Club 600

The color spectrum of MH bulbs will give you increased resin production. A few people on here run MH the last bit, and rotate MH and HPS throughout flower (in different ways). If you want UV light you need to buy a dedicated UV light. That's scary shit in my book. Not good for human parts. And while I'm sure the added UV light does something... if it did anything miraculous we would all be hearing about it.


i hadn't heard that one before. i love blues and jazz and rock and basically just about everything except polka music and old country.

the main guy behind youtube should be a national hero. i hope he gets much sex.
'Morning guys!
Sorry for the venting yesterday.
The chemo is really kicking my ass this time, and I've developed a migraine headache that's been going for 4 days now, and my arms have felt like they're on fire from my elbows to my fingertips to point where it keeps me from getting even the 4 hours a night I'm able to get. Then it takes a half an hour of stinging-prickly hands & fingers for them to get moving and back to "normal" before I can try to sleep again.
So while I'm forced to be awake I head out onto the internet and make the mistake of reading the comments sections, or going to a couple of the music & recording forums where it seems like grown ass men turn into unsupervised children as soon as they log in.
Decided it's just not worth it to go back to them, and I'll muddle through shit on my own like I've always done.
And I kind of get depressed as my b-day looms, because it's just a reminder that my biological mother got knocked up with some random dude on New Year's and gave me up for adoption.
I was a ward of the state of Alaska and of the Federal government (since I'm Native American) before I was even born, which really sticks in my craw to this day.
I did get lucky by being adopted by two awesome people who are my mom & dad, but it saddens me that my bio-mother didn't feel strong enough to keep me, and/or she thought I wouldn't be strong enough to take the abuse that comes from being a half-breed in a place where that makes you somehow less than human in the eyes of both whites and Natives ("Indians", I hate that fucking term).
The reality was that the prejudices were just as bad where I was raised as it was where I came from.
So it's just disappointing to me on so many levels, that I prefer to just let my b-day pass by.
And this year my wife is making a big deal of it and planning a big lunch out, and she ordered some kind of present for me (no idea what), and I keep telling her that my birthday is just another day of the year to me, and I wish everyone would treat it as such. I've got my parents "trained" to not make a big deal of it, but the wife is another matter.
So yesterday was just one of those days.
I know it could be far worse.
And I do have the Sanctuary of the 600 to put a smile on my ugly mug, even on those dark days.
And just want to let you all know how much I appreciate you all.
they look nice spoons. good job.

give some details.

how long in veg?
how big a pot were they in while they were in veg?
what genetics?
size of room

thanks man, well they have been in veg for jus over 8 weeks and they where in 3 gallon pots whilst in veg getting fed with coco A and B. im growing them in my spare room atm (going into my attick this weekend for budding) the room they veged in was about 9ftx12ftx9ft.nd not 100% on genetics i got them as cuttings and was told it was afgahn.
I know it must hurt to think your bio-mom couldn't handle you, but I'm quite glad she decided to give birth to you as my life (and all the lives you are in and around) are better for having you in it.

("Indians", I hate that fucking term).

I hate it too. A LOT.

The poor cat is still kicking. He's been laying on my lap all morning (which isn't a good sign). He doesn't like people all that much, the idea of having him on my lap is like going out and finding a wild cuyote and plopping him on my lap. We trust each other though.

It got me thinking yesterday how it is that I like cats so darn much. What I came to was something to do with trust and pure love (or whatever you want to call it). With people I tend to like and/or love them based on who they are, their personality and such. If I think someones a complete jerk, I probably won't spend much time with them. And vise versa, if someone things I'm nuts, or a dick, they will probably not spend much time with me. And even if people do like each other we (as people) tend to do strange things, like get tired of people, or start questioning peoples motives.

