Condoleeza as Romney's VP

Look at this thread, read the question in the O.P. and then the first response it is posted by Mensch 2.0 and is hilariously funny and insightful but then you will see
Mensch 2.0 is immediately told not to be racist- this shows stormfront condemns racism.
On the second page of the thread there is a post by Romney, it's the last post on page two of the thread- His screen names WNBRITMEX
Not me they don't. Never even been there. Maybe you pretending to be me. Actually, if you look to the left, you'll see I joined RUI 7/11. That's when I first used this moniker. You really are a piece of lying shit.

lol, dukeanthony caught you over at stormfront.

that's grand.
Did a search for Red1966 on stormfront. Not even there. The sock puppet and his master can't win a debate, so they smear their opposition. You pretend to be such high-minded ideologues, but you're a bunch low life, lying scum.