Club 600


Well-Known Member
Had a fail of a night in last night....Mrs D went out for cocktails and pizza with friends, I stayed in and watched the Yin. Not much watching to be done with him, he's a proper little snoozer......much like his dad, who once he had consumed his dinner and post dinner dog bifter, managed probably about 1/2 an hour of Shawshank Redemption before his wife was waking him up on the couch>>>

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted:)

Happy Sundays lovers of the 6-double.
That looks so freakin' tasty!!!


Well-Known Member
Had a fail of a night in last night....Mrs D went out for cocktails and pizza with friends, I stayed in and watched the Yin. Not much watching to be done with him, he's a proper little snoozer......much like his dad, who once he had consumed his dinner and post dinner dog bifter, managed probably about 1/2 an hour of Shawshank Redemption before his wife was waking him up on the couch>>>
View attachment 3236600
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted:)

Happy Sundays lovers of the 6-double.
Not including being a harrowed da, a dutiful husband, and all the many other candles burning their ways towards your fingers from all directions, a dog joint would already put most asleep.
I hope one or both of my Dog S1's are females!!
I want to fall asleep in the computer chair while watching a movie with a jay of the Dog half finished & dangling from my lower lip again...


Well-Known Member
Doobie, my wife has banged on about me putting up a coat rack for loooong time, well actually she's always talked about it like she would do it, but really hinting at me to do it. I have refused on the grounds that it will just end up with too many coats on them to the point where that last coat (there is probably a coat overload equation) pulls half the plaster out of your wall along with the coat hooks, Mrs D dumps her coat on a small table that sits by our door and bugs the hell out of me, haha.....I am like, why can't you just hang your coat in the cupbaord in the utility room like normal people would??....such is life:)
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Well-Known Member
Strictly seedless has those exact ones... 2 of them back to back. They work wonders. Really easy to put up and yeah, a little glue or whatever and you are good to go.

Fucking Aliens always get me too high.

Went to a bar tonight, was helping a band set up/ break down. Been quite a few years since I've been in a bar. 2 things I had forgotten. How much I dislike drunk people... and how much I like hot women. Holy shit! :)

Nearly got myself in trouble.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
there's panels cut and and slit's with ducting leading out into the room but only so much i can do. i'm not interested in working with strains which will throw a banana as soon as curtain's been left open lol. hopefully the weather will change back to it's usual cold/rain combo

grievous bodily harm

Well-Known Member
Me dogs day 28 View attachment 3236674

1 of the snapped ones
View attachment 3236675
View attachment 3236676
Should they not be frostier by now I know only 3rd the way through like

patience bud, i found the dog to be slow and steady, when it's done you should have buds that could break a window, if you could actually throw them that is, they stick to your fingers so bad you would have a hard time letting go though.

they are looking good to me, they like a dry- ish root zone for maximum resin production