Club 600

My buddy rolled through last night and we chilled at his place... smoked 3 blunts and watched really bad late night TV. I had always suspected UFO's to be real... but after seeing the show on H2 last night I'm convinced.

Oh, and Criminal Minds is super corny. I just couldn't stop laughing at the predictable writing and seemingly horrible acting. I'd think it a comedy if they didn't show all the blood and death.

4 days till harvest in the purple closet.
Colorado's high flyers get high in style at sophisticated cannabis soirees with 'munchies for foodies'

•The first Edible Events party was held in Denver Saturday, catering to the city's well-heeled cannabis enthusiasts
•The party was held at a high end art gallery in downtown Denver
•Guests paid $125 per ticket for the fully catered event which was BYOC (bring your own cannabis)
•Event planner Jane West says she wants consuming weed to become just as acceptable as drinking wine
•Guests brought their own pot-infused foods, vaporizers or joints to the event
•Joint smokers were provided with a luxury bus outside the non-smoking gallery
•The event will be held monthly for guests keen to create a new, high-end pot scene

By Alex Greig

PUBLISHED: 00:04 EST, 27 January 2014 | UPDATED: 01:33 EST, 27 January 2014

Now that Colorado citizens can buy marijuana for recreational purposes legally, catered pot parties are the new wine and cheese mixers.

Event planner Jane West of Edible Events threw her first weed-friendly event at downtown Denver's high-end Space Gallery.

Pairing cannabis with canapes is a winning formula for West, whose guests forked out $125 per ticket for the sold-out event where the wine and food were provided but the weed was BYO.

West, 37, dreamed up the event soon after Colorado became the first U.S. state to legalize the sale of cannabis for recreational use.

She quickly realized that there was a market for a more discerning demographic to consume pot in a social environment.

'When I looked around Denver there was nothing that really fitted my demographic, that I felt comfortable with,' she told the UK Telegraph.

The inaugural party for Edible Events was themed End of Prohibition, and photographed by cannabis education group Kind Reviews.

Among her guests are sisters Candy Nuss, 59 and CynDee Williams, 62, dressed smartly, their silvery hair perfectly coiffed.

Successful real estate broker Wendy Bruner, 67, also enjoyed the event, telling the Telegraph that she never liked to smoke and hates the taste of alcohol but loves the high cannabis gives her when she consumes it in the form of cakes and granola bars.

'It blows my mind how many people our age are doing it. My brain's always racing and it mellows me out. It just takes all the worry out of things. I think people will realise this is not a stepping stone and you're not going to be a cocaine freak in three months,' she said.

Edible Events' soirees, to be held monthly hereafter, 'combine visually stunning venues with decadent food and libations to create a unique, unforgettable evening affair' and showcase the best Denver has to offer in 'the culinary, cannabis and art scenes,' according to the company's Facebook profile.

'I decided to have events that I would like to attend. It's really about normalising cannabis, making using it as ordinary as ordering a glass of wine. This is for people who would go to an art gallery opening, or a four course dinner, but also like cannabis,' West told the Telegraph.

Her guests brought their own cannabis in the form most pleasing to them - edible, vaporiser, joint - and in turn were provided with a delicious menu of weed-friendly foods such as chicken parmesan lollipops in sofrito and brie, mango and poblano chilli quesadillas.

The food is specifically designed with the weed-consumer's mouth in mind, moist with sauces, cheese and cream and full of more-ish flavors. 'Munchies for foodies,' West calls it.

It's a far cry from the stereotype of the dim stoner slacker munching down a bag of Cheeto's and watching Beavis and Butthead.

Guests who preferred to consume their weed the traditional way - rolled and smoked - were provided with a luxury bus bedecked with peacock feathers where they could smoke to their hearts' content.

The company's goal, reads the Edible Events Facebook page is to 'maximize your cannabis experience and stimulate your heightened awareness of taste, smell and sight.'

'I wanted to create an event where consuming cannabis is just the same as consuming alcohol, so it's really just normalizing it,' she said.

'I don’t want to use the word "pot" or "weed" or "smoke" or "joint,"' West told The New York Times.

'If we redefine it as consuming cannabis, then maybe people will be more open to that. There are only so many hoodie-wearing stoners in town. This needs to be opened up to other demographics

well quick shot of the veggys
1st pic og18, caramel ice and akorn aka snowbud.
2nd pic 2 skunk no1s and a sage and sour
3rd pic 5 dogs and 7 gigabud cuts

4th and 5th pics the selfed p killer or dippy ellsy i topped other day and it looks as though there 2 new shoots growing out where the preflowers would come just on one side at the nodes under where i have topped


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Well I bought a CAP Ebb & Gro system about a yr and a half ago and never used it.

As (MY) luck would have it, the key ingredient used as a substrate (Hydroton) is no longer made, and what is around is price gouged now.
What would you recommend me to use in its place??

I need something in the next few days.

I was thinking about lava, but worry that erosion from it will clog up my lines/pumps??

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
Yeah I saw it there...
Problem is when supply in Germany got low they started looking in alternative mines.
The resulting product was inconsistent, and later deemed not acceptable for hydro use.
I worry this is from that batch.
Pumice might give you the same debris issue. 100% perlite is successfully used in many hempy applications.
I was going hempy, but switched my direction to ebb&gro, the perlits is too small for this use unfortunately.
I already bought a bunch of perlite too lol.

I still plan to do some hempys as a side by side comparison this run...
Bass, there is coarse perlite that you could probably use.

You would want to run it through a screen first, but I have
gotten bags that had particles 10-15mm across or so.

Good luck,


P.S. Why the rarity of the clay balls?

P.P.S. These are no good?

P.P.P.S. GHS did me wrong!

I have read reviews that a new Brand Plantit expanded clay and other new ones are from a different clay that isnt any good.

Looking at it it looks fine, but I need 25 gallons at least, and that would be very costly.

The mine in Germany ran out of clay I heard btw!!
Jeez man 25 gallons of hydroton. That's a fucking shit ton of hydroton. You sure you need that much? I don't know bass I wouldn't mess with any system that needed that much stuff. I don't even use 25 gallons of water. I guess I'm just small time kinda grower in my little spot. I remember when masonman bought like 20 gals of nutes and tons of hydroton.
Ive only seen and bought hydroton in 25gallon/100L bags. Could use a bag right now.. And more nutes.. And Whodat's growsystem..
Wow I had no idea. I bought a 5 gallon bag I think, way more than I'll ever need. Probably use about 2 litres worth for 10 plants, less for 6. I think I only use about Half liter of nutes for the whole grow. I really like my system. Why anyone does anything else I don't know. Lol