Coco Growers Unite!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey jberry font of all coco knowledge :lol: whats the score with re using coco? ive done it 3 or 4 tims using the same stuff now and had no probs is there a limit to it or can i just continue re using

i flush after using things like Humboldt gravity and purple maxx so i figure why waste the micro life?


Well-Known Member
Canna says 8 months up to 1 year... if you have never had any bugs or molds or anything bad in the coco, then you might be able to just keep on trucking, but idk for sure what the risks are.

i only use it twice fyi.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmm 8 months up to a year eh i smell marketing at play... haha thanks for the info man i reckon like you say if it aint broke then why change it!?

id hate for things to go tits up at 8 months and a day tho! ill see how things go for now i guess


Well-Known Member
yea, could very well be marketing. my concerns would be, is the coco still holding as much oxygen? are any of the buffers still in the coco or still working? could the coco get too decomposed and start to effect PH in the root zone? idk?

the biggest concern is pests/eggs, molds/fungus, and diseases... if you have had any of those problems in the past, then i would seriously think twice about reusing the coco.

Also, some products like Shooting Powder will ruin the coco when it comes to reusing it, because it is so hard to wash out before the next crop (this is the reason i usually cant reuse mine).

But like you said, the huge benefit of reusing the coco is that your micro colonies have a chance of really building up bigger and stronger. Also, the coco will already be generating humic and other beneficial organic acids from the get go. And you save a ton of doe $$$ if u can keep reusing it!... I have to buy close to a thousand dollars worth at a time :( coco is expensive, which is a part of the reason why i stay in 2 gallon pots (2gal. works fine for short crops like mj, but if coco was free and space was unlimited, then i might "pot up" to a 3-5 gal.)
and getting rid of the old coco when your done using it can be a problem of its own.


Well-Known Member
you dont need to use it at all, the coco itself generates humic acid once it starts to decompose... it may or may not be helping or hurting anything by adding more?... If you are going to add it, then i would do it when the coco is new (before it has a chance to generate its own)... or u may start to need it again when the coco is really really old? but i doubt it... idk?

i would say dont bother, or just use it at really low doses.


Well-Known Member
just curious, what does it do to the ppm and ph? and does it contain anything else in it besides the acid?


Well-Known Member
full strength for hydro or soiless medium use 1 tsp per quart. i use water from tap. base ppm is around 150 when humic acid is added, solution is around 200ppm. raises ph one tenth of a point at full strength base ph was 6.7 and end results were 6.8...

testing is pending

you can read about a bunch of fertilizers on this website. just choose which state you live in


shit i ddnt know u could reuse that stuff. im useing coco on my columbian skies and they lookin alright have a look if you like ther at 4 1/2 weeks flowering

mr west

Well-Known Member
shit i ddnt know u could reuse that stuff. im useing coco on my columbian skies and they lookin alright have a look if you like ther at 4 1/2 weeks flowering
love to mate wheres the link??
I just started reusing my coco for potting on an such. So far no problems, ive been using cannazine at 2.5ml/l


Well-Known Member
Here is a shot of my Bcuzz coco coir grow.....IT's da PK baby; I was thrown off by hte ph flucuations of the runn-off. It is the ph of the res that you want to have right, I would not recommend adjusting your ph based on your runoff. Depending on how often you water the fluctuuations will be more dramtic. IMO:bigjoint:




heres some pics of my columbian skies a sativa domanant plant growen in coco and hand full of perlite 4 1/2 weeks in to flowering what do you think?, any sugestions r welcom.