Coco Growers Unite!

hey, im about to go on my first coco grow, i read earlier on in the thread about the riococo and cant seem to even find the site. whats the best/ cleanest coco i can get? im just gonna hand water. sorry for not looking through it all but its 164 pages...
I use botanicare cooco straight out the bag and I've read all 164 pages Nd everyone likes different coco I also use gh nutes micro and bloom and for the guys having trouble using gh nutes the canna nutes aren't gonna fix anything because you have got to be doing something wrong they work fine with coco
ya you feed with every watering

are you boys adding coco a and b to every watering?

i love my coco i dont think il go back to soil cheack out my grow in my sig at first i was low on cash so i was just useing canna A+B without testing ph you can see they lived but wernt happy until i got my new PH meter and they toke off after i added rizo and cannazym
YeAh you use nutes every watering it's hydro yo water that shit till you get a run off or your not watering it enough I water my 3 gal pots once a day and my one gallon pots twice
Greencrack 12 days from seed gh floranutes Lucas formunla run to waste
Can't get canna here or canna nutes but the boatanicare coco is good right out the bag also and as far as I can tell it works well with either fox farms or gh nutes
I am using coco-coir from Botanicare and so far I am not sure about it... My plants grow alittle quicker, but not by much... They look the same just less amber brownish dots on the fan leaves, not sure what they are from... They have been there every grow I have done now and have ruined all my crops so far...

I am failing and need help before I go nuts... I have gone from soil to DWC to Aeroponics to DWC with Drip to Coco-Coir now.... WTF am I doing wrong...?

I have made several posting here about all my grows and no real help yet, I have tried my hardest and asked a lot of questions... I get responses and I follow them through but no luck, just the same shit and they die, turn brownish, spots on the leaves and bugs here and there... I have eliminated 90 percent of the bugs now, so thats out of the way... My setup is good from what everyone says also, so what am i doing wrong...?

Please read through my postings and please help me out if you are willing...

THANK YOU to everyone that has tired to help me through all this :)

I am using coco-coir from Botanicare and so far I am not sure about it... My plants grow alittle quicker, but not by much... They look the same just less amber brownish dots on the fan leaves, not sure what they are from... They have been there every grow I have done now and have ruined all my crops so far...

I am failing and need help before I go nuts... I have gone from soil to DWC to Aeroponics to DWC with Drip to Coco-Coir now.... WTF am I doing wrong...?

I have made several posting here about all my grows and no real help yet, I have tried my hardest and asked a lot of questions... I get responses and I follow them through but no luck, just the same shit and they die, turn brownish, spots on the leaves and bugs here and there... I have eliminated 90 percent of the bugs now, so thats out of the way... My setup is good from what everyone says also, so what am i doing wrong...?

Please read through my postings and please help me out if you are willing...

THANK YOU to everyone that has tired to help me through all this :)


first thing ill ask is do you PH your water?
I am using coco-coir from Botanicare and so far I am not sure about it... My plants grow alittle quicker, but not by much... They look the same just less amber brownish dots on the fan leaves, not sure what they are from... They have been there every grow I have done now and have ruined all my crops so far...

I am failing and need help before I go nuts... I have gone from soil to DWC to Aeroponics to DWC with Drip to Coco-Coir now.... WTF am I doing wrong...?

I have made several posting here about all my grows and no real help yet, I have tried my hardest and asked a lot of questions... I get responses and I follow them through but no luck, just the same shit and they die, turn brownish, spots on the leaves and bugs here and there... I have eliminated 90 percent of the bugs now, so thats out of the way... My setup is good from what everyone says also, so what am i doing wrong...?

Please read through my postings and please help me out if you are willing...

THANK YOU to everyone that has tired to help me through all this :)


first dont worry we are here now :) i would like to ask the same quastion as acid are you using a ph meter? from what your saying it indicates to the ph meter, if you do have one most likly its broke! show us some pics mate
Sounds like calcium/magnesium issues iz4 (brown, amber spots)... Could be caused by your pH or your tap water could be too hard, or you could just need to add some cal/mag.

