Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well, yesterday the wife said she wanted a coat rack near the front door.
Something she can hang her (Big Ass) purse on, a couple of her jackets, and maybe a smaller purse that will fit inside the (Big Ass) purse along with a wallet inside of the smaller purse residing comfortably inside the (Big Ass) purse so that at any given time any of 10 combinations of wallet/smaller purse/(Big Ass) purse that the Cosmos could demand of her in our little corner of the Milky Way (Mmmm... Butterfinger...... arrrglglglglgl.....) can be produced in the blink of an eye!

First off, here is a song entitled: "Big Ass Purse"

So she left to carouse with a friend for the evening and this is what I did:


I'll do final sandings & varnish after the stain sets in and cures.


And this is what DoobieBrother gets for his troubles...
.. a hook, in a dark & dusty, spider-infested corner behind the door...



IMG_8635.JPG IMG_8571.JPG


Well-Known Member
Me too on the Butterfingers!
Hmmm... I have 3 bucks in my wallet...
... maybe a scooter trip to the store before it's too late...
That's a no brainer! Get scootin' before the store closes! I've wanted a root beer and a candy bar for days and I always get the craving when it's too late, I need to be more prepared for these occasions lol.


Well-Known Member
Had a fail of a night in last night....Mrs D went out for cocktails and pizza with friends, I stayed in and watched the Yin. Not much watching to be done with him, he's a proper little snoozer......much like his dad, who once he had consumed his dinner and post dinner dog bifter, managed probably about 1/2 an hour of Shawshank Redemption before his wife was waking him up on the couch>>>
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted:)

Happy Sundays lovers of the 6-double.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, tthose pics look so good right now!! My Italian self had to make some a meat-ta ball-as

I wanted to make a meat ball sub but the sub rolls were kind of stale :wall:

I seriously want a candy bar now doobie, send one through the Internet Food tube!! bongsmilie

im watching the purge 2, its intense

shawshank redemption is a great movie


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