What seems to be different about cats (to me) is that we really don't care that much about each others personalities. I can tell the cats I love them 800 times a day and they don't care. If I told my wife that she would tell me to shut the fuck up after about 25 times. And I'm sure sometimes I say shit on here that you guys just think, 'well, that's jig... kinda nutty', and that's cool. But that's what I love about the cats. They don't wonder why I'm coming over to pet them, they just take the pettings. And if they don't want the pets they walk away. And I'm not left thinking "now why did they walk away, is it because I forgot to return their call the other day". I just know they don't want pets. I can trust their intentions (or something like that). And they trust me. They also forgive (maybe just forget, but ain't it the same). I can not play with big boy for 3 weeks, but everyday he'll still ask to play. He just wants to play. He doesn't think I'm a dick for not playing.

I can just be me around cats, and I know that they take me just like I am. And I take the as they are. It's nice.

Oh, and my clones are looking good. So that's cool.

Also, I saw a friend I hadn't seen in at least 15 years. Was really good time. We spent the afternoon talking over good mexican food and walking around USC (his alma mater). Holy shit!!!! That fucking campus is amazing. I know it sounds rediculous, but I really get why they charge as much as they do. $37,000 a year tuition. Woah. My buddy changed his name and wanted a new diploma with the name change on it. $275 for a new piece of paper.

Gotta love facebook for the occasional awesome time.
I know it must hurt to think your bio-mom couldn't handle you, but I'm quite glad she decided to give birth to you as my life (and all the lives you are in and around) are better for having you in it.

I hate it too. A LOT.

The poor cat is still kicking. He's been laying on my lap all morning (which isn't a good sign). He doesn't like people all that much, the idea of having him on my lap is like going out and finding a wild cuyote and plopping him on my lap. We trust each other though.

It got me thinking yesterday how it is that I like cats so darn much. What I came to was something to do with trust and pure love (or whatever you want to call it). With people I tend to like and/or love them based on who they are, their personality and such. If I think someones a complete jerk, I probably won't spend much time with them. And vise versa, if someone things I'm nuts, or a dick, they will probably not spend much time with me. And even if people do like each other we (as people) tend to do strange things, like get tired of people, or start questioning peoples motives.

What seems to be different about cats (to me) is that we really don't care that much about each others personalities. I can tell the cats I love them 800 times a day and they don't care. If I told my wife that she would tell me to shut the fuck up after about 25 times. And I'm sure sometimes I say shit on here that you guys just think, 'well, that's jig... kinda nutty', and that's cool. But that's what I love about the cats. They don't wonder why I'm coming over to pet them, they just take the pettings. And if they don't want the pets they walk away. And I'm not left thinking "now why did they walk away, is it because I forgot to return their call the other day". I just know they don't want pets. I can trust their intentions (or something like that). And they trust me. They also forgive (maybe just forget, but ain't it the same). I can not play with big boy for 3 weeks, but everyday he'll still ask to play. He just wants to play. He doesn't think I'm a dick for not playing.

I can just be me around cats, and I know that they take me just like I am. And I take the as they are. It's nice.

Oh, and my clones are looking good. So that's cool.

Also, I saw a friend I hadn't seen in at least 15 years. Was really good time. We spent the afternoon talking over good mexican food and walking around USC (his alma mater). Holy shit!!!! That fucking campus is amazing. I know it sounds rediculous, but I really get why they charge as much as they do. $37,000 a year tuition. Woah. My buddy changed his name and wanted a new diploma with the name change on it. $275 for a new piece of paper.

