Cold$moke's Frost heave

[QUOTE="Cold$moke, post: 14103408, member: 889071"...
But i still guarantee that the non defoliators
Are still pulling stuff off unless they like larf :)

Will you be removing just underbrush or giving them the full defo treatment ala grandmasterlevel style?[/QUOTE]

I always pull anything under the net .

It is tempting to leave it there but it really is just a bitch come trim time.

The top .

Im thinking ill selectivly defoliate 2 plants (plants 1 and 3 )

Because at 3 weeks i dont want anything with a height difference of more then 6 inches max.

Then with plant 2 and 4. Ill pluck those girls noticeably harder (ill make sure i pluck them enough you can see which ones are which :))

Should be fun .

If anything i will have to control my ocd so i dont over defoliate the first 2 so they match lol
Nice, I’d be interested to see which does better also.

I selectively pull leaves as well.
My thought is that it would produce more since there is both more leaves but also adaquate light coverage/penetration.

Can’t wait to see how they turn out!
Its my belief weight is determined by the overall mass of the plant.

And i find that yeilds although they look drastically different will weigh about the same when all said and done. With it mainly being a bunch of bag size nugs or a few big donkeys.

But a side by side will certainly help make any future decisions easier at least :)
I think ive decided since i am STRETCHING a single light source to the max

I may just pluck the center 2 the hardest.

Plant 1 is the biggest plant 4 is the smallest

So i dont want plant 3 to block it from light with her leaves all about.

The 2 in the middle are odly enough middle size between the other 2.

Im definitely going to have to give the big girl without a net another hair cut as well ha ha
Heres what i pulled today lol warning graphic defoliation in process :)

Got pretty much the whole under net gone

And gave the center 2 a heavy defoliation up top.
I didnt really touch plant 1 and 4 .

I will clean them up a little by week 3 but ill try not to touch them much unless i see too much larf .

Looks awesome. That right side is just bushing and bushing and bushing! Loving the canopy on the left and your lollipopping looks great underneath those nets. I just did the same thing this weekend to my other two I flipped into my flower tent. They showed pistils and calyxes!! 3 for 3 on the seeds! Seems like it’s been a great weekend for us!
Im late for bed but ill get a pic of the monster in the back she just wont stop (although unless she is speacial i wont run it again )

I took about a half of a 5 gal bucket of leaves just off the one in the back lol

All the leaves added up to about almost a full PACKED bucket :) ill grab another room shot tomorrow the .

The right side of the room got punished for growing so disproportionate ha ha hope i dont piss em off to nanner town lol