comparison of a bunch of breeders' mostly UP gear & quality

i ONLY hate pussy ass instigating toys that get all their aggression out online, or when they feel safe with their butt buddies because they know they'd get their ass beat to death talking that shit in the real world like the punk i almost slammed on the sidewalk and stomped his neck last week when he and his buddies were going to gang up on someone and i told them to stop being pussies.

i don't have a single prob with anyone who disagrees with me about anything. unlike loser trolls, i don't tie my entire self worth up in my likes and take things personally. anyone that does that is a thin skinned wuss. i've had many CIVIL debates with others about everything as long as they can disagree without turning the discussion into "your momma" of butt buddy ganging up.

personally, i don't give a flying fuck who likes me and who doesn't. you don't like me? bring it to my face bitch and we'll settle it with a quickness.

i get banned because of useless instigating fucks LIKE YOU that like to play power games and sneak around behind the scenes like the little pussies you are. i got banned from grasscity because i CHANGED NAMES publicly, even created a thread about it, and when the "yoda" mod pointed out that i was in violation, i told him to close the account that i hated the name of. the same pieces of shit (i wish i knew an insult word that pisses people off more than faggot without the homophobic connotations though i don't want anything to do with queers and won't apologize for it) that played their little soap opera games like bitches STALKED ME to THIS forum to start more shit up again. i'm talking about althor in particular and that instigating cocksucker HERE that ran over to GC to tell his butt buddy to come over here looking for me.

if you don't like me, just fucking mute me and be done with it. that's what i do to losers.

then, one of you pussy ass trolls revived an old thread with the old name and went crying to a DIFFERENT MOD whose cock he sucked to get me banned.

get your facts straight you useless pieces of shit!

as always, fighting against the conspiracy to eradicate getting high and monopolize the streets with USELESS annoying stoner shit and not being ass kissing about it only makes you enemies and the more enemies i have pushing in on me, the more likely someone is to get fucked up permanently. i'll jump into a crowd and start swinging at EVERYONE. i'd rather just do my own thing and not bother anyone, but if you step into my personal space and fuck with me, one of us has to die.
i get banned because of useless instigating fucks LIKE YOU that like to play power games and sneak around behind the scenes like the little pussies you are. i got banned from grasscity because i CHANGED NAMES publicly, even created a thread about it, and when the "yoda" mod pointed out that i was in violation, i told him to close the account that i hated the name of.

then, one of you pussy ass trolls revived an old thread with the old name and went crying to a DIFFERENT MOD whose cock he sucked to get me banned.

get your facts straight you useless pieces of shit!

How long where you banned for
i have plenty of beans to test next grow all knocked up by my last surviving joey weed C99 x A11 male plant. the winner of the best buzz award including "time pressure" is jack's cleaner 2 by TGA subcool

woah ... thats gonna be a super stable cross ... you might only get about 23 phenos outa 10 seeds

Does anything you do make any sense Grapes? You cant grow so you jump into breeding lol
Lmfao how did I stumble upon this and go through all of it?

I'm sure lots of people push indicas not only for "omfg i tek yer moneyz". Perhaps people with sickness would prefer an indica buzz rather than sativa? Just stating the obvious... I suppose I don't need to kick the dog while he's down... Later
yes... just UNDER 50% of smokers actually prefer getting stoned. THOSE are not the people i have issues with. it's the DEALERS who REFUSE to grow anything else and since around 1985, that's 99.99% of EVERYONE, especially in NYS where EVERYTHING is warehouse grown afghani beasters and you can't even get flavor strains.

not only that, but, anyone that FIGHTS BACK against the haordes of evil greedy clones that only care about lining their pockets with no pride in their gear or love for their customers, you only get them to form a united butt buddy front against you and the more outnumbered i am, the more aggressive i become.

FACT: i KNOW that at least SOME indicrap growers rip their customers off with cash crapper schwag and then use their ill gotten gains to buy shit that actually gets you high from REAL growers. (and by that, i mean growers who put all their love in their gear and only want to grow THE BEST)

FACT: there is a slight preference among EVERYONE for getting high. the balance between those who only want to get high through to those who only want to get stoned is fairly even, but at the extremes, more people like getting high than stoned. there's your fucking DEMAND... where the fuck is the SUPPLY?

