Club 600


Well-Known Member
Went in to water tonight and im like hey bro why are your plants revegging!? So I fucked up when I installed that new AC unit and that its exhaust hose was white while the other was black. So the light is basically glowing thru there, oh and I forgot to cover the lcd screen which im sure didn't help. 5 weeks in and I think I'm just gonna chop them so I can get rolling with what I really wanna start :)


Well-Known Member
Went in to water tonight and im like hey bro why are your plants revegging!? So I fucked up when I installed that new AC unit and that its exhaust hose was white while the other was black. So the light is basically glowing thru there, oh and I forgot to cover the lcd screen which im sure didn't help. 5 weeks in and I think I'm just gonna chop them so I can get rolling with what I really wanna start :)
Damn that sucks! I need to cover the leds on my mini split come to think of it.


Well-Known Member
Went in to water tonight and im like hey bro why are your plants revegging!? So I fucked up when I installed that new AC unit and that its exhaust hose was white while the other was black. So the light is basically glowing thru there, oh and I forgot to cover the lcd screen which im sure didn't help. 5 weeks in and I think I'm just gonna chop them so I can get rolling with what I really wanna start :)
can't you run black for a few days and reverse them?



Well-Known Member
That sucks but isn't green light safe with plants, that's the light they reflect back,
that's why we see green leaves but red they must use that's the autumn spectrum
I guess it's just easier to put electrical tape on all readouts, safe is better than sorry
with these girls.

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Well-Known Member
For plants to reveg you need serious light for them to flp it. i.e your lights come on for an hour or two in the dark period. I have ran machines with annoying little ligjhts, plugs with red lights and never been affected.....only thing that has ever caused a reveg for me was the timer being wrong and turning lights on in the night....just saying.:)


Well-Known Member
Went in to water tonight and im like hey bro why are your plants revegging!? So I fucked up when I installed that new AC unit and that its exhaust hose was white while the other was black. So the light is basically glowing thru there, oh and I forgot to cover the lcd screen which im sure didn't help. 5 weeks in and I think I'm just gonna chop them so I can get rolling with what I really wanna start :)
last may added ac unit and did same thing, lost whole crop at 5 weeks in 12/12.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Someone's fall project was nipped in the bud........

Amazed police find a FOREST of cannabis the size of a football pitch with plants towering over officers growing in south London
  • Officers came across tall plants in Kingston upon Thames just a few streets away from university halls on Thursday
  • Discovery was made after a member of the public said they had seen a small number of the plants in the area
  • Images of dozens of marijuana plants were posted on Twitter by officers and the local neighbourhood watch group
By Lydia Willgress for MailOnline
Published: 09:25 EST, 25 September 2015 | Updated: 10:44 EST, 25 September 20
These are the spectacular images of a 'cannabis forest' the size of a football pitch discovered by police in south west London.
Officers came across around 150 of the tall plants in Kingston upon Thames just a few streets away from university halls of residence and a sixth-form college on Thursday morning.
Images of marijuana were posted on Twitter by officers, with the photographs showing some of the class B plants standing at more than 6ft tall.

These are the spectacular images of a 'cannabis forest' the size of a football pitch discovered by police in south west London
The Grove Safer Neighbourhood team wrote alongside the pictures: 'An interesting find on Grove ward. We’re going on a bear hunt! #TheseAren’tXmasTrees #saynotodrugs.'
Two sergeants later tweeted: 'Welcome to the leafy suburbs of Kingston!'



Well-Known Member
I'd love to have just one of those in my living room this Christmas.

@supchaka that sucks bro would it make any sense trying to finish them maybe it would just be a little extra leafy this go around ?

@DST and the whole 600 family we made it to 5k were like RIU legends now or something.
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Well-Known Member
Someone's fall project was nipped in the bud........

Amazed police find a FOREST of cannabis the size of a football pitch with plants towering over officers growing in south London
  • Officers came across tall plants in Kingston upon Thames just a few streets away from university halls on Thursday
  • Discovery was made after a member of the public said they had seen a small number of the plants in the area
  • Images of dozens of marijuana plants were posted on Twitter by officers and the local neighbourhood watch group
By Lydia Willgress for MailOnline
Published: 09:25 EST, 25 September 2015 | Updated: 10:44 EST, 25 September 20

These are the spectacular images of a 'cannabis forest' the size of a football pitch discovered by police in south west London.
Officers came across around 150 of the tall plants in Kingston upon Thames just a few streets away from university halls of residence and a sixth-form college on Thursday morning.
Images of marijuana were posted on Twitter by officers, with the photographs showing some of the class B plants standing at more than 6ft tall.

These are the spectacular images of a 'cannabis forest' the size of a football pitch discovered by police in south west London
The Grove Safer Neighbourhood team wrote alongside the pictures: 'An interesting find on Grove ward. We’re going on a bear hunt! #TheseAren’tXmasTrees #saynotodrugs.'
Two sergeants later tweeted: 'Welcome to the leafy suburbs of Kingston!'

Shocking finding that near a college.



Well-Known Member
Shockingly good don't ya mean:). In the UK people in college are old enough to do most things ie 18+.
That first one looks like the cola has moulded. The media do love a bit of drama lol.


Well-Known Member
So this is what they look like, not all but about half. Also doesn't look like 5 weeks, more like 3. Instead of chopping them I'm considering sticking them outside and seeing what they do so I can refill the flower room. Even if they are still flowering they've got more than 3 weeks left and I don't think I want to try and tame the waiting plants while these "might" finish. Thoughts?

I went in the room this morning at lights out and it's seriously dark enough in there. So that leads me to believe I shocked them back into veg with synthetic nutes. Btw don't ever buy that fucking emerald forest 420 soil or whatever it is, in the green and white bag. Shit had ZERO nutrients in it. Kept thinking I had poisoned my plants with an insecticide dose but no, they were just starving to death. With ocean forest I use straight water in the beginning which is what I did with this stuff and they were suffering from the getgo. Hit them with synthetics and the greened and perked right up. But they were already in flower when I threw that Hail Mary sooooo I'm gonna chalk it up as that.