Coco Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
Looked like rockwool and clay pebbels to me lol, wheres the coco?
Yeah that setup looks like a beast to clean up to much work. Why not just put them in they own pots so you can rotate and move plants or remove one if it gets sick? Just wondering because its a drip system you can use taller pots for the plants if you wanna grow them bigger.

Just a thought I run a drip system and having all the hydroton in the tray like that is a bitch and not worth it you could have gotten the same results with just rockwool or coco slabs and leaving the hydroton out your plants arent that big to need all that medium. Could be growing trees with all that hydroton in the tray lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that setup looks like a beast to clean up to much work. Why not just put them in they own pots so you can rotate and move plants or remove one if it gets sick? Just wondering because its a drip system you can use taller pots for the plants if you wanna grow them bigger.

Just a thought I run a drip system and having all the hydroton in the tray like that is a bitch and not worth it you could have gotten the same results with just rockwool or coco slabs and leaving the hydroton out your plants arent that big to need all that medium. Could be growing trees with all that hydroton in the tray lol.

I am still new to the scene but it doesn't look to be something I would nor would majority of the folks here. With that much space if used efficiently you can be growing way bigger and have a nice perpetual going. Anyhow it is a nice place, I wish I had a spot like that.


Well-Known Member
I am still new to the scene but it doesn't look to be something I would nor would majority of the folks here. With that much space if used efficiently you can be growing way bigger and have a nice perpetual going. Anyhow it is a nice place, I wish I had a spot like that.
His results would double atleast if he gave them they own pots or just layed coco or rockwool slabs down clean up would take 5 seconds is all im saying for the same if not better results with the slabs. They make slabs just for those trays if not cut them to fit if using hydrton put them in pots so you can take advantage of it.

Not trying to bash his setup its nice I just feel for the guy when clean up comes around that shit sucks. Slabs you just throw away and buy new ones for next to nothing I mean he lives in cali nearest hydro store is prolly 10 minutes away.


Well-Known Member
Coco is all I use for my plants :P Check it out
dude are you serious!?!? what happened to being discreet?
sounds like that guy is doing more boasting and bragging, than growing. yea he has 100 kush clones but he acts like he's running the city.
major watse of time watching this, dude stop advertising letting any any everybody know who you are what you do. cause it aint the cops you got to worry about. it's the so called "cool motherfuckers" that will cut your throat, put you in a cross, or set you up. so dude, hide your face, and keep you grow a secret.

it didn't just look like it Mr. West, that is all it was
just rockwool and clay rocks.



Well-Known Member
^^^ exactly what i thought. even if i was legal i wouldnt let on like that. lookin to get stuck up like a punk...
definitely right don. it's not like it was when i was younger. when as far as weed was concerned, every body showed love. but now people are going buck wild and killing over some damn weed like they were doing in the 80's and early 90's over cocaine, it's crazy. aside from the very, very few people(3) i know that grow, nobody knows what i do. and noone has ever stepped foot in my grow room, or knows that i do my thing at home. but that is just from the wonderful experiences that i've had with "FRIENDS" fucking me over.
"Ummm, the feel of it!!!"


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
what size pots you all flower in?

i generally pot up twice in veg then once as i flip 12/12. i recently went up to 11L and the last run i've just done when i opened up the rootball the plant hadn't really used all the coco. im thinking of cutting right down to maybe 6L.

so what does everyone roll with?

mr west

Well-Known Member
im using a mix of 11lts and 6.5ltrs i find the 6.5ltrs easier to get run off with. I only got 8 of each size pots and im using all of them at the min i need to buy some more lol.


Well-Known Member
you know how I roll with it Don.....4L

But I would prefer to be in 6L pots and reckon you would do very well in them.........especially 6L air pots! :) I reckon that has to be equivilant to 11L pots anyway, with the more efficient root mass.

The biggest benefit for me being in smaller pots is that I don't need a SHIT load of water to flush and you can correct nutrient doses very quickly as the plants are drinking so quick. Little and often.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i literally not an hour ago ordered myself 10 x 6l airpots :)

yours are going great guns in 4L but i think 6 should be just spot on!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looks like there's a wait on them but only till next week!!!

Thanks for your order! Unfortunately, the company who produce the Air-Pot has had their machine down recently which has delayed production. It is running again now and our order is priority. We are expecting to have our stock arrive over the week starting the 19th. Unless you want to cancel this order, we will ship out to you as soon as we have them in again and email you the moment they leave us.

Please feel free to contact us if you would rather not wait.

I will also pass on your request for Boobs to be added to our product range. I think it’s a great idea but will have to see what our purchasing team think!



Well-Known Member
looks like there's a wait on them but only till next week!!!

Thanks for your order! Unfortunately, the company who produce the Air-Pot has had their machine down recently which has delayed production. It is running again now and our order is priority. We are expecting to have our stock arrive over the week starting the 19th. Unless you want to cancel this order, we will ship out to you as soon as we have them in again and email you the moment they leave us.

Please feel free to contact us if you would rather not wait.

I will also pass on your request for Boobs to be added to our product range. I think it’s a great idea but will have to see what our purchasing team think!

LOL....that's the story I got about 6 weeks ago....they told me two to three weeks wait back then. I cancelled my order after 2 weeks. Might have to get my pre-order in again now though. I want them for my next flowering cycle.


There's no need to keep it secret, doc. Best believe I'm prepared for anythin'. Last time a dude tried playin' around on some robbin' ish, he ended up in ER.


Well-Known Member
There's no need to keep it secret, doc. Best believe I'm prepared for anythin'. Last time a dude tried playin' around on some robbin' ish, he ended up in ER.
Wow!!!! so that's how you choose to live?
yea bro that's fucked up. i'm just curious, why would you put yourself in a situation where you could get killed or have you kill somebody else? is it because you want to be popular? that's childish man and down right ignorant. see it's people like you; loud talking, gun totting, wanna be gangsters that wanna be famous and think they are the next weed czar to step on the scene, with a wack ass mentality, that make it hard for every fucking body else to finally get out of the grow closet and get this stuff legalized. because as long as it is assholes on the street willing to put themselves in the line of fire for some small piece of the lime light, that's how long it's gonna take for the powers that be to lift the ban. now i aint gonna lie, if someone broke into my house i would defend myself. but if that robber found out i was growing weed, it would be because he saw it when he came into my house. not because it's plastered on youtube, and obviously in your case, all around the hood. now i don't know you and you don't know me, but i'm gonna tell you something and you take this from a man with some years under his belt; you need to get your shit together. because whether it's sitting your ass in jail, or laying face down tasting your own blood mixed with dirt, i guarantee you that your last thoughts are gonna be "that it was not worth it". i 'm telling you man, it may not be my place, but with that mentality, you fucking make me sick.