FACT: you think i'm making this shit up, here's a perfect quote that proves the truth instigating lying ass instigators refuse to acknowledge as they'd rather bitch about my attitude than deal IN FUCKING FACTS. i wish god would come down and smite every fucking liar and instigator on the planet. then the 1,000 or so of us left can make the world a better place.
Me personally, I'm not a (heavy) indica person - but I have my reasons. Mainly because I have clinically diagnosed neurological problems... I'm sure you know enough at med's as to why sativa's help me better. I had the same issues with my "old" dealer before I became legal. A few times I would get a good sativa and request that he ask for it again. He would yell at me giving me all kinds of shit about how it wasn't that good, and sativas take too long to grow, are stringy with no bag appeal, etc.
(buddy237, right here:

THAT is the kind of CONSPIRING those of us who want ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH GETTING STONED EVER have to contend with along with all of the asshole trolls in forums like this who's purpose in life is being self appointed "thought police" that attack anyone who dares question the status quo or make a scene. those are the same types of scum that suck rush lameboy's tiny cock.

you'll never get me to back down from truth and what's right. anyone that tries is in for the fight of their lives.

BTW, speaking of lies, i never said "leaf bud". again... being mis quoted. i always say LEAFLET TRIM or sometimes maybe leaf trim. fuck ANY bitch that wants me to agree that the stickiest most potent heroauna etc. strain is better than leaflet trim off a sativa dom! fuck you and your lies! a mild high is ALWAYS better than ANY stone. you like getting stoned, that's your biz. you like taking money for that and refuse to sell me what i demand? fuck you and your crew bitch.

FACT: ANY time i've gotten high (other than buying sacks of brick in the hood up to the 90s), i couldn't BUY bud even offering INSANE prices like the $120 i stopped bidding at FOR AN EIGTH of original peppery kali mist. not one greedy scum dealer has gotten me high since the mid 80s in 3 different states! if that doesn't piss YOU off, then you know shit about getting high, or happen to be lucky enough to know a grower whose gear never makes it to the streets, pretty much like mine when i have some. BTW, i will GIVE MY SHIT AWAY when i have more than i need. i could give a fuck about money. i just wanna get high, eat some good grub and pussy, listen to some good tunes and life doesn't get much better than that for me. i'd much rather see someone smoking my gear happy as a clam telling me how much better mine is than what they have to pay for elsewhere than get money for it.

say i have poor social skills and can even be a bigger asshole than whatever asshole is asking for it and i'll nod in agreement, but fuck ANY bitch who dares say there's no love in my gear. OK, maybe i'm not growing IBLs like panama red & mekong haze, but i sure as fuck grow shit that ONLY gets you high. you don't like getting high? that's fine, EVERYONE ELSE has what you're looking for then.

honestly, i DON'T want the hassles of growing. i like doing it and all, but it's a serious pain, especially when nosy neighbors are always up in your biz. as i will ONLY accept getting high, that's the only way i can. 20+ wasted fucking years worth of nothing but getting wasted. *sigh*

hate me all you want, but truth is on my side
FACT: i KNOW that at least SOME indicrap growers rip their customers off with cash crapper schwag and then use their ill gotten gains to buy shit that actually gets you high from REAL growers. (and by that, i mean growers who put all their love in their gear and only want to grow THE BEST)
FACT yur an idiot ... i dunno were you get your info from .... why is just indica suspect ? Maybe if you actually knew WTF you were talking about , youd know cash croppers grow sativas to moron.

FACT: there is a slight preference among EVERYONE for getting high. the balance between those who only want to get high through to those who only want to get stoned is fairly even, but at the extremes, more people like getting high than stoned. there's your fucking DEMAND... where the fuck is the SUPPLY?
Really ? what demand do i have then ? I smoke sativas all day and indicas all night. Saying shit like that im guessing you have posters of Arjan all over yur room.

