Comey fucks Trump, hard.

That would be true also if you said the Burger King building.
Your claim they were only tapping the cell phone is unproven, because all reports I’ve seen said “the office of”
Hey Peabody..what would it take from Trump to shake up your faith in him? Seriously bro...what does Trump specifically do or say now that makes your devotion so unwavering? And what would it take for you to not support him anymore? All bullshit aside...these are legit questions.
Comey said there was no survalence of Trump Tower. Since proven a lie

What Comey said is he had no information that Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump tower. This was in response to a series of Trump tweets saying that Obama had ordered Trump Tower in NY wiretapped.

The assertion that Obama ordered Trump Tower to be wiretapped is false. What Comey said was in response to a question about Trump's tweets, tweets that said that Obama tapped his phones.

Several members of the House Intelligence committee have gone on the record stating that this is not true. The Justice Department has said it is false.

Paul Ryan has gone on the record saying the wiretap claim is false.

Even Resident Trump ballwasher Devin Nunes (alleged) has gone on record shutting that rumor down.

The FBI still holds the position those tweets are false.

So if you can, please find where Comey says there's no surveillance (however that's spelled) of Trump tower - because you will have a hard time proving that's true. Comey's not some rookie. He's a hardened veteran of the Justice Dept and knows how to pick his words.... he never said there was no surveillance. What he said is that there is no information to confirm those nonsensical trump tweets.

Spicer had tried to spin it into 'a broad variety of surveillance' or some shit - just to try and make people like you believe it.

Well, don't. Please....
What Comey said is he had no information that Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump tower. This was in response to a series of Trump tweets saying that Obama had ordered Trump Tower in NY wiretapped.

The assertion that Obama ordered Trump Tower to be wiretapped is false. What Comey said was in response to a question about Trump's tweets, tweets that said that Obama tapped his phones.

Several members of the House Intelligence committee have gone on the record stating that this is not true. The Justice Department has said it is false.

Paul Ryan has gone on the record saying the wiretap claim is false.

Even Resident Trump ballwasher Devin Nunes (alleged) has gone on record shutting that rumor down.

The FBI still holds the position those tweets are false.

So if you can, please find where Comey says there's no surveillance (however that's spelled) of Trump tower - because you will have a hard time proving that's true. Comey's not some rookie. He's a hardened veteran of the Justice Dept and knows how to pick his words.... he never said there was no surveillance. What he said is that there is no information to confirm those nonsensical trump tweets.

Spicer had tried to spin it into 'a broad variety of surveillance' or some shit - just to try and make people like you believe it.

Well, don't. Please....
lies travel faster than the speed of truth.

Lies are persistent devils too.
What Comey said is he had no information that Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump tower. This was in response to a series of Trump tweets saying that Obama had ordered Trump Tower in NY wiretapped.

The assertion that Obama ordered Trump Tower to be wiretapped is false. What Comey said was in response to a question about Trump's tweets, tweets that said that Obama tapped his phones.

Several members of the House Intelligence committee have gone on the record stating that this is not true. The Justice Department has said it is false.

Paul Ryan has gone on the record saying the wiretap claim is false.

Even Resident Trump ballwasher Devin Nunes (alleged) has gone on record shutting that rumor down.

The FBI still holds the position those tweets are false.

So if you can, please find where Comey says there's no surveillance (however that's spelled) of Trump tower - because you will have a hard time proving that's true. Comey's not some rookie. He's a hardened veteran of the Justice Dept and knows how to pick his words.... he never said there was no surveillance. What he said is that there is no information to confirm those nonsensical trump tweets.

Spicer had tried to spin it into 'a broad variety of surveillance' or some shit - just to try and make people like you believe it.

Well, don't. Please....
You do know Comet prosecuted and inprisoned four men he knew to b innocent. Two died in prison. The other two were adjudicated innocent and the FBI paid millions in restitution for malicious prosecution and withholding evidence. Comey said there was no wiretap. That was a lie, regardless of what he was responding nding to. He actually sign the FISA request, since I’m pretty sure you’re going to say he had no knowledge of it.
So please don't bury me down in the cold cold ground. I'd rather they cut me up...pass me all around. Throw my brain in a hurricane. The blind can have my eyes. Give the deaf both of my ears if they don't mind the size.
You do know Comet prosecuted and inprisoned four men he knew to b innocent. Two died in prison. The other two were adjudicated innocent and the FBI paid millions in restitution for malicious prosecution and withholding evidence. Comey said there was no wiretap. That was a lie, regardless of what he was responding nding to. He actually sign the FISA request, since I’m pretty sure you’re going to say he had no knowledge of it.

if you are talking about the Anthrax cases which were bungled by the Justice Dept and the FBI 20 years ago - yes he did bungle the investigation... but saying he prosecuted men he 'knew to be innocent' is a bold faced lie. He had evidence, however questionable, and built a case.... if the courts found the men guilty that's a matter of the reliability of jury trials and how a large scale public scare can greatly influence and skew their opinions.....

and again - he did not say there was no wiretap. Find me the evidence where he denies there was ever any surveillance of Trump tower or the Trump team. I am fairly certain you won't find it.

What he shot down was the FALSE rumor that Obama had the offices of Trump Tower wiretapped, in response to questions regarding Trump tweets. that's a certainty he said it on multiple ocassions and I can find the evidence in 10 seconds with a quick google search.... it doesn't matter how many times you say it - it doesn't make it true.

Comey never denied the surveillance of Trump tower while being grilled by Congress. He has never perjured himself, been charged with perjury, and his disciplinary record while in government roles is nearly impeccable...

I mean you can try to paint Comey as this huge liar - but that's just not going to work because all the evidence and the truth doesn't support it. It doesn't matter how much you say something - it doesn't change the reality.

Comey may be a self-aggrandizing, self-serving asshole who thinks of himself as the incarnation of all that is good and kind in the world...

but he's not a cheater, he's not a liar, he's not a criminal, he doesn't have a shady past to hide from and doesn't have to lie to cover his own ass for anything.... he's as by-the-book as it comes.....
You do know Comet prosecuted and inprisoned four men he knew to b innocent. Two died in prison. The other two were adjudicated innocent and the FBI paid millions in restitution for malicious prosecution and withholding evidence. Comey said there was no wiretap. That was a lie, regardless of what he was responding nding to. He actually sign the FISA request, since I’m pretty sure you’re going to say he had no knowledge of it.
amazing how trump tells idiots like you to get a hate boner for comey and you respond like little sheep in a cult