CNN really pro pot this weekend


Well-Known Member
They've been interviewing celebs all weekend, extolling the medical and economic advantages for legalization. Especially Don Lemon.


Well-Known Member
Yeah even Fox news has been kicking around MMJ news and legalization. Ran a story about Colorado, and how important it will be for the presidential race. Obama has made it clear, he will not legalize it, so im hoping Mitt will flip flop for the votes.


Well-Known Member
yeah with recent poles saying 50% of America are ok with legalizing MJ, it would be smart to evolve. He doesn't have to fully commit, all he has to say is it should be a state decision and can get the votes and stay out of it. I never underestimate a desperate politician!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Mitt can ignore MMJ and just let the votes melt away from Obama on the issue. Obama is the one who is "expected" to be pro MMJ, not Romney.


Active Member
Doesn't matter anyway Obama is going to be elected no matter what. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just flat out ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Fox news also, they hammered out how much the gov would get in tax rev if they allowed it. Was very pro weed and was suprised to see it on fox news to be honest. Good piece.


Well-Known Member
Mitt can always just say he's for the state's right to choose on MMJ. That way he wouldn't come out as being pro-MMJ just pro-state's rights, and conservatives eat that shit up.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Not happening. He doesn't want to piss off his magical underwear.
The sun will burn out before he flip-flops on marijuana legalization. It's not his underwear he's afraid of pissing off. It's the pharmaceutical industry, private prison industry, LEO "war on drugs" machine, NRA (moar guns!), etc., etc.. His stock portfolio decides his political convictions.