Gotta love facebook for the occasional awesome time.
i feel the same about dogs. Never owned a cat, i don't think i like them much as my own pet.
'Morning guys!
Sorry for the venting yesterday.
The chemo is really kicking my ass this time, and I've developed a migraine headache that's been going for 4 days now, and my arms have felt like they're on fire from my elbows to my fingertips to point where it keeps me from getting even the 4 hours a night I'm able to get. Then it takes a half an hour of stinging-prickly hands & fingers for them to get moving and back to "normal" before I can try to sleep again.
So while I'm forced to be awake I head out onto the internet and make the mistake of reading the comments sections, or going to a couple of the music & recording forums where it seems like grown ass men turn into unsupervised children as soon as they log in.
Decided it's just not worth it to go back to them, and I'll muddle through shit on my own like I've always done.
And I kind of get depressed as my b-day looms, because it's just a reminder that my biological mother got knocked up with some random dude on New Year's and gave me up for adoption.
I was a ward of the state of Alaska and of the Federal government (since I'm Native American) before I was even born, which really sticks in my craw to this day.
I did get lucky by being adopted by two awesome people who are my mom & dad, but it saddens me that my bio-mother didn't feel strong enough to keep me, and/or she thought I wouldn't be strong enough to take the abuse that comes from being a half-breed in a place where that makes you somehow less than human in the eyes of both whites and Natives ("Indians", I hate that fucking term).
The reality was that the prejudices were just as bad where I was raised as it was where I came from.
So it's just disappointing to me on so many levels, that I prefer to just let my b-day pass by.
And this year my wife is making a big deal of it and planning a big lunch out, and she ordered some kind of present for me (no idea what), and I keep telling her that my birthday is just another day of the year to me, and I wish everyone would treat it as such. I've got my parents "trained" to not make a big deal of it, but the wife is another matter.
So yesterday was just one of those days.
I know it could be far worse.
And I do have the Sanctuary of the 600 to put a smile on my ugly mug, even on those dark days.
And just want to let you all know how much I appreciate you all.
Hope it all gets right for you, i can tell you are stressed bu everything going on. I hope things start to tighten up, and remember shit could be a lot worse;)
'Morning guys!
Sorry for the venting yesterday.
The chemo is really kicking my ass this time, and I've developed a migraine headache that's been going for 4 days now, and my arms have felt like they're on fire from my elbows to my fingertips to point where it keeps me from getting even the 4 hours a night I'm able to get. Then it takes a half an hour of stinging-prickly hands & fingers for them to get moving and back to "normal" before I can try to sleep again.
So while I'm forced to be awake I head out onto the internet and make the mistake of reading the comments sections, or going to a couple of the music & recording forums where it seems like grown ass men turn into unsupervised children as soon as they log in.
Decided it's just not worth it to go back to them, and I'll muddle through shit on my own like I've always done.
And I kind of get depressed as my b-day looms, because it's just a reminder that my biological mother got knocked up with some random dude on New Year's and gave me up for adoption.
I was a ward of the state of Alaska and of the Federal government (since I'm Native American) before I was even born, which really sticks in my craw to this day.
I did get lucky by being adopted by two awesome people who are my mom & dad, but it saddens me that my bio-mother didn't feel strong enough to keep me, and/or she thought I wouldn't be strong enough to take the abuse that comes from being a half-breed in a place where that makes you somehow less than human in the eyes of both whites and Natives ("Indians", I hate that fucking term).
The reality was that the prejudices were just as bad where I was raised as it was where I came from.
So it's just disappointing to me on so many levels, that I prefer to just let my b-day pass by.
And this year my wife is making a big deal of it and planning a big lunch out, and she ordered some kind of present for me (no idea what), and I keep telling her that my birthday is just another day of the year to me, and I wish everyone would treat it as such. I've got my parents "trained" to not make a big deal of it, but the wife is another matter.
So yesterday was just one of those days.
I know it could be far worse.
And I do have the Sanctuary of the 600 to put a smile on my ugly mug, even on those dark days.
And just want to let you all know how much I appreciate you all.

Keep your head up Doob, you're a strong mofo, even tougher than you think you are. I thought your rant was rather poetic and I enjoyed it as I related to it in my own way. I certainly can't relate to the intricacies of your health problems or your birth and adoption, but I will say this. Whether you condemn your birth mother or not, she really did give you a gift and made a sacrifice to do so considering the options. Perhaps its not just your gift but the gift is for all of the people that you've blessed with your friendship and companionship during your life.

I'm totally with you on the birthday deal though. I'm content with a happy birthday from 5 people in my life, I don't want a party or any of that. A beer and a meal and I'm good, now lets move on to tomorrow. Now women, holy shit they want something special for a whole goddamned month of their birthday. Its so annoying to me lol. Party planning, announcements discussion blablabla.

