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How do you deal with the smell if not venting out?
Hello everybody sorry for the delay but its finally here between finals, this whole grow up, And working on opening a business god dam havent been this busy in a while. Anyways the ladys are in budding and looking more beautiful then ever. (UPDATE the chiller u see here is no longer there we tried running a 55gallon rez with a 1/3 hp chiller with 2 1000watt fresca sols FAIL. temps went down to 73 when light where off once those 2 bad boys clicked on with in 3 4 hour temps were up to 90+. So if you ever go liquid lumens/fresa sol. Do you self a favor get a BIG ASS rez. We bought a 275gallon tote today that was 4x4x4 so we dug a 4x3x4 hole reather fast bout hour and a half. Put it in there sealed it up with the extra soil. Filled it up tossed the pumps in there 2 little holes in the walls for the hoses and BOOM temps stay at 65-68 degrees with 2 1000watts running for 12 HOURS YES 12 HOURS. No active cool needed just relying on good old natural resources. Free and VERY effective). When the summer comes were probally gonna end up investing in a 1hp chiller or more well see what works. The pics of the new rez set up will be up shortly. Now sit back roll a blizzy and enjoy.
Dood, I'm telling ya, build one like mine. It was 100 degrees outside and it pulls mine down to 65 easy. Plus when it fails, I just toss it and spend another 100 bucks. You can get a 10kbtu unit for 200 bucks. Would equal more than a 1hp unit. If you know much about refrigeration, you can see that the components are all exactly the same just in a different configuration. The heatexchanger has lots more surface area than the titanium coils in the chillers, so they are more effecient. Just not to be used for your plant rez.
Been running 24/7 since March.
How do you deal with the smell if not venting out?
It's like a dirty diaper sealed in a bag, the smell is sealed in. You can use a carbon scrubber in the room if you want to keep it from spilling out when you open the door and to keep the air clean.
Hmm you know what i think i just might. I might just toss it into the 275 gallon tote i buried last night. In no mood to get that thing back out hehe. Here soon in bout 2 weeks im gonna be running all 4 1000 watters so i know im gonna need some extra active cooling. Would u mind either posting more detailed instructions on how to do it excatlly or pm me bout it? Would be greatly appreaciated.
I don't think i would try to install it in an underground rez, just pass your rez water through it. Maybe a 20 gallon icechest. Basically all that you do is take the housing off of the AC unit, remove the styrofoam partitions that are in it, then bend the heat exchanger out and down so you can insert it into your rez. Took me all of about five minutes. You want to get the units without the electronic controls. You also put the thermocoupler in the rez with it, and the thermostat works exactly like it supposed to. I went to walmart, bought one and experimented with it with the intention of putting back together and returning it if I screwed it up. I was amazed at how easy it went and how well it worked. I had 100 gallons of 100 degree water and the heat of summer right around the corner. I had to do something fast. within an hour I had 65 degree water and have ever since. I also like the fact that it is now just a consumable item, just like a bulb. replace it every year or 2 just to assure uninterupted chilling. You could even setup a redundent system with 2 of the 100 units. Just go buy one and hack! If you have the chops to set up that room of yours, I have every confidence you can figure this simple one out.
100 bucks is worth the gamble, trust me it works!
Ahh it sounds ez enough that for sure. Im gonna go to walmart 2maro in the morning and buy a cheapo ac just to screw with it a bit. I might set up that 55gallon drum again and. Set it up to where the water comes from the underground rez to the drum which is gonna have the diy chiller in it then to the lights hmm i wonder how that will work out. Why not just install it in the undergroud rez? it would still work wouldent it?
The AC is going to create heat. You need to be able to place the heat exchanger in your rez and leave the other portion of the unit somewhere venting heat energy. If it were to literally go in your rez, bad things would happen. Its a stripped down window AC unit. A portion of the unit is submersible but the rest of it is NOT! I suppose if u have some kind of rack in your rez to place it on maybe...but still your containing heat in a closed system...prolly not gonna be good.
yea it would be a bitch to put it in the ground. If I we're doing it, I would use an above ground and circulate the rez water on a seperate circuit. you could pump it right over the exchanger in a 20 gallon ice chest and let gravity drain it back down. It would give you enough capacity with your ground cooling. I'm quite certain mine will handle 2 1ks and my co2, in the event it struggles in the summer, I'll just add a second ac unit to it.
Ya but what would be the benefits of me pulling it out of ground its a big ass tote hehe.Not gonna lie after what we went through putting it in there last thing i wanna do it take it back out. I see it more benefitial if i leave it in the ground then im getting 2 sources of cooling for the big ass rez at the same time. Im building a shed over it tommaro to make it look nice and gonna build shelfs in it where im sure i can put the ac unit it self on. Also gonna run 1 inch pvc pipes instead of all the black half inch tubeing.Gonna have pics of that once its set up.
( )
its the white tote with the metal frame around it when u scroll down to the bottom of the page.
So let me know what ya think. Would i be able to make this work with the underground rez. Or is taking it out a necessity.
Sutra! I love u mang!!! Omg... Ive been looking for some cheap Res's for a while This is right in my area bro. Thx so much!!!! PM me btw if u might be interested in swapping out some strains sometime.
Lol i think ill be buying one of the metal barrels also for the summer....Will be grillin all summer long O.O
i'm really liking your op, bro.
i'm thinking you should seal your floors with primer sealer, or lay linoleum down. that osb comes apart when wet. it can handle a little, but if you have a leak its gonna be fucked. just seems like a potential problem, down the road. KILZ primer sealer is cheap, you could pour it out and smooth with a roller. probly cost you $30
umm i want to live inside your room haha and never leave have an extra couch lol your setup looks awesome im gonna have tosub this thread
Hey guy, how come you went with the Liquid Lumens over the IceBox? I'm having a really hard time deciding on which to go with...
With the Liquid Lumens you do away with fan noise, which is amazing.
With the IceBox you don't have to run an a/c and it can cool your rez.
I think I'm leaning towards the icebox but let me know your opinion.
Main reason i went with it is because i wanted to try something new. Not a lot of people were going with them and still arent and i just dont seem why. There is virtually 0 noise coming out of my grow room and im running 4 1000 watts and 2 aerflo 30 site trays. My room temp hasent gotten over 75degrees in the whole room. I live in cali so are night might be a little chilly here but are days are still pretty warm. I use to run 2 1000 watts aircooled and always ran into problems with heating temps. Also with the liquid lumens i havent ran my ac once so far. In my veg room i got 2 8 bulb 4 foot fixers 1 4 bulb 2 foot and some randoms and i use my ac more in that room then my budding room with the 4 1000watt liquid lumens. . They might be just a little bit tricky to put up but once u get the kinks out of them they work simply amazing. I dont work for them or anything like that this is all said from my own personall experience. There generally ez to put up. No noise, temp problems solved, plants seem to love them. And since there no temp problems i can run my ac a lot less and fans so co2 was a lot ezder to dial in and my bill auctually has gone down a bit. Hope this helps a lil let me know if you have any more questions. Happy Growing.