complete darkness ????

My plants definitely smell the strongest right around lights on. Maybe even a half of an hour if they are anticipating the light and.gearing up.

Is that the first time you go into your grow room? My plants always smell the strongest the first time I go in. Never noticed a difference between different times of day.
Is that the first time you go into your grow room? My plants always smell the strongest the first time I go in. Never noticed a difference between different times of day.

I can't say as I've noticed a difference in the strength of the odor at different times of the day, but my plants do seem more perky in the early part of lights on and less so closer to lights out.
Just gonna add my 2 cents not to troll or anything like that but because I am still learning and love to learn as much as I can. Since many of you have different answers and some general sillyness here is what I have gathered. Terepenes control the smell not the stickyness. Every fruit or vegetable has terpenes.. take a orange for example. When you first peel the orange you smell the citrus fruity sugary sweet smell which originates from the peel itself. When you break that peel it activates those terepins. Coffee has terepins which is a woody,nutty sometimes spicey aroma. Tricomes could have a part in the reproduction process and I feel you understand the process but you worded it all wrong. Tricomes dont act like magical hands that transfer the pollen. Tricomes are sticky and resinous so some stray pollen gets held there due to the stickness but it is the wind that transferes pollen and is why male plants grow so much taller then females so that the pollen can travel miles in the wind searching for a mate. Do bees have anything to do with this? No they dont but they may rarely due to landing and looking for food or whatever but they arent attracted to the cannabis so this method is very inconsequental to say the least. Anyways, I dont want to step on anyones toes or call anyone out as stupid or dumb. We are all here to learn and keep learningand not start internet fights over what essentially is a very insignificant issue. Take care everyone and happy growing.
taste is a subjective metric, not measurable quantifiable or consistent from one person to another.

the seeded plant may make trichomes but they do NOT produce resin after pollination has occurred. the two structures are not interchangeable. the argument that trichomes protect from the sun is dubious at best, if this were the purpose then the calyx would need MORE protection as the seed matures, not less. and the fertilized calyxes reduce their resin content and their overall trichome count as the seed matures. this is not in doubt.
Ok Doc you think all that.
cannabinoids are Terpenes,.

Terpenes are the stuff that makes resin sticky.

the particular terpene used by cannabis has delightful properties when smoked, but the particular Terpenes used by pine trees do NOT.

in furtherance of your furtherance of thought, why does a plant stop producing cannabinoids and actually LOSE cannabinoids when the calyxes are pollinated?

if all your calyxes get pollinated, by the time your seeds are mature you have HEMP not dope. however that same cannabis plant NOT exposed to pollen gets more and more potent, creating more and more resin, until it starts dying.

i actually do want to change your mind, since this plant is important, and understanding how it functions in reality is important to producing good dope.

youre mistaken belief that resin glands serve no purpose in reproduction is absurd, and flies in the face of all experience. if your beliefs were true then resin production should INCREASE as seed production begins, to protect the seed and the plant's investment in that seed's future. cannabis resin is not protective, it is reproductive. it's production around unfertilized calyxes and it's disappearance around fertilized ones should make that plain to you.
I don't know what plants you are growing but my seeded buds surely do continue to produce resin. Is all good am done with you hypothetical bs. Have a god one.
I don't know what plants you are growing but my seeded buds surely do continue to produce resin. Is all good am done with you hypothetical bs. Have a god one.

Prove him wrong. Show THC% for seeded and unseeded bud. That would put all this to rest. While you may not like his theory; none of the others are any more studied and proven, that I know of.
Here's some pictures I took from Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible. You can see trichomes on all the leaves as well as the stem. How would pollen stuck to the stem get to the reproductive parts of the plant? You also said that these only form on the flower, so here's proof thier everywhere.
View attachment 2607010View attachment 2607012

so the concept that the wind can move foliage, particularly in the mountains of india pakistan and northern china where the plant originated, is rejected, and no amount of wind would be unable to move thoe foliage or the pisitils into contact, which makes the possibility of pollen transfer from the resin glands to the pistil impossible.

further, you assume that the selectively bred, hightly modified plants grown for the most resin and the most potent dope are indifcative of the NATURAL state of cannabis and it's resin production, much in the way slow dumb flightless domestic turkeys are clearly identical in form and function to the savvy, clever, and capable of flight, Wild Turkeys, because selective breeding doesnt accentuate characteristics WE find most beneficial, and NEVER to an absurd degree.

this is the natural form of all dogs.

this is what wild horses look like?

and so is this?

cannabis has been selectively bred for a mad profusion of resin glands far beyond the "natural" production.
My plants definitely smell the strongest right around lights on. Maybe even a half of an hour if they are anticipating the light and.gearing up.