Magnesium issues are very common in coco, and Calcium can be a issue as well.
I am using coco-coir from Botanicare and so far I am not sure about it... My plants grow alittle quicker, but not by much... They look the same just less amber brownish dots on the fan leaves, not sure what they are from... They have been there every grow I have done now and have ruined all my crops so far...

I am failing and need help before I go nuts... I have gone from soil to DWC to Aeroponics to DWC with Drip to Coco-Coir now.... WTF am I doing wrong...?

I have made several posting here about all my grows and no real help yet, I have tried my hardest and asked a lot of questions... I get responses and I follow them through but no luck, just the same shit and they die, turn brownish, spots on the leaves and bugs here and there... I have eliminated 90 percent of the bugs now, so thats out of the way... My setup is good from what everyone says also, so what am i doing wrong...?

Please read through my postings and please help me out if you are willing...

THANK YOU to everyone that has tired to help me through all this :)


Is there any documentation of someone using Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro in coco medium?

Not that I have ever seen... there is nothing special about the stuff other then it is on the cheap end... It should work just fine as long as you have a "drain to waste" system and get plenty of run off... You will most definitely need to supplement with cal/mag when using it in coco.

Here is the details on the foliage pro:


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (Listed In Percentages)[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1](%)[/SIZE][/FONT]
*Listed In Percentages (%):

[SIZE=-1]Total Nitrogen (N)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 9.0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 3.0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Soluble Potash (K2O)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 6.0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Calcium (Ca)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 2.0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Magnesium (Mg)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]0.5000[/SIZE][/SIZE]
Sulfur (S) 0.0
Boron (B) 0.0
Chlorine (Cl) 0.0
[SIZE=-1]Cobalt (Co)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]0.0005
[SIZE=-1]Copper (Cu) [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]0.0500[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Iron (Fe) [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]0.1000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Manganese (Mn)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0500[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Molybdenum (Mo)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0005[/SIZE]
Sodium (Na) 0.0
[SIZE=-1]Zinc (Zn)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0500[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]TOTAL METALS/CONTAMINENTS IN PRODUCT (Listed In Parts Per Million)[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1](ppm)[/SIZE][/FONT]

*Total Metals/Contaminents in Product (Listed in Parts Per Million)

[SIZE=-1]Arsenic[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 10.0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Cadmium (BAD STUFF)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.5000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Cobalt (KNOWN BENEFICIAL)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 4.6000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Mercury[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0500[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Molybdenum[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 6.8000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Nickel[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 1.9000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Lead[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 5.0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Selenium[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 10.0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Zinc[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 146.0000[/SIZE]

None of the elements are "Waste-Derived" in this fertilizer which is a good thing and that can't always be said for many other low end $ fertilizers.

If you give it a try then let us know how it works out for you... It really is just a basic pretty complete formula that should work fine but it has no extra supplements that are in some of the more pricey brands...
Some of the more expensive brands may have some beneficial ingredients such as Humic Acids, Fulvic Acids, Silica, Boron, Sulfer, Simple Sugar Carbs, L-Amino Acids, Beneficial Vitamins, Hormones, Enzymes, Plant Extracts, Organic Acids, Rare Earth Elements, Ect., Ect...
Hey guys, people have been asking so I just wanted to let everyone who cares know that i am still lurking around here and there but I only have time for RIU about once a week these days and I know i have probably missed some questions here and on other threads :sad:

If anyone really needs my help then a private message is probably the best way to grab my attention if i miss someone's question.

Im still down to help anyone who wants my help... It may take slightly longer for me to respond but i will do my best... just PM me if i miss your posts but try here first so my box doesnt get bombed to hard.

Thanks guys, hope everything is growing good ! -Peace.