Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
So now we know Terpines increase at night, Male plants can have trichomes, and Pistils are the stamina that pollinates the calyx on a female pot plant, and trichomes protect the plant from sun and bugs and maybe, just maybe, help attract pollen. wow. Pretty much everything the doc doesn't seem to agree with except the last part.![]()
"we" do not "know" that terpene levels increase at night.
i can categorically state that all kitchen herbs are LESS fragrant from around noon till just before the next dawn. this is well recognized. every herbal, gardening manual botany text and how-to pamphlet on fragrant herbs agrees on that point, and this is something I KNOW from personal experience. this does not imply the WE know this is true, since you can either take my word for it (along with every book on growing and tending kitchen herbs ever writ, from Pliny to Martha Stewart) or you may disbelieve it, it's all the same to me, however, when you begin to offer up counterfactual assertions, and fabricate strawmen on this subject i will of course dispute your claims.
you seem to be labouring under the impression that all trichomes are the same, in form and function, regardless of which species of plant they are found on, where on the plant they are found, or how they act and react to stimuli.
this is far from true. heres a quick examination of just a few of the trichome structures found on some plants and their functions.
long thick spiny trichomes all along the limbs and stems, all over the foliage and all the way ip to the start of the flowering bodies: Proto-rootlets which will form actual roots when exposed to darkness moisture and cool temps.
tiny glandular trichomes on all exposed tissues save the fruits: terpene glands which produce an insect and herbivore repellant aroma when disturbed
tiny glandular trichomes on the exposed surfaces of the leafs: alkaloid secreting glands which cause a bitter taste and toxic reactions amongst all but a very few insects and browsers.
thats 3 types of trichomes, each with a different job different structure and found on different locations on a single plant, and theres lots more just on a tomatoe plant, but lets move on...
Thistle and stinging nettle:
long stiff bristles on every exposed surface of the plant, but in greatest numbers on the calyx, and in greater numbers as the fertilized calyx develops and swells: venom tipped glandular needles to irritate browsing critters and discourage nibbling
cacti: long stiff sharp spines all over the plant, usually in greatest profusion around the calyx, and often produced in greater numbers as seeds develop: thorns. for direct defense from browsing herbivores.
sundews and most carnivorous plants:
glandular trichomes on the foliage and false flowers: sticky resinous nodules to trap animals and insects which contact the resinous glands
stiff short hairlike trichomes in the foliage and psuedoflowers: sensory organs which detect contact and cause the frond to curl in, or the psuedo-flower to close on the assuredly delicious prey
excretory trichomes around the foliage and the psuedo-flowers: excretes digestive acids and enzymes to dissolve the captured prey and extract it's juicy goodness
excretory trichomes: scent releasing glands which provide an enticing aroma and the promise of a free meal to nectar seeking insects, and sometimes, a foul rotting meat stench to attract scavenging critters depending on the species.
and yes, the savvy reader see that NONE yet are involved in reproduction. how odd.
but as has often been noted, cannabis is an ODD PLANT which does many things in a manner which other plants DO NOT.
it is a Gymnosperm, which most plants are NOT
it is dioecious, which most plants are not
it is photoperiod dependent which most plants are not
it is wind pollinated, which most plants are not.
it produces powerful chemicals which interact with the central nervous system of mammals, which most plants do not.
if it were just like most plants, you would likely not give a shit about it would you? or have you spent time pondering the lifecycle of the Japanese Maple or the lowly Maize plant and are just keeping that shit on the low-low?