co2 in conjunction with a/c?


Active Member
i have a question about using co2 in conjunction with ac. i have a "semi sealed" indoor op with a portable a/c and a wall mount a/c. i like to keep the room cool (70-72 degrees) because i am growing a couple of purple strains. i also am using co2 with co2 monitor.

my problem is that when i use the co2 and a/c at the same time, the a/c sucks exhausts out the air and my co2 tanks is empty within a couple of days. is there anyway to run the co2 and a/c at the same time??


i have read and heard that as long as there is a 10 degree difference in temps during night and day the last 2 weeks or so of the flowering period, then that is all u need for the purple strains to turn purple? does anyone have any real life experience with this method? thank you for your time.


New Member
The window air conditioner does not exhaust room air. Some portable airconditioners ie single hose portables, do exhaust room air and should not be used in a grow room for airconditioning for cooling if using bottled CO2. They can be used as a dehumidifier though by just not installing the hose to exhaust out side. Just use a line current humidistat as a controller by powering the portable through the humidistat and leaving the portable controller set on its coldest setting (or rip out or bypass its thermostat all together). As long as you have a good water/nutrient system and high intensity lighting and using CO2 you can run up to 90 degrees with 1500 to 2000 ppm of CO2.

If you want blue coloration just let your light free period drop down 15 to 20 degrees colder than during the day when the lights are on.

It is the temperature differential between day and night that cause the coloration changes. Well that and a phenotype that is prone to color changes. However being prone to color changes due to temperature stress still means the palnts must receive that temperature strain to change colors. Running 70 to 75 day and night will not produce blue or purple coloration if the day time tempas are also 70 to 75 degrees. If you have cold day time temps of 70 to 75 degrees then you will need night time temps 15 to 20 degrees colder than that. Most people do not supply 55 to 60 degree temps at night as their homes are heated at night to temps warmer than that. For blue or purple coloration base your day time temperatures on what you are supplying at night. Try to make the day time temps 15 to 20 degrees warmer than night temps.

If you want full purple or ice blue it requires more than just a week or two to obtain those colors. For those Afghani/indica crosses that turm almost baby blue I run the entire budding cycle with a 15 to 20 degree night time temperature drop. Blue and purple plants are lower yielding plants, usually just mid range potency (10 to 12%), but some people consider them a connoisseur bud. and almost beg for them. I figure if I am going to grow then the THC levels ought to be at least 18% to 22% to make it worth while.


Well-Known Member
i have a question about using co2 in conjunction with ac. i have a "semi sealed" indoor op with a portable a/c and a wall mount a/c. i like to keep the room cool (70-72 degrees) because i am growing a couple of purple strains. i also am using co2 with co2 monitor.

my problem is that when i use the co2 and a/c at the same time, the a/c sucks exhausts out the air and my co2 tanks is empty within a couple of days. is there anyway to run the co2 and a/c at the same time??


i have read and heard that as long as there is a 10 degree difference in temps during night and day the last 2 weeks or so of the flowering period, then that is all u need for the purple strains to turn purple? does anyone have any real life experience with this method? thank you for your time.
From everything ive ever read to take advantage of co2 you should be running your room around 85degrees