Feel better Doob, the 600 wouldn't be the same without you regardless of your mood. We like you like that!

EDIT: Now just look at that ASS!

i used to think i was the only one wit a disfunctional family till i found out they are all disfunctional in some way

stay up
stay positive
stay high
Thanks guys!
I'm working on moving forward, always.
Will never quit or give up (just not options for me, ever).
I think I've been more of a hassle to those who do know me, but I never hesitate to put myself in the line of danger for a stranger (Hey: that rhymed!), so maybe that's my main purpose.
Or was.
Or maybe still will be.
I'm not dead yet. ;-)
Sometimes I kind of feel like Lt. Dan before his redemption.
Like I should have died (several times) in combat, as a civilian and in uniform, and when it didn't happen I felt cheated.
How fucked up is that?
Part of that feeling came from the out-of-body experiences while "dead" twice.
The first time I wasn't aware of what was happening and "came back".
The second time I knew what was happening and resigned myself to my fate, and then "came back".
I got to tell you, dying isn't so bad.
It's a lot easier than life.
More quiet & peaceful, but probably a lot more boring, too. ;-)

But I guess I've still got things to do, so here I am.

In case any out there haven't already watched this one:

"The Grow Show - THC, UVB and Me"

I too feel I should have died quite a few times, but instead of me being cheated, I feel that I was the one cheating death from catching me. Not like it was my doing or anything, just that I got away with one (or ten). I only have one tattoo. It's a skeleton riding a horse. I should be dead, but I'm still riding.

My friend I hung out with yesterday was in the army. He crashed doing some freestyle motocross jump, was in a coma for 3 weeks and has a titanium rod holding each femur together. His unit got deployed a couple weeks after he woke up. I can imagine someone in that situation feeling guilty that they are staying home while the rest of the boys are in harms way. I'd feel lucky. Guess that's why I'm not the best team player.

Doob... even when you are doing nothing but being yourself, you inspire others to be themselves. Self expression isn't too easy for many people, and when those folks get a load of you doing your thing some little part of them wants to start singing and have fun.
dont worry you will die when its your time
not a minuet before or after
my creator dot tell usthe time cause we will fret it and cant handle the knowing

so lets just live till its time to die bros

we will all die one day its the only way out
we already signed the contract to enter this life
we were foooled they promissed good times lafter love happyness getin high all the good
they did not mention the pain the tears and the last page of contract in tiny writing is we all gona die

but to late and contract is binding

I an I
Thanks guys!
I'm working on moving forward, always.
Will never quit or give up (just not options for me, ever).
I think I've been more of a hassle to those who do know me, but I never hesitate to put myself in the line of danger for a stranger (Hey: that rhymed!), so maybe that's my main purpose.
Or was.
Or maybe still will be.
I'm not dead yet. ;-)
Sometimes I kind of feel like Lt. Dan before his redemption.
Like I should have died (several times) in combat, as a civilian and in uniform, and when it didn't happen I felt cheated.
How fucked up is that?
Part of that feeling came from the out-of-body experiences while "dead" twice.
The first time I wasn't aware of what was happening and "came back".
The second time I knew what was happening and resigned myself to my fate, and then "came back".
I got to tell you, dying isn't so bad.
It's a lot easier than life.
More quiet & peaceful, but probably a lot more boring, too. ;-)

But I guess I've still got things to do, so here I am.


dude ur fucking insperational, much respect :)
I guess when you get right down to it, unless you actually did commit suicide, we all fight the good fight right up until the end.
I figure I've got a book to write.
A movie to write and make.
A few hundred paintings left to do.
Some music to write and play.
Some more cats to rescue.
And ONE of these days I'll learn how to grow some stink-stank-stunkity krunkilicious goodness!
In the meantime, another blast from the past from the world's greatest white R&B and Soul band ever known to mankind:
