Come on in and meet Icky (ice kush) my firsst grow


Active Member
lol i will have to look into that but i dont know if i could bring myself to pour boiling water on my baby :P


Well-Known Member
Thats the first time I'm hearing about pouring boiling water on the roots.

I just put the light out for 3 days for pretty much the same deal, and beacuse the light doesn't help at all in those days.


Active Member
did some research just about everything i could find about boiling water on roots said it was an old wives tale and does nothing
anyways heres a couple more pics


Well-Known Member
Those buds are looking great now, you've managed to keep the foliage pretty green and healthy too so im sure that helped with the nice results
when do you plan on harvesting?


Active Member
i must tell my mate hes an old wife then :P cant say ive tried it either ive always ripped the whole plant and let them hang upside down for a couple of days before breaking them into smaller sections and havent really had any problems and have always had good smoke


Active Member
Ok Icky has meet her maker her are the final pics and some of her dryin out
ty every1 who tagged along ill be back when its dry with final weight etc...




Well-Known Member
It's been a pleasure viewing this from start to finish!
You can cut off your dealer now lol you wont be seeing him for a while :P


Active Member
well i have actually smoked some of the popcorn i pulled off her about 2 weeks ago and it hammered me lol but got a headache with it to no flush on it
so yeah im hanging to see what the real buds smoke up like

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Very nice grow- great looking plants well done on the training- certainly bought out the best- wish mine looked as good! lol Looking forward to getting some kush seeds after i finished my current grow. I hear ya about the headache haha - i snipped some buds of my Euforia thats due soon and it blew me away! lol + rep :D

Agent xx


Active Member
Damn that shit looks good!
cheers man
i put it through a strainer with cheese cloth under that
squashed as much juice through the strainer as i could
then i put the dregs aside and strained all the juice through the cheese cloth
then i got the dregs placed it in the cheesecloth and wrung out the remaining juice in the dregs
man it came out a lot cleaner than i was expecting for my first attempt
i licked up all the melted chocolate that was left in the bowls about an hr or so ago annd fuck am i buzzing rotfl
oh i stewed the trim water butter mix for about 5hrs or so not sure if that made a diff

ill let ya know how the mars bar slice goes lol its for ny eve but ill have to try it out b4 hand so i dont od any1 with to much :P


Well-Known Member
Sounds promising.

I love edibles. My fav. is the orange and almonds brownies - they are fucking awesome if done right.
I find it pretty hard to guess how strong a piece would be before sampling it. I did some calculations while making some canna-chocolate fudge and it turned out pretty much as the calculations shown but when its more ingredients it becomes tricky.

5 hours of boiling sounds great. I usually do 3 hours in a double boiler and wash the butter after it chills. That way I can shape it with ease.

What recipe did you use to make the mars bars?


Active Member
200g of chopped up mars bars (i used a 12 pack of mini mars bars)
90g butter
3 cups rice bubbles
200g chocolate
30g butter

place the chopped mars bars and butter in a saucepan and melt on a very low heat (do not boil) constantly stirring until all is entirely mixed then while in heat add the rice bubbles and mix together
then press mixture into a lined or greased tray
now melt the chocolate i like to use the microwave just do about 20 sec stint remove stir and repeat until it is melted then add the 30g butter to chocolate and mix it in the chocolate will melt the butter
now pour the chocolate mix over the tray smooth and even out as best as possible
place in fridge until set
when set remove and begin trippin :P