Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yeah the musician jokes get old.. But we hit each other with them all the time.. lol..

Yeah Larry Ochiltree is a Jazz drummer but he can rock it out too.. He used to play "Cult of Personality" for me on his 80 piece sponsored Sonor kit with 50 Zildjian cymbals and I was always amazed at the shit he could pull off. He was sponsored (prolly still is) by all the big names, DW, Sonor, Pearl, Zildjian... he even had his own pro-mark drumsticks with his printed autograph.. Must be nice lol..

I love the drums. I can play piano/kb, accordian, bass, guitar, harmonica and the cowbell of course. :D

But this is my Baby...
Yeah, I didn't mean to come off harsh about the music jokes. I'm just not a jokey kind of guy. Sorry, man!
(*I need to learn to lighten up. My wife says I'm the most intense person she's ever met.)
Mr. (Prof., which, for those who didn't check into this guy, is not just a nickname like Neil Peart's) Ochiltree sounds like one hell of a drummer!
And that's a sweet axe you have!
Love me them Taylor guitfiddles!
They had a real cool episode of "How It's Made" that featured the Taylor guitar factory (I almost hate to call it a factory, since it's really all handmade, and high quality).
Was cool to watch the process from beginning with raw materials all the way to the finished guitar!

*edit: it was actually Godin Guitars
The Taylor factory tour was a different video series I was thinking of (see a few posts down)



Well-Known Member
Okay, here are a few pics from the Saturday Market in Salem, Oregon:

(*I always feel self-conscious about taking pics of people's wares up close, since I have no money to buy things, so it's all from a distance)

Was a nice 84f under clear blue skies, and a light breeze to keep it from being too much.
Bought two ears of corn, a jar of honey (bees got it from blackberry bushes, and has a nice blackberry scent to it), an Orange Crush for me, and the wife had a vegetarian gyro and some fresh-squeezed marion berry lemonade.

On the way out of the event area there was am unkempt old-timer in a wheelchair with a cardboard sign begging for change. Was a disabled Vet, so I slipped him a 20 spot before the wife could protest.
She knows how I feel about that shit, so she didn't give me a hard time.
Sticks in my craw hardcore to see someone, anyone, having to beg to survive, and if I'd had more I'd have given it to him.
If one of these jackass politicians wants my vote, they better do something to help these guys, and others who can't help themselves.
Fucking Romney showing off with his flashy new MD83 private jet to go raise millions for his lousy campaign, when he's not going to do a damn thing for anyone but himself and his billionaire buddies. Just wave that carrot in front of our faces to get our votes, then it's sayonara suckers!
Okay, I better stop before I lose friends here.

And they had a band performing there, too!
Go by the name of "Roundhouse":

I recorded the first song of their set:



Well-Known Member
Little children playfully donating money, bald old men getting their heads rubbed in public and a nice folky group like that, sound like a great afternoon. But damned you Doobie for that food description. Your like a restaurant commercial after closing time. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh, man, duchie!
I could go ON!
There was all kinds of stuff to eat there!

I forgot to mention the mini strawberry-rhubarb pie I bought!!!
I haven't eaten it yet, but plan to set aside some quality "getting to know you" time later tonight: just me, a plate, a fork, and that pie!

*The tent that had the Greek food almost got me to get something for myself, too.
Had some lamb cooked up that had my mouth watering like... well... something that waters without control.
**A broken sprinkler!


Well-Known Member
Thats it Doob, were not friends anymore now...JK.
I agree totally, I dont vote anymore because I know the truth about politics. That is all I have to say about that.


Well-Known Member
Oh, man, duchie!
I could go ON!
There was all kinds of stuff to eat there!

I forgot to mention the mini strawberry-rhubarb pie I bought!!!
I haven't eaten it yet, but plan to set aside some quality "getting to know you" time later tonight: just me, a plate, a fork, and that pie!

