. This means I can go back to class today and hopefully finish up installing a drainback solar thermal system so I can test it and let it run for a couple of weeks before class ends in 3 weeks. If this works in Aug I take the NABCEP exam for solar thermal tech. As soon as I pass it I get to install a system on my house for water and future space heating for free with all of the tax rebates and refunds by charging myself for labor when I submit paper work for refunds and rebates.


Well-Known Member
Here's a revelation for you: I discovered the origin of the phrase "Eat Shit"

....well, a theory anyway.

I was watching TV in Sweden, American TV, and when a character
said "Bullshit" the translation was "Shitsnack".


Bullshit -> Shitsnack -> That is a Snack of Shit -> Eat Shit!

I always wondered about that one....

Don't thank me.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Night night budolski haha.

Irony is I'm the huppelkutje I can't skip for toffee.

End I that word makes me think of when I misunderstood your ladies name after you'd drawn in the snow


Well-Known Member
28c with no wind, Pheew. Just came home from school and had my 420. Now im stuck in the couch with smelly feet! ;)
Hey Doobie :).. Was that cat not aggressive with other cats? Or is my mind screwing with me again?
Nice giggles :)
Yeah, she doesn't like being around other cats.
At all.
We wanted a few minutes with her out of her cage at the cat shelter, so the lady in charge scruffs the cat and takes her into a room with about 20 other cats.
She starts hissing & growling, and gets squirmy with the claws trying to get away, at which point we remembered the warning in her biography.
She's a bit skittish as it is, but she is slowly relaxing, and she is warming up to us.
But I don't think a second cat is in our future.
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Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye budol i've a good few jobs i should be doing but just had me scran and a hash biog and nowts getting done! maybe another bong and that'll be that. might watch an old film.


Well-Known Member
trying to get a room sanded and prepped for texture today. I sand and sand and sand until I can't sands no more, lol. I take a short break and then I go back to sanding. I've got the walls pretty much ready and the ceiling is getting there. It just gets really hard to sand above your head for very long.

Peeps are posting in here today so I check whenever I take a break. Gives me something to do while I rest my arms.


Well-Known Member
I removed all of the ceiling popcorn in our previous house and re-finished all the mud, then primed & painted over a smooth ceiling.
The ceiling popcorn had been absorbing the funk & smells of 30+ years of living & cigarette smoking, and was disgusting.

This house we've bought also has the popcorn, but it's just funky from living, as the previous owners were 7th Day Adventists, and totally non-smokers.

But I hate the stuff, so it will be my winter project to go room to room removing the popcorn, refinishing, and repainting.
But I prefer smooth, so needs a little extra work to get it there.
I might do a knock-down, if the wife will let me.

I hate sanding upside down with the arms up, too, Dez.
Effin' sucks, especially when you can see how much more you have left to do on the job.
Thank FSM for Union Breaks & good herbage.


Well-Known Member
I worry herb will make me feel too lazy to finish it, lol. I agree with you on being able to see how far you still have to go. It seems to make your arms burn that much quicker. This place is getting a pretty light orange peel so it's got to be pretty smooth or everything will show. I'm just hoping to get it smooth enough today so I can texture tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Prepping for light orange peel is just as bad as no texture.
Tedious. :-)
I need to invent a wall & ceiling crawling automatic sander, something like the magnetic crawling auto de-barnaclers used on ships in shipyards.
But made for sheetrock.
Just put it up against a wall, turn on the power, it vacuums it's feet to the wall/ceiling, and slowly travels the wall, sanding & damp-sponging joint compound seams until it's perfect and ready for primering.
The Spidey Sander™.
Or The Wall Goblin™.

And one that automatically removes & bags acoustical ceiling popcorn and sands down the old dried joint compound:
The Ceiling Smootherer 6000™.
Smootherbot 6000™.



Well-Known Member
well guys i had noticed some funny leaves on the cherry puffs and for a week have been going to check the timer, and today i remembered. it was set for 2 1/2 hour dark, so two weeks of that how much do yall think it will push harvest back. i have not had this happen before and have no idea how bad it is.