COB build flickering again..

Perfect, your on your way Al. What a freaking awesome community we have to learn from. Your going to be a flickering SME before much longer :P
Also beware the alligator clips, they can short to heatsink, short to each other and can cause intermittent connection while testing. I have had to resort to custom made leads with wrapped slide connectors for testing current to try and get a solid safe connection that will maintain the circuit if moved during testing.
Also beware the alligator clips, they can short to heatsink, short to each other and can cause intermittent connection while testing. I have had to resort to custom made leads with wrapped slide connectors for testing current to try and get a solid safe connection that will maintain the circuit if moved during testing.
@SupraSPL thanks for the tip, you and @Getgrowingson support has propelled me headlong into learning all of this and I am truly thankful for that.
Does this look like I'll have any of the problems you mentioned?IMG_20150927_171612.jpg
Turned it on... Nothing at all. The fans go obviously but the lights are a no. And no read out on the meter. So I unhooked the leads and fixed the cut and checked the light.. Still works, still flickers. Removed the alligator clips and wrapped the wire around the leads with pliers and then electrical taped them up. Turned it on and no lights and no read out again...

Any ideas?
Flip it! Seriously AL your good to go. Red in the 10 ADC, Black in COM. Wires are correct. I've missed a big section of action but I'm blamin' those COB holders. I just never trusted that design. We'll see.
I'll solder the damned things then. I'm actually pretty good with a gun.. If it's the holders I'll be pissed! I've drilled and tapped ten of those fuckers!
I'll solder the damned things then. I'm actually pretty good with a gun.. If it's the holders I'll be pissed! I've drilled and tapped ten of those fuckers!
I didn't mean to distract you AL. There is a way to check your connections with the DMM but let's see what your amperage is first. And since Sup is online I'd do it soon :).
I didn't mean to distract you AL. There is a way to check your connections with the DMM but let's see what your amperage is first. And since Sup is online I'd do it soon :).
I can't get the lights to turn on or the meter to read with the meter inline.. I assume that DMM = Multimeter?