fragrant herbs like basil, thyme and mint send their aromatic components up from the roots at dawn, and begin pumping them back down to the roots for protection when the heat of the day gets too intense.

if you harvest your herbs between sunrise and noon they will be most fragrant, and maintain their colour and aroma during the drying process better, store better and remain potent longer.

this has been recognized since ancient times.
Just gonna add my 2 cents not to troll or anything like that but because I am still learning and love to learn as much as I can. Since many of you have different answers and some general sillyness here is what I have gathered. Terepenes control the smell not the stickyness. Every fruit or vegetable has terpenes.. take a orange for example. When you first peel the orange you smell the citrus fruity sugary sweet smell which originates from the peel itself. When you break that peel it activates those terepins. Coffee has terepins which is a woody,nutty sometimes spicey aroma. Tricomes could have a part in the reproduction process and I feel you understand the process but you worded it all wrong. Tricomes dont act like magical hands that transfer the pollen. Tricomes are sticky and resinous so some stray pollen gets held there due to the stickness but it is the wind that transferes pollen and is why male plants grow so much taller then females so that the pollen can travel miles in the wind searching for a mate. Do bees have anything to do with this? No they dont but they may rarely due to landing and looking for food or whatever but they arent attracted to the cannabis so this method is very inconsequental to say the least. Anyways, I dont want to step on anyones toes or call anyone out as stupid or dumb. We are all here to learn and keep learningand not start internet fights over what essentially is a very insignificant issue. Take care everyone and happy growing.

yes terpenes are aromatic, they can also be quite STICKY!

the resin of pines, cannabis, hops, cedars, etc are made of terpenes. these terpenes are not just fragrant but they are the source of the stickiness as well. many herbs produce terpenes too, and they are often quite fragrant but not sticky.

some plants produce terpenes with nearly no odour but which are so sticky frogs insects and even small birds cannot extricate themselves and are devoured.

google the Sundew plant for more information.
Prove him wrong. Show THC% for seeded and unseeded bud. That would put all this to rest. While you may not like his theory; none of the others are any more studied and proven, that I know of.

nahh he's totally right, all this time we been growing sinsemilla buds when we should have been growing seedy fertilized dope, cuz thats where the potency is, plus apparently males have trichomes, and trichomes = resin glands, so therefore, male plants are also good. shit son, we been so wrong all this time.

im glad he has finally opened our eyes to the troof

imma go pollinate all my dope right now!

That there was trichomes on a male plant there sarge/ doc . :razz: And back in the day............ some of the most potent pot was seeded ? Panama red , Columbian and thi weed come to mind, not that it compares to todays standards ( some thi weed did ). I don't believe seeding takes away from potency as much as the loss of smokable material in the bud and the size of the flowers as more plant energy is put into forming seed.. If a seeded plant is over ripened to mature as much seed as possible, of course the peak period of harvesting time has degraded. Your basically back tracking doc with all your hyped spew because you said trichomes pollinate the mj plant and that is simply not the case. The pistils do. And weather or not the trichomes help aid in pollination was not the question until someone said they pollinate the plant. Oh and I think some of the best hash comes from seeded fields.
I'm not disputing that people have selectively bred both animals and plants to enhance the qualitys we find desirable, but that doesn't change their original function. Domesticated turkeys may not be able to fly, but that's still the intended purpose of thier wings. Here are 4 more links that support my statement that trichomes are there for a plants protection. Perhaps you will find one of these credible. I've been looking and can't find a single reference that says trichomes have anything to do with catching pollen. I offered to end this pointless arguement and just be friends, but it seems you don't want to.
That there was trichomes on a male plant there sarge/ doc . :razz: And back in the day............ some of the most potent pot was seeded ? Panama red , Columbian and thi weed come to mind, not that it compares to todays standards ( some thi weed did ). I don't believe seeding takes away from potency as much as the loss of smokable material in the bud and the size of the flowers as more plant energy is put into forming seed.. If a seeded plant is over ripened to mature as much seed as possible, of course the peak period of harvesting time has degraded. Your basically back tracking doc with all your hyped spew because you said trichomes pollinate the mj plant and that is simply not the case. The pistils do. And weather or not the trichomes help aid in pollination was not the question until someone said they pollinate the plant. Oh and I think some of the best hash comes from seeded fields.

Unseeded would have been much more potent. Unfortunately the growers back then didnt take the time to seperate males and females. I personally believe seeded bud has a different terpene profile. The buzz can be very good just not as potent as if it were unseeded.
most herbs are at their terpene peak shortly after sunrise till just before noon.

i have seen no evidence that cannabis follows a different schedule from basil, thyme, oregano, mint or hops. all these herbs ar most fragrant after sunrise but before noon.

