Concentrates/extracts outside of CA

Green DNA

New Member
Outside of California are concentrates readily available? I'm going to assume that other states where there is some level of legalization it should be (but I don't like assuming things either). More wondering in the other states. Would a dealer most likely have some sort of extract or is it mostly a Cali thing? I apologize if the question sounds ignorant but because of a potential future move this question has popped into my head. Appreciate the help.
I live in an illegal state and don't see any available ready and for sale. Most people will buy the bud and make the ice hash, dry sift, kief, bho, what ever for their own use and maybe sell or share with friends. I also haven't been looking for it so it might be out there among other groups.

You will probably have to make it yourself or if you still have friends in California, get them to mail you some and if you find a dealer, sell it to him or trade for bud.
Hey farmasensist, I appreciate your reply. I was thinking that may be the case but was hoping it would be different. haha. I know you said that you haven't been looking but being in an illegal state have you noticed more people starting to inquire about it or do you think it's still just not that known of?
Hey farmasensist, I appreciate your reply. I was thinking that may be the case but was hoping it would be different. haha. I know you said that you haven't been looking but being in an illegal state have you noticed more people starting to inquire about it or do you think it's still just not that known of?

Yeah, people know how to make the stuff I just don't see it being marketed it's more for personal. I guess it's not worth the time to make concentrates, then hope you can sell it for a few extra dollars when you could just as easily sell the bud as it is without any extra effort. I guess Cali has more options for consumers so the sellers have to offer some variety or something special. Here, if I make some bubble hash people will want it but I don't even know what it's supposed to sell for.

I've had some friends make BHO that turns out really good and I know another person that tried to make some capsules but screwed it up, they all melted in his pocket. It really just depends who you know. The people living two houses down could be blasting wax 3 times a week and I'd never know because I don't talk to them.
Another thing is that the penalties for concentrates is way worse. In my state cultivation less than ten pounds is mandatory minimum 1-10 years while manufacturing or selling hash is a mm of 5-30 years.

I need to get the fuck out of here or at least start making some real money off this hobby.
Damn!!! That's harsh. You should definitely try to make it to Cali. I'm hoping I don't have to leave. You get spoiled here with the 3 W's- women, weather, weed. :) haha.
Another thing is that the penalties for concentrates is way worse. In my state cultivation less than ten pounds is mandatory minimum 1-10 years while manufacturing or selling hash is a mm of 5-30 years.

I need to get the fuck out of here or at least start making some real money off this hobby.
Luckily, thanks to Obama being an idiot, all anyone has to do is move to a legal state, which they have a Constitutional right to do whenever they want, and instantly they avoid all those pesky mandatory lengthy prison terms. Citizens of other states are just suckers. It's like having completely separate countries inside the US in which international drug treaties are ignored with complete impunity. What happens after the other states also vote to become separate nations for drug control purposes? You'll then have an entire nation that thumbs its nose at UN drug conventions, proving conclusively that the UN is a goddamn joke, as we already know it is.
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And if Trudeau legalizes weed nationally with no response from any UN member nation, meaning really just the US because the rest are all pretty much jokes, you can kiss the US weed production industry goodbye, because they will crank out craploads and the natives will run it across the river to the US like they do with cigarettes. How could a few states match the production of an entire nation?
Cannabis and cannabis concentrates are plentiful in at least CA, CO, NV, OR, & WA.

All legal states.
Cannabis and cannabis concentrates are plentiful in at least CA, CO, NV, OR, & WA.

All legal states.
Actually, Cali has 3 million more people than all of Canada, so if it gets legalized there it will equally ruin the industry in non-legal states. It has 3 times as many people as Colorado and Washington combined. And it will be a lot easier to smuggle drugs from Cali to other states than from Canada. Cali is the real threat to the industry. Either that, or everybody will be sending their product to Cali because that's where the biggest market will be. Hard to say how it will turn out.
Actually, most of CA is a desert, with far fewer people living in the green crescent, that includes northern CA and southern OR. Neither place is heavily populated, and a lot of it is steeper than 60 degrees slope.

Lots of market in the more heavily populated SO CA, and "anecdotal hearsay" from SO OR growers, suggests that more bud flows south over the OR/CA border, than north. A recent survey showed cannabis cheapest in OR, so supply and demand pricing suggests abundance.

WA has had a couple bumper years in a row and there is lots of surplus available to extractors, so no extra normal profits likely there either.

Canada does produce some quality cannabis, and I can see Canada continuing to service, or even expanding their share of the market, but don't see them dominating it, any more than they do with fine whiskey.
Colorado has all form of extracted oil...sub - critcal, bho,pho,fractional distilling...things that are still patent pending....