Coco Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
when flushing with tap water for reuse(my tap is like at 8.0ph) it sucks i know..but if i flush my coco with tap how muck would that thro off its ph..aka should i ph the water i rinse the coco out with


Active Member
hey guys im just about to start my first grow with coco, i posted this question in the hydroponics section but just saw this thread now so here goes
with using coco from what ive gathered you need a nutrient specific formula like cannca coco....because of the cal/mag issues. on the coco bricks i bought i says "Pre-buffered to prevent Calcium and Magnesium lock out" does this mean i can use a regualr hydoponic formular or did i still need a coco specific one???


You will have less worries/issues using coco nutes as obviously its made for the stuff ;)
If you do try it though keep us posted on how it pans out as i'd be interested to hear/see the results.

But if its your first grow, or your going to get upset if it does'nt go right you should just stick to manufacturers recomendations.
Hope this helps mate just my personal opinion, but others should shed some light for you to.

Its all ment to be fun Experiment if your in it as a hobby. In know way should gardening make a man sour. =)


Active Member
thanks mate i really appreciate your reply. it's my 2nd grow but 1st grow with coco. i am running 7 plants 6 in 55litre pots and 1 in 80litre pots each pot is under a 600wat light. since my hydro set up runs to waste i might hand feed them the first 2 weeks say 3 with canna coco and 3 with regular hydro nutes and see whats happens, and maybe on the 7th one ill run regular hydro nutes with a cal/mag sup or i wont adjust the Ph or ill figure something out if anyone has any suggestions id be happy to consider them but i just wanna run it for 2 to 3 weeks see which plant is the healthiest and adopt that method through out the rest of the grow.


thanks mate i really appreciate your reply. it's my 2nd grow but 1st grow with coco. i am running 7 plants 6 in 55litre pots and 1 in 80litre pots each pot is under a 600wat light. since my hydro set up runs to waste i might hand feed them the first 2 weeks say 3 with canna coco and 3 with regular hydro nutes and see whats happens, and maybe on the 7th one ill run regular hydro nutes with a cal/mag sup or i wont adjust the Ph or ill figure something out if anyone has any suggestions id be happy to consider them but i just wanna run it for 2 to 3 weeks see which plant is the healthiest and adopt that method through out the rest of the grow.

Sounds like a plan!!
Thats what its about! hey ya dont get 7 girlfriends and keep them 6 months only ever taking them to the same movie haha suprises and experiments are good for our ladys. :weed:

Im using cana coco but using canadian express nutrients cocogrow a&b nitrozyme + canadian express essential nitro. there are others but not nessacery
Works pretty good for me


Active Member
i asked canna what the downfalls of using the coco longer than 1 year was, and they told me that the coco will have less and less oxygen as it breaks down, and a year is about how long the coco will hold a acceptable amount of oxygen.

maybe after 2-3 runs you could keep using it if you started to add in some perlite? -thats what i would do if i were to use it for more than 2 cycles :leaf:

In my mix, its 60% Coco/40% Perlite. bongsmilie
Hows it going ladies and gents?

I just started reading here some days ago after my "grow-mentor" told me about this coco forum. I grow lots in soil (veggies people) and just started growing my meds outdoor in soil last year. I'm growing inside in Cana coco with Cana fertilizer.

Here's my newb thread!

Somebody tell me if I'm killing her please! My soil plants never had so much leaf curl and this girl doesn't like to stay green! WTF?!?!

Oh yeah, that's some fucking crazy GDP, too. The edges of the leaves are purpling barely 4 weeks into veg!!


Active Member
Hows it going ladies and gents?

I just started reading here some days ago after my "grow-mentor" told me about this coco forum. I grow lots in soil (veggies people) and just started growing my meds outdoor in soil last year. I'm growing inside in Cana coco with Cana fertilizer.

Here's my newb thread!

Somebody tell me if I'm killing her please! My soil plants never had so much leaf curl and this girl doesn't like to stay green! WTF?!?!

Oh yeah, that's some fucking crazy GDP, too. The edges of the leaves are purpling barely 4 weeks into veg!!
Hey Hypo,

There are a couple things that soil growers tend to do with coco, is let the medium get to dry. That is so important in coco, Jerry said you want to water when like 50% of the over all weight in the pot is gone. Or sometimes when feeding they dont do like 25%-30% run off. I love when I am feeding and just create a lot of run off to keep the medium fresh and clean, I think it helps a lot. I also use drip clean which suposidly takes out any impurities. Not saying you havent done any of these. Also have you grown this strain before? Cause maybe its just sensitive to nutes. Hope this helped.

