Club 600

today, tomorrow, and the next day by the looks of those baws, :) Is that flour? to help spread the pollen? ease collection or something? I done that a few years back with some pollen I had (mixed it with flour to heelp spread). Felt a bit weird tipping flour over buds.....just bake and you'll have a loaf:)
Yea a few wanted some so going to spread the love. I use straight pollen in my grow, but i have it on hand
About time. I love the frosty tiny buds but get real tired of them also. I like them big and frosty. Well done. I would love to smoke with you. @oldman60 you grow like i like. fuck yeah. Dont get me wrong all some of the little buds look great but I like big plants big buds 6-16 oz per plant. Oh I am high as fuck so excuse my straight forward comments. Again oldman lets smoke together on day with doc of coarse.
@Dr.D81 Oh yes bro has 5 types from cindy. Iso/icewater/dryice from current and dryice/iso from last batch. Its gonna be amazing if my friend gets here if not I am smoking in 5 minutes. I should call you before I get to ripped or call me if you got a couple mins.
Please more info on the cheese. Been looking for this one for years, its good to hear its around.
From what I understand there are 2 very similar cheese cuts. Psycosis and the cheese. If my memory servse me correctly the phycosis is a little sweeter. Do the buds foxtail out?
Heres the closest I have come. GHS Cheese 3 phenos. The one on the right smelled and tasted like bubble gum, slightly kushy.
The one on the left, is the pheno I still have. It was the densest and frostiest, fruity slightly cheesy.
The middle one with the foxtailing buds like the UK cheese, was very special. Very few people got to smell it but all those that did remember it to this day. Wet socks, mop water but with a sweetness that made you wanna drink it. Truly amazing.
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No foxtails real tight to the center, actually right up against the stem ping pong
balls. Def funky smell like sweet, old socks and flowers. This was from Greenhouse Seed Co.
Exodus Cheese.
The plant grew with very little branching but a massive center cola. I didn't do any training
at all.
About time. I love the frosty tiny buds but get real tired of them also. I like them big and frosty. Well done. I would love to smoke with you. @oldman60 you grow like i like. fuck yeah. Dont get me wrong all some of the little buds look great but I like big plants big buds 6-16 oz per plant. Oh I am high as fuck so excuse my straight forward comments. Again oldman lets smoke together on day with doc of coarse.
This Oldman would be honored to get high with you and Doc, and many other 6'ers. It would be
an educational and spiritual time.
I am tryna hook up a trip to the west. I wanna go to the cup. I would love to see some of you guys there. Well , all of ya but I know some wont be able to.
Same here, I would wanna get there like a week before though and get a cali med card. I know I would qualify, would just need a cali drivers license is the real hurdle.... I really wanna go to the san fran cup this year though.
Hey natro, you don't need a cali license, I still don't have mine, mines from new york. I just used a mailing address with my name, so get a po box before you make a trip and have some sort of bill mailed there (like a cell phone bill that has a cali address on it, simple to change the cell phone mailing address online) and you're good to go (just bring medical records that are from the last 2 years)
Hey natro, you don't need a cali license, I still don't have mine, mines from new york. I just used a mailing address with my name, so get a po box before you make a trip and have some sort of bill mailed there (like a cell phone bill that has a cali address on it, simple to change the cell phone mailing address online) and you're good to go (just bring medical records that are from the last 2 years)
Huh I figured the doctor I would see for the recommendation would already have access to my medical records if I made an appt. You had to bring yours though I take it?
You'd have to set something up to have your doctor fax your records to the doctor you plan on using for the rec, which could take some time because you'd have to sign medical release forms and the rec doctor would have to fax the release to your original doctor, then after a few days to a couple weeks your original doctor would have to fax your records to the new doctor, such a pain in the butt..I have a portfolio of my records that I keep at my house ( I called HR of my hospital and asked for a medical record release) and they will mail you the records so you can have them on hand for whenever you need them, I usually don't trust when people say "I'll fax them right over" and 2 weeks go by and the records were never faxed :p
to get a rec from shady docs you don't actually need any paperwork, but it would be good to have something. Really anything from anytime that has your name and a diagnosis of some sort. Even if it's a visit to the er for back pain, trip to the dr for headaches. Prescription bottle would work too. You can make up what the prescription was for.
The doc I go to is $60 and real close to the venue for the cup in SoCal.

One year I went in and he wasn't in the office. Just on the phone. He'd ask if pot helped whatever I was suffering from. I said yes. He said cool. That's it. No paperwork, just my id for the girl at the front.
Damn yeah that is a lot of shit that could fall through I will just get my own documents. Have not established a primary doc since my insurance got switched so should probably do that. I just hate going to the doctor, every doctor in my area treats with pills not therapy. I need to go in because I have been having more pain in my knee than usual and it is super stiff some days ( I have Osgood–Schlatter disease in my right knee that causes chronic pain on/off). Problem is all they are gonna wanna do is prescribe me something that I won't want to take.... So I wouldn't imagine I would get denied a med card I mean he just has to look at my knee lol, has a hard knob on my shin below my knee cap like this
dont really feel like having them cut open my knees because it is not a daily pain it is maybe 2 days out the week if I do something active a little more.
I am tryna hook up a trip to the west. I wanna go to the cup. I would love to see some of you guys there. Well , all of ya but I know some wont be able to.
Do you ever go to the NY harvest cup? It's underground but big at the sametime with some of the best smoke on the east coast. If not, maybe the 600 should represent some...there's a few on here. Or at least a great place for us to meet out smoke out with out security issues.