Computer Thread

I need help.

I have an older computer and it doesn't have any operating system that is currently working. I still have the monitor and keyboard and tower. And I really don't want to buy the whole package again, but would love to up grade the system so I could use it again. Can someone point me in the right direction. Links, YT videos, something , I really don't know much about computers.
You can buy refurb ones REALLY cheap and if you're not gaming just putzing on the internez it will work fine.

Thanks that would work just fine.

Can I ask what is the difference between gaming and this one , I'm guessing that gaming is faster with more memory or something.

gaming PC's have as you said faster central processing units (cpu)/memory but also more capable graphics cards (that cost up to $1500 or even $5000 for professional visualization applications).
I should fire my IT guy.:???: If I did not like him I surely would.:finger:

In a sleep deprived, semi drunken, stoned state the decision to install
Linux and dual boot with Windows was made sometime in the middle of the night.

Guess who gets to reformat the HD and stay up all night tonight starting
all over from scratch just to get that PC back to a desired comfort level


Next time I'll have to leave a note to "always make a back up BEFORE making
stupid mistakes." jeezz its hard to get good help these days.

Fucker drank all the booze in the house too.:cuss:
Now I have to make beer run too.:bigjoint:

I should fire my IT guy.:???: If I did not like him I surely would.:finger:

In a sleep deprived, semi drunken, stoned state the decision to install
Linux and dual boot with Windows was made sometime in the middle of the night.

Guess who gets to reformat the HD and stay up all night tonight starting
all over from scratch just to get that PC back to a desired comfort level


Next time I'll have to leave a note to "always make a back up BEFORE making
stupid mistakes." jeezz its hard to get good help these days.

Fucker drank all the booze in the house too.:cuss:
Now I have to make beer run too.:bigjoint:

Yeah Apple :finger::finger::finger: just obsoleted my OS, of course they don't bother calling it that and they don't tell anyone, random applications simply stop fucking working. No way to pre-plan simply surprise you're fucked.

I feel your pain.
Been doing my nut thanks to "issues" typing in posts on various sites on this android tablet, but it's been figured out.

Turns out the problem is Google's "GBoard" keyboard which likes to play silly buggers with what I assume is JavaScript, so then you end up going nuts trying to find another keyboard app which works but isn't full of effing ads.

Got one, AnySoftKeyboard, so now I'm going nuts getting used to a slightly different layout...

Apple, Microsoft and Google, all shitbags of the highest order.
My 2004 Dell finally shit the bed, lol. Ive been doing repair installs of windows XP for the last year just to get it running when I need it and it's not working anymore. Kinda pissed, I have a bunch of saved stuff I'm going to have to try and recover. Not sure if a want another desktop or a laptop, I kinda like having a hard line.
just throwing this out there. if your on a android device give puffin browser a try. blows chrome and firefox out of the water with how fast pages load.
My 2004 Dell finally shit the bed, lol. Ive been doing repair installs of windows XP for the last year just to get it running when I need it and it's not working anymore. Kinda pissed, I have a bunch of saved stuff I'm going to have to try and recover. Not sure if a want another desktop or a laptop, I kinda like having a hard line.
Last 3 PC's have been laptops but since I never take them anywhere, this time I got a desktop. More bang for the buck IMO.
Try replacing the screen on a tablet if you like infuriating.

It's not to me, but I enjoy doing that sort of technical thing

But when one conpany's (NOT a typo) dodgy practices to slurp your data, up to and including warnings that an app in their store may be dangerous and log your keystrokes in an attempt to make the gullible stick with the original piece of crap app (If there's a risk, then why do they make it available on Google Play?), and interferes with another conpany's attempt to force you to use their mobile app rather than the website so they can slurp more data from whichever device you install it on, or interferes with the smooth operation of sites such as this one, then that does a tad more than "infuriate".

Tossers, every last one of them
Try replacing the screen on a tablet if you like infuriating.
Yeah I've had to do a screen replacement on my Sony Vaio and anytime I have to work on my iMac I have to pull off the screen and that is infuriating enough for me. I lost a fan on my iMac and need to order them and pull the screen. I'm still procrastinating. Working on an iPad or iPhone or other tiny screen would piss me off to much. I insure them.
It is really bad when the screen is shattered into small flakes of glass, the shit is sharp and is stuck to the frame with double-sided tape from hell, you end up with glass in your eyes and fingers prying it off bit by bit with a blade..
Easy to upgrade or fix too

I'll find out soon.

2004 Dell, custom order.

250 gig hard drive, loaded with windows XP that no longer works. It's torn down now for about a year.

Going to have to get a new operating system that has easy access to accumulated files.

Not putting back together till spring, can any operating system find those files originally made with XP? Or does it have to be Microsoft?
I'll find out soon.

2004 Dell, custom order.

250 gig hard drive, loaded with windows XP that no longer works. It's torn down now for about a year.

Going to have to get a new operating system that has easy access to accumulated files.

Not putting back together till spring, can any operating system find those files originally made with XP? Or does it have to be Microsoft?

What kind of files are we talking about? More than likely any Linux distribution will be able to find them and copy them to any external data device. Assuming the original hard drive is not bricked. I assume a new windows could do the same. But guarantee Linux does it better . That's something in my realm of expertise if you needed a hand. Just to throw it out there. I'll keep your amputee porn on the DL.
I'll find out soon.

2004 Dell, custom order.

250 gig hard drive, loaded with windows XP that no longer works. It's torn down now for about a year.

Going to have to get a new operating system that has easy access to accumulated files.

Not putting back together till spring, can any operating system find those files originally made with XP? Or does it have to be Microsoft?

I'd pull the hard drive and build a new system. Depending on what you want to use it for depends on what you build.

What kind of files are we talking about? More than likely any Linux distribution will be able to find them and copy them to any external data device. Assuming the original hard drive is not bricked. I assume a new windows could do the same. But guarantee Linux does it better . That's something in my realm of expertise if you needed a hand. Just to throw it out there. I'll keep your amputee porn on the DL.
^^^ this is the answer. Linux does most things better, although not always easier. There's enough help to be had and if you hate it you can always load Windows. Get a nice 3-4 TB drive and just pop your .25 TB in the case and use what files you need off it. Linux will recognize the file system.
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