Thanks for the reply, Saltrock. Lots of traffic here but only 1 reply....

Did you see my pics in the thread I linked to?

I think these GDP's have a different appetite. I grew a bunch of Oaksterdam strains outdoor last summer and did fine without even trying...this girl seems way more frail. Is that cuz she's indoor?

I water every other day and get decent runoff. I follow the instructions from Canna using A, B, Rhizotonic and Cannazyme. In soil I just used homemade organic compost. THis shit is just getting crazy compared to last year but its cool finally getting to do hydro...


i would ph the flush water if i were u... 8 is just too high imo
please please please

Sorry to take up room i cant figure out how to change pic size:-?:cry:

Plant one




Well-Known Member
Hate to bearer of Bad new but IMO - alittle too much light/light stress or Nitrogen...... hmm cant decide,
How old are they ??


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, Saltrock. Lots of traffic here but only 1 reply....

Did you see my pics in the thread I linked to?

I think these GDP's have a different appetite. I grew a bunch of Oaksterdam strains outdoor last summer and did fine without even trying...this girl seems way more frail. Is that cuz she's indoor?

I water every other day and get decent runoff. I follow the instructions from Canna using A, B, Rhizotonic and Cannazyme. In soil I just used homemade organic compost. THis shit is just getting crazy compared to last year but its cool finally getting to do hydro...

Hey Hypo,

I did look at the pics but I am not a good enough grower to look at a pic and be like thats the problem. I was saying some basic things that you might have left out. See I use Canna Coco and House and Garden nutes. I was also thinking my nutes recommend I use R/O water. I think that means it may have the Cal/Mag suppliment in there. So if your nutes recommend the same and you are using tap water with like 200 ppms or more then they might be getting a cal /mag overdose. But if you are using r/o water with nutes that dont have the cal/mag sup the you need to add it yourself and get the ppms up to like 200 then apply your nutes. What I did last grow was did like 75% distilled and 25% tap. Which was perfect no ppm's and I had a perfect grow. This time I went slightly bigger. So the cost of buying distilled water was to pricey, so I went a and bought a dechlorinater and desedimenter small boy filter, thinking that it would lower the ppms, but it didnt so this whole grow I was running with 200ppms with nutes that required r/o water. So this whole grow went pretty much ok, just some lower leaves dieing and some burns here and there. But I can see the effects of not have r/o water.


But, one of my Lemon skunk is either sensitive to nutes or may be have cal/ mag issues not sure. its the one on the back right super curley leaves. All the other plants are in pretty healthy shape. So next grow Im going to get an attached filter that will give me r/o water and things should be perfect again.

Also if you see that little plant I took a pic of. Its one clone from that plant that is curliing and you can see its starting to curl. I feel its just sensitive to nutes.



Well-Known Member
yea saltrock and mex, it looks like u both have a slight overdose... saltrock u may be having humidity issues?...

mex, i would let them go another week, could be longer cuz its hard to tell from the pics but it looks like they could dense up a little more... i would start watering with the minimum amount of nutes possible.


Well-Known Member
Is this an answer to my question? sorry if its not :bigjoint:
no sorry that was a statment, and a question.... :blsmoke:
Just by looking at your bud, you either a) have a light problem b) nitrogen rich feed.
Reason : to much leaf growth within the flower set.

My question was , how old are they ??? I dont think you can save them. And by the look of where you are at, and what your "environment is providing" then I would harvest before it throws more invaluable leaf through the flower set.

unless you fix your issues first I would NOT take it any further and depending age which looks like about 7 weeks ??? Anways...... I would not bother, just start over ;).


yea saltrock and mex, it looks like u both have a slight overdose... saltrock u may be having humidity issues?...

mex, i would let them go another week, could be longer cuz its hard to tell from the pics but it looks like they could dense up a little more... i would start watering with the minimum amount of nutes possible.
I started flushing just under a week ago should i start putting a bit of nutes in there?


Well-Known Member
pretty sound and logical advise from eza ^, could be leafy genetics as well but the leaves DO look like they have N overdose and may indeed be the culprit... my plants have gotten the gnarly leafy bud when i first tried using co2 and i kept the co2 going too high for too deep into flower and it was a leafy bummer lol

hopefully things work out, dont give up yet mex! I would still try to change the feeding program and see if you can get those things to harden up, but as eza said, if it keeps shooting a ton of new leaves out, it willeventually just seperate and destroy the bud... at least thats what happened with my co2 disaster... just flarffed em out :(