Well-Known Member
Yea i am after a an AACT tea. Its the Soluble Seaweed Extract from Technaflora 1-1-16.
Yah, that's just dry kelp meal, good stuff to have on hand man.
Take a breath, you've got this.
Fill up your bucket with good de-chlorinated water, if you do not have a filter that removes chlorine, fill the bucket up and let it sit out either in your house or outside, or even better, put the air stone in it and let the chlorine bubble out for a few hours before you start to brew the tea.
Take your paint strainer bag, fill it with one cup of EWC, you can go up to 2 cups for a 5 gallon brew, anywhere from 1 cup to 1.8 cups is quite safe for what you are doing and efficient.
Add in 1 - 3 table spoons on Kelp Meal (I would go right in the middle with 1.5 for now)
If you have some molasses, add it about 1 teaspoon.
As for your compost source, for now, using just the EWC and Kelp Meal should give you a beneficial microbe tea. But you can go pick up bagged composts, or source locally, check your local craigslist? Search organic compost, or compost, or vermiculture.
If you want to get your brew on right away, fill up your strainer with the EWC, Kelp Meal, Molasses (if you have any) and let that thing come to life.