comparison of a bunch of breeders' mostly UP gear & quality

excuse me but do you always flower in the red starter cups

Be easy on him, that was actually his best grow to date. 12/12 from seed and he made it a FULL FIVE WEEKS before he cut them down and smoked them. Then spent the next 8 months giving out detailed grow and smoke reports on it. Hilarious.
i just closed down a failed SCROG breeding program with a bunch of great strains. well the breeding part went well this time actually,
I don't think you and I have the same definition of the word "well".

but the "concentrating all growth on buds" top down & bottom up pruning left my gals with too little fan leaf for making babies and they eventually died off leaving just bud leaf. i knew i didn't like the sound of "get rid of any leaf that's below another one or and bud in the shade because it'll be popcorn blah blah blah" SCROG method. if you get rid of too many leaves, your plant won't have enough growth energy. from now on, i'm just going to let my gals stretch out & overlap at least one layer as i'm going to keep breeding.
To "keep breeding", implies that you have been doing so already. Clearly, you have not.

Again, for the benefit of those who might actually try to take what you're saying seriously, "breeding" implies making crosses, planting many seeds from those crosses to create a variety of offspring, doing selection from the offspring to isolate desired traits, and then recrossing the selected plants over multiple generations to stabilize the new combination of traits. Merely crossing plant "A" with plant "B" isn't really "breeding". . .even if you actually manage to get viable seed by doing that.

Some use the derogatory term 'pollen chucking' for this sort of amateurish crossing. And like learning how to stand before you can walk, being a successful "breeder" requires first that you be a strong grower.

The problem here isn't with the SCROG method (which seems to work pretty well for lots of people), but rather with your implementation.

To try and salvage something out of this disaster of a thread, let me point out the following:

The proper SCROG technique is to guide multiple tops through your screen so that each top has its own little space. The point is to create an even field of tops, like a mini forest canopy, to maximize light utilization, and therefore yield. By spreading out the plant horizontally, a SCROG also keeps the overall plant profile lower, which is useful for stretchy sativa-type plants.

To do that, the SCROG squares have to be size-matched to the cola-size of the particular strain, but mostly to the overall size of the grow (which affects the cola size). BIG grows with big plants make big tops and require BIG SCROG squares to accomodate the width of large flowering colas. Small ones, the opposite.

No, its not "brain surgery", but if the SCROG squares are too BIG, then you're going to waste space between the tops.

If the squares are too small, tops put next to each other in adjacent squares will touch each other and fight for space, causing them to stretch, and ruining the nice even field effect you want to achieve. Note that there is no rule that says you have to fill every square in your SCROG, and much of the time you probably shouldn't.

Now, in terms of pruning, its simple. Once the tops are established and growing, you prune off all growth UNDER the screen. You DO NOT prune off the fan leaves or any part of the growth ABOVE the screen, so long as its viable and growing. The only reason you *might* do this is if you get branching ABOVE the screen, in which case you'd want to nip off any side growth. If your SCROG squares are too small, and you have tops growing too close to one another, you might have to prune their sides so they don't fight each other for light (see above).

But if you do your SCROG right from the beginning, neither of these things should be issues.

Its true that some growers like to "lollipop" their plants, pulling off all the fan leaves and possible even doing a rough manicure cutting off some bud leaves. I've always been highly skeptical of the value of this practice, but even the ones that do it, don't typically do it until the end of flowering.

Doing it before then? Not smart, in my opinion.
troll troll troll

after lower my IQ by at least 10 points by reading this thread you finally come out and admit you're trolling. thank god, because I didn't think anyone could be this stupid. if on the off chance that this isn't a huge elaborate joke, you're clearly not cut out for growing cannabis. even when I was a youngster growing bagseeds, not knowing wtf I was doing did I ever fucked up a plant like you just did. you clearly don't have a single clue as to what you're doing.

it'd be one thing if you actually listened to the countless people trying to give tips but instead you resort to calling everyone trolls instead of accepting the fact that you suck at growing let alone breeding(lmao). you should probably just sit the next few plays out.
who the fuck are you to say who i can and can't grow weed? get the fuck over yourself too troll. you want to make my mute list, keep that shit up.

trolls revived this dead thread just to talk trash because i'm fighting back against their cash crapping with summer of love goodness and they can't stand it. too fucking bad.


see what i did there?
who the fuck are you to say who i can and can't grow weed?

Pics speak for themselves, you suck at growing. Just admit it and move on.

I get you love sativas, I do too. But you might want to finish a grow first before you start dishing out 1000s of posts worth of worthless advice, smoke reports on plants you took down 5 weeks into flowering, and calling people trolls when they're just stating the obvious.
who the fuck are you to say who i can and can't grow weed? [sic]
I've heard smoking pot causes memory loss; didn't realize the effect was permanent. You said it yourself. Let me remind you:

Hazey Grapes, post #1 of this thread:
i just closed down a failed SCROG breeding program with a bunch of great strains.

Incidentally, nobody needs to say that you can't grow; its self-evident from your posts that you can't. started!

get the fuck over yourself too troll. you want to make my mute list, keep that shit up.
If that means I won't have to read your posts, sign me up.
What button do I have to push for this to happen?

trolls revived this dead thread just to talk trash because i'm fighting back against their cash crapping with summer of love goodness and they can't stand it. too fucking bad.
Again. . .memory loss. . .you posted on this thread yourself less than a day ago.

The only thing "dead" here is your plants, and it seems to me, you're not exactly doing a bang-up job "fighting" anything with them.

