Chunky Stool
Well-Known Member
Thanks!Was getting the same on my laptop, was an upgrade to Win 10 and not a clean install. Got sick of stutters, putters and farts as it hiccuped its way through things so yesterday it was back up the important stuff and then the mofo got formatted and a clean install of Windows was done. As usual, the difference was VERY noticeable with the startup time cut in half.
Try it, could make all the difference.
Now I just have to decide whether to do the same with the Acer miniPC hooked up to the TV or whether to dump OpenSuse on instead. It's only used for Kodi, so if anyone has a suggestion for a better version of Linux to run Kodi I'm all ears.
I solved it by buying another computer.

My old one is still operational and I'm undecided what to do with it. Seven years old, so I'm not wanting to invest a lot. It came with Win7 and I upgraded it twice. Not sure if I can use my old license key to install a copy of windows 10 and I really don't want to do another install plus two upgrades.
I'd definitely go with a solid state disk for a clean install.
Or I may just use the free grow software from satan-what's-his-face and make it a single purpose machine.
-- edit --
software from @LuciferX