FACT: you think i'm making this shit up, here's a perfect quote that proves the truth instigating lying ass instigators refuse to acknowledge as they'd rather bitch about my attitude than deal IN FUCKING FACTS. i wish god would come down and smite every fucking liar and instigator on the planet. then the 1,000 or so of us left can make the world a better place.
No Hazey , thats the sad part of it all .. none of think yur making this up ... its just depressing to know that your serious as a heart attack about it all lol
i quit grasscity. i got tired of all the trolls stalking my every move and the fact no one there knows how to pull a decent smoke report out of their ass to save their lives. this is the only forum i'm in. other than the trolls here, i like it much better because there's a lot of growers growing bud i'm jealous of. (just a little... i'm not really the jealous type. i'm happier for them actually)

i also like that smoke reporting actually gets done here too. when you can't stand getting stoned at all and everyone is more interested in pics of their grows and pointless details about nute leves by the minute etc., you get really annoyed when the harvest is nothing but a tease with some bogus "best shit i ever smoked!" or "this shit is dank!" summary that tells you nothing about couchlock level and even less about specifics of a high like visuals, energy, creativity, & euphoria etc.

i might not be an experienced grower, but i sure as fuck know way more about getting high than the AVERAGE person these days who might not ever have even experienced it like my cousin in NY. i started out spoiled rotten on trippy ass euphoric columbian gold, but have also smoked kali mist, durban poison, a few really good mexican commercials and dozens of lesser bricks, C99, haze skunk, 8 miles high, onyx, and all of the jacks and hazes in this grow and a few un-named freebies along the way. i TRIED growing highland thai (full moon) once, but that one lived up to it's fussy hermie diva rep and i cut it down at the start of took forever flowering.

my entire purpose in forums is just to do what i can to fight back against the global dominance that indicas don't deserve and help those who DEMAND getting high find strains that agree with their tastes as there are many different highs, but all stones are exactly the same to me.
i CAN'T get high right now. i'm shut down until fall and like i said, you can't buy high anywhere. it's not about getting high that i have issues either. it's those that stand in the way of it or that instigate anyone fighting back against their greedy little monopolies that i have issues with. it's the PRINCIPLE, just like occupy wallstreet...

hey... there's a new slogan for me,

you can bet i'll get rid of some of my attitude if america gets pissed off enough to make the streets run red with the blood of greedy corporate scum. i've been trying to make that happen my whole life! LOL fuck ALL social climbing pieces of shit whether they be greedy, power hungry, religious zealots or instigating mob rules pussies. if that sentiment pisses you off, go buy a mirror asshole. if it doesn't you must be a decent person and know i'm not talking about you.
you want to fight back? then grow and stop complaining. finish one. take the same energy you do in writing those stupid long rambling posts and dedicate it to growing something. finish 1 and people here might actually take you seriously instead of growing your 30 day then cut sativas.
my entire purpose in forums is just to do what i can to fight back against the global dominance that indicas don't deserve and help those who DEMAND getting high find strains that agree with their tastes as there are many different highs, but all stones are exactly the same to me.
Hate to burst your lil mongloid bubble here...but thats not gonna happen .... most of the strains you have contain some form of indica ... the stones are exzactly the same to you because your a novice smoker ! youve said it countless times yourself. If you cant tell the diff between indicas , then i find it impossible to see how you tell between sativas. Your entire purpose in forums is make zero sense and start a bunch of fuckin bullshit with everyone then get banned like a fuckface in the end.
i actually found that one particular statement to be pretty cool... just like i said.
sea of madness & one kernel. kinda funny. backward idiot savant type shit.

& dizzle already laid it down with the "hybrid" notion broken down into simple herb math.

always have my own opinion.
hazey makes the morning grind so enjoyable.
my coffee has never tasted better & my love of gals/guys that really get down in the garden that much more massive!!!

see the joker not for what he says, young squire, see him for his actions.

i see nothing. so why not laugh?


seal team 6 : show us what u work with