Club 600

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Glad you are safe and sound, guess we won't have to try to raise bail!
(if it had been over a couple of hundred dollars, I'm afraid you might have to wait)
You've got to give a recap of your adventure.



Active Member
any ideas on what to do with these plants peeps?

i want at least 15oz. i have 1 600w hps cool tube. was gonna grow 9 plants but im only doing 4 now (or less).

the bottom right plant is northern lights from seed and the rest is blue cheese.

there all at different stages in growth and i need to be out of this house as soon as these have grown (so quite quickly in other words)

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Well-Known Member
Welcome home DST, glad to hear you had a good time.

Today I fimmed (hopefully) my plants that are three weeks old. I have two lemon skunks and one LA confidential that are two weeks old that did not get fimmed. I had to start a couple of beans late since all of the original ones didn't germinate. Generally I don't post pics of plants in veg, what's there to see?

On another topic, I'm looking to get a vaporizer. I don't want to spend the money for a volcano, I think they are overpriced. I'm looking for a forced air system that blows up a bag and can be passed around. I'm open to all suggestions so anyone who has what they consider a decent vaporizer, please share. Here's a picture of mine. If anyone knows where to get this vaporizer, let me know. I can't find it anywhere. It's a Digi-Vapor VP500
Heads up i was initally going to get the Volcano till i saw the price. I decided to go with the Extreme Vape and i love it. It comes with 2 Bags and 1 Whip so you can do either. Its around 260 but i think it was worth the investment even though i dont use it that much


Well-Known Member
any ideas on what to do with these plants peeps?

i want at least 15oz. i have 1 600w hps cool tube. was gonna grow 9 plants but im only doing 4 now (or less).

the bottom right plant is northern lights from seed and the rest is blue cheese.

there all at different stages in growth and i need to be out of this house as soon as these have grown (so quite quickly in other words)

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That is one hell of a goal 15oz off 4 plants... A Realistic goal would be 2-3 oz per plant. But anyway i would just put them in flowering if you really need to be out


Well-Known Member
That is one hell of a goal 15oz off 4 plants... A Realistic goal would be 2-3 oz per plant. But anyway i would just put them in flowering if you really need to be out
Not entirely true, with decent genetics and tender love and care, that number is easy to hit. Remember my last Blue Kush run, 3 plants, 1 600w light, got 16oz3g and that was all buds, I had over 2 ounces of popcorn that I made bubble hash out of.


Well-Known Member
yeah but 150w per plant and only 2-3oz?

i need some return! lol
I ment 2-3oz Per plant so a total of probably 12 ounces. And very true Integra strain and conditions have alot to do with your final yield just off my own personal experience and reading i thought 2-3 oz was a reasonable goal per plant


Well-Known Member
Here is my purple floja plant freshly harvested at 9 weeks.
man it looks like a grape popsicle, great work.

I ment 2-3oz Per plant so a total of probably 12 ounces. And very true Integra strain and conditions have alot to do with your final yield just off my own personal experience and reading i thought 2-3 oz was a reasonable goal per plant
i consider that reasonable, but i think 4-6 ozs is more like it, how is yuor grow comin hotsauce


Well-Known Member
Its going great i treated my PM with Green cure and i haven't seen any since but next week i will do one more treatment. Thursday im getting another camera and ill also start flushing my Purple GB. I will have alot of pictures coming on Thursday


Well-Known Member
Its going great i treated my PM with Green cure and i haven't seen any since but next week i will do one more treatment. Thursday im getting another camera and ill also start flushing my Purple GB. I will have alot of pictures coming on Thursday
good to hear your gettin the pm gone. and im lookin forward to the pics.

and cowboy 916, your plants look great besides the first buds, it looks like they started to reveg for a min or somthin, im not sure but all the others look great


Well-Known Member
I second the motion.

And a show and tell with pictures would be great for us mechanically challenged individuals.
Indeed my brothers. I will start a thread dedicated to cloning. Ughh I wish i hadnt erased all my pics from over the winter. I will just build another cloner and take pics as i go. Its so simple you guys wont believe it. Ill drop a link soon as i start the thread. And thanks for admiring my clones. It took me alot of trial and error before i got it down.

What's up club 600 here's some pics of day 45 flowering
FFOF soil 40% peralite
FF nutes w/ trio
5 gal smartpots
grandaddy purps not sure what's going on with the buds

Shiva Skunk


Welcome Cowboy. My purp strain is having that exact same circular leaves thingy going on. Its strange. It must be in the genes thats all i can figure. Looking hella good though bro.

Hey folks, glad to see everyone has been busy. The 600 is rocking peeps!!!!

Will provide updates of my grow situation shortly, the plant sitter got them throughAlive I guess (just) but so much TLC lacking I could cry. My clones are looking pretty fucked but I should - fingers crossed pull them through!!

The World Cup was fekking awesome, South Africa done a job they can be proud of for sure!!!!!

Peace, DST
Welcome home D. Glad you had a great trip. Hope your ladies pull through for ya bru. Looking forward to your updates.
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Well-Known Member
Just to kick things off, heres a list of items you need to build a DIY cloner.

1. A heavyduty black 12 gal storage tote. The size isnt That important. Just depends how many clones you want to poduce. Mine is a 12 galllon and i can produce 200 clones at a crack. And as few 1.

2. A dual port high output aquarium pump.

3. 4 12" airstones.

4. Foam root plugs. You can make your own out of foam building blocks, or anything flat and spongy.

And thats all there is to it. I put a drain spout on mine to change the H20 easier. All said and done you can build one for under $50.

Im sorry to report that this is the only cloner pic I have at the moment. As you can see its really a simple machine. The airpump is mounted to the side. the hoses fished through a few drilled holes and rest in the bottom of the tote where they are attached to 4 12" airstones. I was running the pump on a timer at first but have just let it run 24/7 with better results.

Thats really all there is to my magical clones. I fill the tote full of water to within 1" from the stems of the clones. I have found that rooting hormones are not needed but do help. I use rootone brand, just a light coating and put them in the cloner. Now depending on your strains I have had clones root in a little as 3 days and have had some take as long as 2 weeks. As long as they dont dry up they will root. I check the water level in mine every time I water my mothers, and change the water every 2 weeks. The water in the cloner will evaporate and leave the lil yins starving. So check daily or every other day. Thats it.

Now the only real hard part is cutting the holes for the root plugs. As I mentioned you want a HEAVY DUTY tote. And the reason is because the amont of water it takes to fill it up will bow out a cheapo tote and will let in light which will cause algae to grow and thats not any good for clones. This is also the reason for purchasing a black colored tote. I have been trying to find a shallower tote so not as much water is needed, but cant find one that suits my needs.

So the idea with "bubble cloning" is the air coming in through the pump and airstones create oxegenated water. When the bubbles burst on the waters surface they make a misting action to the stems of the cuttings. To take cuttings from a doner plant youll want to cut a clone that is about 4-6 inches tall. I take mine at about 6" in height. I strip all but the top 2 sets of leaves. Dip in water then in rootone. easy peasy. I have put as many as 300 clones on this unit at once and rooted 95% of them. A few will die off no matter what. But hey 95% is a good turn out. I have also been experimenting with adding a low dose of veg nutes to counter some of the yellowing which occurs just before the roots start popping. So far it seems to have helped. But im not endorsing this procedure just yet.

A more detailed version of this rant to come. As i said i deleted all my old pics last week or id be able to show yall step by step. Gimme a few days to gather some parts and ill build one documentry style. peace and hope this has helped for now. 1BMM