Companies forced to disclose CEO-workforce pay gap

I stand corrected. I should have said "nobody of importance cares". My apologies.
On the bright side you can start typing your "I told you so" post in notepad now for when Bernie gets less than 0.14% of vote.

*Starts building up a portfolio of Bernie Sanders crying pictures*
On the bright side you can start typing your "I told you so" post in notepad now for when Bernie gets less than 0.14% of vote.

*Starts building up a portfolio of Bernie Sanders crying pictures*
Funny thing is nobody on this forum except for schuylaar thinks he'll win. Contrast that with every conservative here jerking off Mitt Romney in 08 and how all of you retards were so sure he was going to defeat Obama, some simpletons even going so far as making 14 point predictions of said win..

How'd that turn out again?

Sanders will lose for the sole reason of corruption and money in politics, an issue he, as well as many people here, have been championing for years

Even funnier is he's polling higher than every republican candidate, which means people would rather have a man who calls himself a democratic socialist in office in America than another bible thumping moron, what's that say about the GOP?

So I hope you like the taste of Clinton, cuz that's what you're gonna get
Funny thing is nobody on this forum except for schuylaar thinks he'll win. Contrast that with every conservative here jerking off Mitt Romney in 08 and how all of you retards were so sure he was going to defeat Obama, some simpletons even going so far as making 14 point predictions of said win..

How'd that turn out again?

Sanders will lose for the sole reason of corruption and money in politics, an issue he, as well as many people here, have been championing for years

Even funnier is he's polling higher than every republican candidate, which means people would rather have a man who calls himself a democratic socialist in office in America than another bible thumping moron, what's that say about the GOP?

So I hope you like the taste of Clinton, cuz that's what you're gonna get
Sanders wins by not winning. He is getting issues out there that will pull whoever the Democratic challenger is to the left.
So I hope you like the taste of Clinton, cuz that's what you're gonna get

Fuck yeah, now you're talking. I'm fully stoked for the Clinton nightmare to begin. There is no human being that so perfectly personifies the Democrat party. The true face of liberalism and the integrity it embraces.

Wasserman Schultz for Veep. Let's get this fucker done.


Funny thing is nobody on this forum except for schuylaar thinks he'll win. Contrast that with every conservative here jerking off Mitt Romney in 08 and how all of you retards were so sure he was going to defeat Obama, some simpletons even going so far as making 14 point predictions of said win..

How'd that turn out again?

Sanders will lose for the sole reason of corruption and money in politics, an issue he, as well as many people here, have been championing for years

Even funnier is he's polling higher than every republican candidate, which means people would rather have a man who calls himself a democratic socialist in office in America than another bible thumping moron, what's that say about the GOP?

So I hope you like the taste of Clinton, cuz that's what you're gonna get

Damn, I hope you're wrong. I really want to see Bernie in the White House.

Hillary will make a fine president... in the very same 'tradition' of the last half dozen.

If Bernie is blocked by corruption and money, the backlash will be big enough to take the country right to its roots. People felt ripped off when Bush 43 got elected author a popular mandate and with very questionable machine counted votes. That almost touched off the revolt, but not quite.

If Bernie is maneuvered out of office the same way and Americans don't empty into the streets, then frankly we have forgotten what the responsibility of freedom is and as a nation we don't deserve to enjoy it anymore.
Sanders wins by not winning. He is getting issues out there that will pull whoever the Democratic challenger is to the left.

This is true and as far as it goes, it's an excellent development. Trouble is, it will all blow over and vanish from the radar on November third, the morning after the election.

We need ACTION, not mere lip service. Lip service got us to where we are today.
This is true and as far as it goes, it's an excellent development. Trouble is, it will all blow over and vanish from the radar on November third, the morning after the election.

We need ACTION, not mere lip service. Lip service got us to where we are today.
You gonna cry when his bid for election becomes a full blown fail-cascade?