*The tent that had the Greek food almost got me to get something for myself, too.
Had some lamb cooked up that had my mouth watering like... well... something that waters without control.
**A broken sprinkler!
That band was good, I enjoyed the song.

thats a nice piece there stump
do you know whut to do wit it
I've been playing for 18 years.. Still learning new songs all the time though. I've had a lot of guitars, electric and acoustic. This is by far the best of any.. it's a tone monster..


speaking of intensity, what sort of temperatures do you guys usually get with your 600's?

i'm speaking in terms of room/tent/closet ambient temperatures and readings from say 12-20 inches away from the 600w.

specifically i would like to know how hot i can expect my 600w in a cooltube with around 200-250cfm moving through it inside a 1.2X1.2x2m growtent.

I have three 42w cfls in there now and its sitting around 18-20 degrees Celsius with the relatively small 25w fan i have, and i am thinking it's going to get upwards of 26 degrees in there with a 600w going

I mean, i can only really get a bigger fan, or leave the window of the room open because those three 42w's alone make the room around the same temp as the tent exhausting through a carbon filter

any comments about temperatures appreciated, peace


Well-Known Member
I would say you are easily going to hit 26. I would suggest removing the cfls, they are fairly redundant in a tent of that size with a 600 in there. I am not sure about the fan rating you have, it seems quite low. Is it a 4inch fan? If you have height you may be better without the cool tube. Running a cooltube with the incorrect air flow for it is just like putting a heating element in your tent. You would be better off without the glass. Cool tubes are effective when running a good airflow that is strong enough for the light you are running.


yeah also i ment that there is no 600 in the tent now, and only cfls, the cfls will be removed when there is a 600

cheers anyway, when i get a ballast i will check the temps on the 600 right away


Well-Known Member
Regarding temperatures:

I have a 600watt in a sealed & ducted light hood with a 6" centrifugal fan (435cfm) in a sealed loop (using 6" galvanized metal stove pipe for smooth airflow and quieting the fan noise) that draws cool air in from a window insert through the light hood and back out through the window insert to vent it outside.
The fan itself is at the end of this loop, sucking the warm air through the loop, and is only 7" from the window insert where it blows the warm air out.
I also have a 265cfm squirrel cage fan drawing cool air through regular 6" flexible ducting from the same window insert and pumping it directly into my grow closet (30" x 44" x 72" tall).
That fan is at the beginning of the loop (about 24" from the window insert) and blows the cool air into the grow closet through the 6" ducting.
The window is 10 feet away from the closet.
My light & fan timers are set to go on at 10-pm at night and turn off at 10-am.
If I halfway uncouple the squirrel cage fan's cool air ducting from the window insert to blend some warm air from the room into it's airflow it keeps my grow closet temperature at a constant 26c (77f), and that's measured with the temperature probe set at canopy height at the minimum distance from the glass right before where heat stress will occur (about 12").
Without uncoupling that ducting, the temperatures in the closet drops down to about 22c (71f), which is too low.
The outside temperatures at night here in Oregon this time of the year drop down to about 10c (49f).

Hope that info helps in some way.


Well-Known Member
Intensity is a good thing doob. Maybe not the best for your blood pressure, but good in most ways.

People mistake my intensity for anger, which isn't the case.
And my face is one of those faces that looks like I'm annoyed all the time, which is also not the case.
That, in addition to maintaining eye contact with people I talk to, makes most people uncomfortable with me, since I'm almost always very direct and try not to mince words. (I do have proper tact when talking with people, and good manners, but the other things seem to over ride all that and puts some people off)
Thankfully, through my lifetime of moderate eating and remaining active, my blood pressure stays at about 102/60.
When I'm stressed it jumps up to about 115/70.
Not bad for an angry old codger.

Oh, man!
My wife, two days ago asked me if I liked the movie "Grumpy Old Men".
I said it was okay, but I can't stand people who behave to each other like they did with the juvenile & spiteful "practical" jokes and mean-spirited pranks. I said something to the effect of that type of crap is fine if your in junior high or grade school, but there's no reason to be angry like that all the time.
She laughed and said I was just as grumpy as the two of them, and I said I'm not grumpy, it's just that life is too short for me to fuck around anymore, and I'm not going to put up with that kind of shit.
She laughed even harder and said I'm EXACTLY like the two guys in the movie.
Women... ;-)


Well-Known Member
I've given up. Yesterday me and my wife disagreed about something to which I said, "Well, we disagree so that means I'm wrong." I was wrong by the way. Always fucking am. It's like physics or something lol.