Club 600

Don't forget my musical heroes:


Though, they weren't out to score chicks.
But still...
So I was checking out my Extremas tonight and out of the 14, there is one that has very round, fat, indica leaves, while the rest have a more sativa look. I just found it interesting that out of that many I have one that sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm wondering if this might be the Chem Dawg side of it. Just thought I'd share that. :)
Actually, I still have the hole in my left ear and this guy does look a bit like me. That is to say his features, not his fashion. But then again, if you saw me in the mid 70's into the 80's....
Heh, I was rock & roll t-shirts under plaid flannel shirts my whole life.
Still am.
And blue jeans.
But have switched to Dockers/khakis since I'm no longer under imminent threat of having to crawl under my car/truck at any given moment.
I still have some of my old plaid shirts.
Some are from the late 80's & early 90's, and are older than a few of our younger members here in the 600. ;-)
I've got both ears pierced, but just keep small gold studs in them.
My tribe used to be big on facial piercings & tattoos:
Glad I was born 100 years too late sometimes. ;-)


Check out the bear claws for that headdress. Yeah, I did the plaid "lumber jackets" and untied construction boots for a bit. I hear you on being ready to crawl under your truck. Those dam predictable breakdowns can really throw a wrench into a perfectly good day. That's why you should always carry a buddy with you, to help push should the need arise.
maan! fuck! nothings more frustrateing than loading a bowl and going to hit it and it feels like your trying to suck air out of a black hole. and the weed burns but you dont get a satisfying, stress relieveing hit. FUCK! wheres my damn paper clip, fuck.
I'm off to the department store to see about some vinyl runner rugs (to forstall constant carpet cleaning from a pukey cat).
Before I forget:
We should take some pics of the tops of our Extrema's (top-view, looking down on them) and side view for nodal similarities, to see what pheno's we have to compare growth patterns.
I did top mine yesterday, but the leaves will still show the pheno's, and more so as the new growth takes over.
Would be interesting to see how similar they are.
Well, off the the store!
Will be back online later tonight.
I hate it when that happens, DBD!
All you want is a good toke, and you about pull a lung out trying to get the smoke through a plugged stem.
Hope you get it unclogged quick!

(now I'm off to the store)
That sounds like a good idea. I'm into that. I'm also off for a bit to watch a movie or something with the wife. I just started watching the first season of Breaking Bad on Netflix. Maybe we'll catch an episode or two of that. Catch ya's later.
thanks for feeling my pain. and good idea ill snap a pic of my extrema, im almost positive its a male. it has nice side branching , no stretch

speaking of pain, i had to leave town for almost a week, come home to two of my plants on the verge of death from lack of water, lost alot of good fan leaves.. probably slash a quarter off the yeild of each maybe more..only about half of my plants were being takin care of.. and i dont know what somebody waterd them with but it burnt the leaves in a splash spash or raindrop pattern.. shouldof probably thought that through better.
That sounds like a good idea. I'm into that. I'm also off for a bit to watch a movie or something with the wife. I just started watching the first season of Breaking Bad on Netflix. Maybe we'll catch an episode or two of that. Catch ya's later.

Damn you're just now getting to Breaking Bad?? That show rocks man..
I rolled a joint too tight that I took with me on a recent vacation. Same shiz as a plugged stem and I felt bad when dude I was sharing with lit it. Fortunately he found it funny and made some jokes so I imitated him and we both got a good laugh. I just re-rolled it and it was all good, LOL
I rolled a joint too tight that I took with me on a recent vacation. Same shiz as a plugged stem and I felt bad when dude I was sharing with lit it. Fortunately he found it funny and made some jokes so I imitated him and we both got a good laugh. I just re-rolled it and it was all good, LOL

I never was a good roller, and hadnt even rolled in 10 yrs till 4 days ago and it was my best ever, not even pregnant. Rolled one last night it was terrible..oh well I have other methods besides papers to get lit. :)
I never was a good roller, and hadnt even rolled in 10 yrs till 4 days ago and it was my best ever, not even pregnant. Rolled one last night it was terrible..oh well I have other methods besides papers to get lit. :)
Probably the best laugh I've gotten here was when my status reached "able to roll a joint". I laughed my arse off because I couldn't twist 1 up if my life depended on it!
To roll the good one I ground up a half gram approx and spread it out and used a bic pen with the paper in a taco shape and compressed it a lil and then rolled it. With just my hands it is a nightmare though!:dunce::wall:
Damn you're just now getting to Breaking Bad?? That show rocks man..
Yeah, I'm liking it so far. I haven't had TV for some time now, especially the larger cable network stuff so it takes me a while before I catch on to some stuff. Even Weeds was out for quite a while before I started getting into it. I also like the idea of being able to watch multiple episodes/season without having to draw the story out over years so Netflix or DVD's work better for me. I'm also more of a documentary/biography type guy. Watching fictional stuff is usually my second choice or something I watch with others.

I'm actually quite good at rolling doobies but I don't much like doing it and it's not my preferred way to smoke. Takes too long and too much hassle, IMO.
If it wasn't for relying on a dollar bill shaped piece of paper (or an actual dollar bill, after being double-doused in lyesol spray to try & kill the nasties) all my doobies would look like mangled wads of paper with most of the weed squeezed out.
I remember Tip Top Toker posting a vid of him hand-rolling a spliff that was a beauty to watch.
Dude's got the fingers of a surgeon, or pianist.
Made me feel like a mungo.

*with my method, I can manage to roll a perfect fattie in a little over 30-seconds.
Then I can toke on it while practicing those 20-minute long Rush songs on my bass.
Or just play the album through without having to hit the pause button on Winamp to load a bowl.
My ex mother=in=law taught me how to roll a joint when I was 17 lol. 21 years later my hands are catching up with all of the abuse they've been through. Nowadays a little extra paper helps. I can't roll for shit using whites anymore. Maybe it's because weed isn't as scarce as it was in the 90's and I twist fattys now. ;)

I really need a new bong..
Well hello again I'm back in town again after a long mountain trim trip, only came back to do a rez change then its back up I go. I hope you all are well here are a couple update pics of the Strawberry Lemon Haze Srcog in day 26 flower...


