Club 600


Well-Known Member
So this is what they look like, not all but about half. Also doesn't look like 5 weeks, more like 3. Instead of chopping them I'm considering sticking them outside and seeing what they do so I can refill the flower room. Even if they are still flowering they've got more than 3 weeks left and I don't think I want to try and tame the waiting plants while these "might" finish. Thoughts?

I went in the room this morning at lights out and it's seriously dark enough in there. So that leads me to believe I shocked them back into veg with synthetic nutes. Btw don't ever buy that fucking emerald forest 420 soil or whatever it is, in the green and white bag. Shit had ZERO nutrients in it. Kept thinking I had poisoned my plants with an insecticide dose but no, they were just starving to death. With ocean forest I use straight water in the beginning which is what I did with this stuff and they were suffering from the getgo. Hit them with synthetics and the greened and perked right up. But they were already in flower when I threw that Hail Mary sooooo I'm gonna chalk it up as that.
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When I had my timer thing happen (I nudged some of the pins out on the timer so lights where coming on for 1 hour solid in the middle of the dark cycle) when I corrected it and the went back to full on flowering I got some of the biggest colas out...not all super dense and compact but I was surprised at yield. I have a pic of a Livers that was stupid big somewhere. If you can out them outside why guys get the weather for it.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Well did 5 fire balls and only 3 popped. Hope for two females.

Everything else looks good.

So I was in my garage, and needed my, clone tray. Saw I had rock wool cubs in it. Looked at them and seen 6 or 7 cubs with seeds in them? Said fck it, and soaked the cubs. Lol seeds are popping out? Old bb seeds. So I don't know what they are.

Going to see if the f.b will pop soon, too.
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