Did I say 2 or 3 weeks? Yawn...
Ah fuck it, I'm done. I chopped them down and pulled the whole thing apart.
My rubbermaid bins filled with wet soil were heavy as hell. There was no way to hold it up and take a picture at the same time, so I couldn't snap one until I had dragged the beast into the back yard and dumped the soil out of it. That action ripped all the water roots out... leaving not much to be photographed. I did get a glimpse of how they formed, and I had other clues... like the fact that when I pulled the air stones out they were wrapped in roots. It turns out I had almost no roots growing through my wick, which is where I had expected to find them. The clump that existed found their way around the water fill tube -- which is where the line to the air stones ran in -- and appear to have grown entirely in the channel of air coming off the stone. I learned a lot from this, next time -- like
@SomeGuy -- I'll definitely increase the amount of air I'm putting in.
It's all hanging up to dry. This run was nothing to write home about in terms of quantity or quality for that matter. It'll do, there will be enough good medicine to carry us, but as a grower I'm not impressed with any aspect of it. I don't blame the SIPs, they were experimental and worked as well as I made them. I'll try some different genetics next time, something I'm more familiar with. I'll add larger and more air stones. I'll put the plants into the SIPs much younger. And on a different note, I'll trim them much better, I had too many thin branches with small buds, especially on the BB#3. I got off to a bad start vegging them too long and moving them into the SIPs when they were too big, and it threw off my game.
Another run come and gone.