You know, I don't know if anyone told you this, but you're supposed to finish GROWING the plants, before you burn them to a cinder!
it's a butt buddy circle jerking troll convention.

i admit my failures, OPENLY. i've shared pics to shut the likes of you up. you're really like a crabby old woman, you know this don't you? nag nag nag. i'd tell you to show us what sativa dominants YOU'RE growing, but i'm muting you now so the point is moot.\

oh yeah...

barney sucks! fuck that schwaggy putz!
Hazey I admire you're passion but what the fuck man.
Why you not let your grows finish its fucking frustrating. I just read an epic novel about pre flowers you smoked and claimed to be trippy?
the fuck man.
And you're on a mission to rid the world of inidicas?
You will find a lot more medical properties in an indica.
i get nothing from that mute. i can get info elsewhere without putting up with condescending attitudes.

regardless of who the fuck ever approves or disapproves of the choices i've made, they're my choices in my garden. if i'd rather smoke leaflettes that actually get me high and spit on ANY indica bud, that's my business. i'm not growing to impress trolls, just myself and the gear i've selected has almost ALL gotten me higher than literally DOZENS of schwag purveyors and fuck anyone that says otherwise... mr nice, DJ shorts... whoever.

my BIGGEST problem now that i've broken past the "gotta get high NOW!" barrier is finding a stable apartment without neighbors from hell all up in my biz like trolls here. i'm HAPPY to do the exact opposite of typical growers too. everything they do wrong, like grow indica dominants under sodium for cash without pride is the very reason i do my own thing. no one else gets me high but me. that is a FACT.

jack's cleaner 2, sweet haze, haze x skunk, super cali haze (under halide), malawi gold & 8 miles high have all made me very very very happy where 25 years worth of cash crapper's schwag has only pissed me off and even C99, thai skunk, thai fantasy, lemon skunk, auto jack, jack, (fake) amnesia haze, sativa trans love, and a couple others i'm forgetting have all made me happier than anything i've PAID FOR since 1989 at the latest too. even stony sour cream has impressed me at least in the flavor department.

i'm not asking for anyone's approval on that. i might have a ways to go as a breeder and grower, but i've only smoked gear that i approve of when i do it myself and have grown better strains than the majority of growers here. i won't even try to compare my results to the few here growing stuff like panama and other IBLs, but unless they're really uptight assholes, i don't think they'd complain about smoking my favorites.

me? i'm not THAT picky. as long as i'm not getting stoned which sucks the suck and nothing but the swallow forever, i'm happy enough. better gear is funner, but avoiding stony schwag at every turn is all i care about.

i think too that trolls have this annoying "there's more of us than you" idiotic safety in numbers mentality that only gets me into all or nothing "i'm gonna lose in the end, but i'm taking your punk ass with me first" mode. i'm encouraging others to break from everything WRONG they do and growing nothing but stony gear is wrong. at least half of smokers would rather be high than stoned and a solid quarter of us don't want anything to do with getting stoned.

that "you'll smoke what i tell you to smoke!" mentality needs a foot broken of up in it's ass and i'm the guy to do it no matter how many poo butt sniffers i gotta piss off to do it. i'm doing what i can to break their backs up in here, that is, short of stooping to their punk ass bitch lying tactics. i don't lie.
how young am i for real, or how old do i act?

i don't indulge buttholes for a second if that's what you mean. i draw a line and if they cross it, one of us has to die. you might call it immaturity, i call it teaching scum a lesson. unlike that type though, you'll find i'm NICER to nice people than them too. i don't try and get over on anyone any more than i tolerate those that try to. i piss people off, but those that i do have a lot more than that coming to them.

then there's people like you that step in and TRY to re-establish the pecking order i'll fight to my very last breath. a troll starts something, then you jump in to attack who you perceive as weaker. maybe you're a nicer person, but i don't respect minions either. you want my respect, you've got to earn it.

i really don't see what the problem is.

i have no problems with anyone disagreeing with me or liking something i can't stand. if you read my posts, you'll see i try and help people looking for specific indica traits as best i can. i believe in fairness like that. anyone that doesn't can kiss my ass. it's that simple really.
Hazey I admire you're passion but what the fuck man.
Why you not let your grows finish its fucking frustrating. I just read an epic novel about pre flowers you smoked and claimed to be trippy?
the fuck man.
And you're on a mission to rid the world of inidicas?
You will find a lot more medical properties in an indica.

Its hilarious sometimes. Only problem I have is newbs have no idea how full of shit he is so they think he might be someone to listen to. We need neg rep here so real growers can bust him down to newbie so others dont get fooled by his inane ramblings.

He smokes leaves of immature plants, gets a placebo affect and thinks he is high.
Then on the very rare occassions he actually smokes a real bud, he really gets high and freaks out and thinks its some "indicrap" conspiracy making him feel weird.
my personality, if you REALLY understood what you're talking about is WHY i have a stratospheric quotient of intelligence and all of that effluent flatulence. i don't indulge idiots who think with their emotions. part of my genius type personality is going against the flow. i'd be most happy to think you to the death if you'd like to arrange a REAL battle of the wits with only the smartest surviving like on a gameshow or something if you know what i mean and i'm sure you don't.

i'm a logical introvert. read up on the subjects so you look more informed than you act. then read up on intuitives. and you MIGHT start getting a clue as to how smart i really am.

socially, i'm just as much an idiot as you are in matters of logic, well, maybe even moreso by a factor of 10, but at least i have the acumen to realize my limitations. if name calling is as smart as you can act, then... do the the math.

are we done spamming this thread up yet or does anyone have any questions to ask about what i've tested or suggestions for and comparisons to other gear that gets you high in one way or another?