Club 600

Any harm in using my neoprene collars more then 2 or 3 times like the lad in shop suggested..... as already used my ones I got with cloner way more times and had no harm or is he trying to make more money off me

Can't imagine why you can't use them more than twice or thrice.

Those bitches are expensive, he's probably just trying to make a buck.

Take it form this lad at the hydro shop
Tho I hadn't heard summit as stupid, greedy fuckers make enough anyway, and he only try to put 50 in when I asked for 60 luckily I was counting aswell when he was picking out a box
Tho I hadn't heard summit as stupid, greedy fuckers make enough anyway, and he only try to put 50 in when I asked for 60 luckily I was counting aswell when he was picking out a box
Sounds like a shady dude. He must have been the owner or manager or something lol. Thats the only person who would be putting money in their pocket with upsells and scams like that imo
What a complete bellend. Even if the guy offered me a clone straight up I wouldn't take it from this bad karma mnotherfukker. You have my permission to call him a fukkin DICKWAD! Then slowly walk up to him and kick him in the knackers. People just make my blood boil.

Don't trip d, it was meant to be comedy.
I had to look in the urban dictionary for bellend, lolz.
Such an eloquent way to curse someone out, I love it.

Today I get a msg from him in my inbox, saying he just lost his access to cuts and a long time friend.

I guess he is implying that I caused him trouble. I still gave him the best advise I could.
"Pop some beans and you will be fine"

Veg shot
Aero clones
my th seeds bubble gum planted 2 fem seeds just took clones, also took clones off island sweet skunk fem by next soon as the clones are rooted the moms will go into flower,,i cant wait to see how they do..also have 2 mr.nice shit and 2 critical mass regular moms will get clones soon, i truly hope they will be strong females!!
anybody grown th seeds bubble gum? my 2 fems are completly indetical so for once i believe they are truly stabilized hybrids.. i hate when i buy seeds that say are stabilized then i get 10 different looking plants...stabilized hybrids should be identical showing the same genes in each plant...
Is this a male? My first go with regular seeds, the other three show female preflowers so that is good.
Bubblegum is a re-hashed (pardon the pun) strain but it is quite old so should be reasonably stable. I know the original Bubblegum clone in the dam was lost in a raid a good few years ago.
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This clearly clearly came out wrong, whatever you can see is my Fireballs, Sweet Stomper Kush and a funky growing Psychosis. The young guns are a couple clones, and a bunch of mixed seeds I need to name ( all marked ) with a Scottie Dog ( the dark green one that stands out ) just topped them all


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