Uncle Ben posted some stuff a while back from a lab that proves terpenes are at their peak during darkness.
If you don't want to believe that, go look it up.
Unseeded would have been much more potent. Unfortunately the growers back then didnt take the time to seperate males and females. I personally believe seeded bud has a different terpene profile. The buzz can be very good just not as potent as if it were unseeded.

This I can agree with. But it does not make the weed terrible just not sensimilla ?
So now we know Terpines increase at night, Male plants can have trichomes, and Pistils are the stamina that pollinates the calyx on a female pot plant, and trichomes protect the plant from sun and bugs and maybe, just maybe, help attract pollen. wow. Pretty much everything the doc doesn't seem to agree with except the last part. :clap:
I'm not disputing that people have selectively bred both animals and plants to enhance the qualitys we find desirable, but that doesn't change their original function. Domesticated turkeys may not be able to fly, but that's still the intended purpose of thier wings. Here are 4 more links that support my statement that trichomes are there for a plants protection. Perhaps you will find one of these credible. I've been looking and can't find a single reference that says trichomes have anything to do with catching pollen. I offered to end this pointless arguement and just be friends, but it seems you don't want to.

your deliberate and obstinate insistence on perpetuating falsehoods and creating strawmen is impossible to ignore.

dealing with the thrichomes of a wide array of plants from mints, herbs wormwood and even tomatoes, but NONE of the trichomes were particular to the reproductive organs... thats what we call irrelevant.


"Cannabinoids are most abundant in the capitate-stalked gland which consists of a tier of secretory disc cells subtending a large non-cellular secretory cavity. During flowering the capitate glands that appear on the newly formed plant parts take on a third form. Some of the glands are raised to a height of 150 to 500 micron when their stalks elongate. These capitate-stalked glands appear during flowering and form their densest cover on the female flower bracts. They are also highly concentrated on the small leaves that accompany the flowers. The male flowers have stalked glands on the sepals, but they are smaller and less concentrated than on the female bracts. Male flowers form a row of very large capitate glands along the opposite sides of anthers."
~from your own citation... did you even read it?

again, the resinous sticky glands are associated with FEMALE FLOWERS. funny that these glands would e produced around the FEMALE FLOWERS in great profusion and their development continues until the plant enters the end of it's life cycle, or pollination occurs, at which point resin gland production ceases, and many are reabsorbed as the seed matures... this is not protection from browsing herbivores, insects, UV rays or the heat of the sun, this is reproductive tissue engaged in reproductive action. were it as you describe, then GREATER levels of resin production would occur after seed production began.

another irrelevant citation dealing with trichomes produced as a response to insect and herbivore damage.

an examination of the biochemistry of a variety of trichome structures, with no particular interest in WHY the plant makes the structures, only that they do. this too is irrelevant to the matter at hand.

you have moved beyond having a theory and arguing it, now you just want to be right for it's own sake.

if i argue that cacti make their trichomes (spines) to protect themselves from browsing herbivores you would most likely claim i was full of shit, and that the spines are in fact, there to cast wee tiny little shadows, to cool the plant and shade it from the sun one millimeter at a time...

when sticky resins are exuded around the unfertilized calyxes this resin is there to grab pollen, not to trap bugs, drive off browsing deer and moose, create fanciful aroma to please french milkmaids, or get you high. the plant doesnt give a fuck if you get high or not. it wants to reproduce, and shit that helps it reproduce, like a sticky mass of resin in close proximty to the long wavy pisitls and the calyxes helps with that.

if you cant see that, then you got problems.

if you think that your dope plants will get more potent if you fertilize the calyxes, you just knock yourself out, and enjoy the seedy goodness.
Unseeded would have been much more potent. Unfortunately the growers back then didnt take the time to seperate males and females. I personally believe seeded bud has a different terpene profile. The buzz can be very good just not as potent as if it were unseeded.

and yet, cannabis which has NO seeds is still more resinous, stickier and more potent than dope which is fully fertilized, and chock full of mature seeds, (eg, dirt weed)

dope which contains the odd seed here and there but whose calyxes are not all fertilized can still be quite good. but do you consider seedy dope as good as (much less superior to) proper sinsi?

the old school acapulco gold and chocolate thai were badass, but they had some seeds, that was because they were grown outdoors, and some pollination was unavoidable. shit sometimes you cant keep the pollen out of your dope indoors even.

dope which was FULLY seeded is invariably shit, due to the long understoood well recognized and undeniable fact that when left unfertilized, dope makes more resin, and more cannabinoids, but when fertilized, a flower stops production of resin and focuses on seed development.

arguing against these facts would be foolish, yet the assumption of a few here is that, despite the obvious relation to fertilization, cannabis resin glands are UNRELATED to pollen and fertilization of the calyxes around which they bloom in such profusion.