Computer nerds?

How has this extremely shitty thread gone to 2 pages? My answer, or the simple answer of swapping your mobo not good enough for you? You looking for some deep meaning to why this particular mobo and usb are personally fucking with you?
Just buy a hub like this.

Dismantling a laptop to solder the motherboard is no easy feat.

I am a self-employed computer tech that has previously worked as tech support for Gateway and Sony computers.

If your motherboard/laptop is more than 2-3 years old, odds are that your moboard will not support USB3.

Un-soldering and soldering on a motherboard isn't just heating up the solder and pulling the USB port and soldering another one in.....especially if you're using a common soldering-iron. What will happen is that you'll over-heat components near the USB port.

This is something even I would avoid doing.

Replacing a motherboard is no walk in the park. The photo of the gutted laptop is no joke...and doesn't show the zillion tiny screws you hope you remember where they went when you're re-installing.

If you have one working USB port, go buy a USB hub that has a power-supply. They cost less than $15 for a decent one.

You may want to disable the broken USB ports in your device manager. If either are shorted out due to the breakage, you may end up having other problems.
I know how to solder genius. It doesn't take a rocket scientist. Just a steady pair of hands and good eyes ...and ofcourse the know how to work a soldering iron. Jackass.

You also need a basic understanding of what you are soldering, and what you are soldering it onto. Good luck frying some components asshole.:finger:
How has this extremely shitty thread gone to 2 pages? My answer, or the simple answer of swapping your mobo not good enough for you? You looking for some deep meaning to why this particular mobo and usb are personally fucking with you?

It's an Electric Complex ... or was that the fatherboard?