Condoleeza as Romney's VP

See that is where you are wrong What they did was Purge voters with a criminal record AND Purge voters that were elgible to vote Even worse Ex felons were granted the right to vote in Florida 2 years ago and they decided that this year They would disenfranchise them again Becuase they are worried the election would be so close They needed to make sure they couldnt vote Republicans are scum. This election is the last one before their demographics fall to such a low number there is no way they can suppress the vote that much
Apparently all felons are Democrats!
YOu are full of shit I am not ashamed to say it either Every one of you fright wingers has the same identical story Go to district attorney You wont because it never happened
Called Supervisor of Elections office, a Democrat, who said the election was over and done with and the statements of retarded citizens wouldn't stand up in court, even tho some were only physically disabled, not retarded. It did happen, as did the other incidents I mentioned. Those are easily verified, but you chose to ignore them and pretend saying I lied about the incident I personally witnessed and that some how makes the whole post wrong. You could go to Jacksonville, Florida and find the 3200 block of Plymouth St. and ask the residents. It's easy to find. Three two story houses with a big fence all the way around all three of them. I'm sure some of them are still there. The practice probably still continues, even now. The residents are not confined, they'll come outside to talk to you. Or you can go to the convenience store at the corner of Post and McDuff and ask some of the residents who frequently go there to beg. They're easy to spot. They're the handicapped people wearing second hand, miss-matched clothing. Every thing I said can be verified. You're the one with the proven track record of lying. Not ashamed? I've never met a Democrat who was ashamed of lying. You seem to be proud of it.
Under orders from Harris’s office, DBT provided matches of anyone with a close name. Thus, for example, John Jackson is a black man who had served time in Texas, so Johnny Jackson Jr., a black man in Florida with the same birth date, was purged from the registration rolls. [SUP][6][/SUP] DBT used lists of former felons that included names and birth dates and race, but counted as a “match” names that were only approximate. DBT specifically wrote Harris’s office to say that their name-match criteria would include a large number of nonfelons, and Harris’s office advised them in writing to lower the name-match criterion further to 85%. All told, DBT generated a list of 82,389 voters to purge from registries. [SUP][7][/SUP] DBT subsequently tried to defend their lists by claiming they were 85% accurate. [SUP][8][/SUP] But that would still mean that well over 10,000 mostly minority, poor, and Democratic Floridians were illegally disenfranchised — more than twenty times Bush’s margin of victory in the state. Plus, where verification was attempted, the accuracy of the list was nowhere near 85%. Officials in Leon County, Florida, tried to verify the 694 names on the list from Tallahassee and found only 34 to be a match—a 5% accuracy rate. [SUP][9][/SUP] Robert E. Pierre reported in the Washington Post that responsibility for this faulty voter purge lies with Harris’s office, not DBT: From the beginning, Database Technologies raised serious concerns that non-felons could be misidentified. ... “Obviously, we want to capture more names that possibly aren’t matches,” said Emmett “Bucky” Mitchell, who headed the state purge effort, in a March 1999 e-mail to Database Technologies product manager Marlene Thorogood, who had warned him of possible mistakes. ... Clay Roberts, director of the state’s division of elections, confirmed the policy. ... “The decision was made to do the match in such a way as not to be terribly strict on the name.” “We warned them,” said James E. Lee, vice president of communications for the company. “The list was exactly what the state wanted. They said, ‘The counties will verify the information, so you don’t have to.’” [SUP][10][/SUP]
Again, how does purging random voters benefit Republicans?
As Florida county election boards review a list of thousands of potentially ineligible voters -- including some who may be felons -- CNN is suing the state, claiming the public and media should also be able to review the list. The move comes four years after the state's voter rolls were at the center of one of the closest elections in U.S. history. The state Monday denied a CNN request for a copy of the list of up to 48,000 people. These people, according to the state, could be ineligible to vote because they are felons or have multiple registrations -- or have died since the last election.
Again, how does purging random voters benefit Republicans?
Malfunction? really? funny that most of the "malfunctions" resulted in repulican votes. Now how about some links to this 35,000 fraudulent votes. And yes, Chicago is known for it's voter issues, now extend that to ohio, Nevada, Florida, and New Mexico. We reist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud because we recognize them for what they are, attempts to alter the basis of our electoral system for republican gain.
Yeah? Prove it. Try Googleling Loretta Sanchez. You'd just deny anything I link to. You resist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud because you hope to alter the basis of our electoral system for Democratic gain.
[h=3]Fictitious country - forum post review | BoardReader[/h]
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Called Supervisor of Elections office, a Democrat, who said the election was over and done with and the statements of retarded citizens wouldn't stand up in court, even tho some were only physically disabled, not retarded. It did happen, as did the other incidents I mentioned. Those are easily verified, but you chose to ignore them and pretend saying I lied about the incident I personally witnessed and that some how makes the whole post wrong. You could go to Jacksonville, Florida and find the 3200 block of Plymouth St. and ask the residents. It's easy to find. Three two story houses with a big fence all the way around all three of them. I'm sure some of them are still there. The practice probably still continues, even now. The residents are not confined, they'll come outside to talk to you. Or you can go to the convenience store at the corner of Post and McDuff and ask some of the residents who frequently go there to beg. They're easy to spot. They're the handicapped people wearing second hand, miss-matched clothing. Every thing I said can be verified. You're the one with the proven track record of lying. Not ashamed? I've never met a Democrat who was ashamed of lying. You seem to be proud of it.

how was it you know the inside of said house?

were you are you still a resident?

Does the nurse know you have internet access?
Yeah? Prove it. Try Googleling Loretta Sanchez. You'd just deny anything I link to. You resist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud because you hope to alter the basis of our electoral system for Democratic gain.

Loretta Sanchez is a carpet bagging bitch who should be in jail for election fraud considering she doesn't even live in her district because she's a lying cunt.
Well... FL law says criminals can't vote, but what he did and I don't know if it was him personaly, was to order a list of non-eligible voters compared with the voter rolls. When the database company asked how stringent the comparisons should be, they were told anything even close to the name would do. So Sam E. Smith would be purged but so would Sam A. Smith - like that.

Thats what it was, sorry was a long time ago...I knew there was some skullduggery afoot involving Jeb, the media over here went nuts about it.
Thats what it was, sorry was a long time ago...I knew there was some skullduggery afoot involving Jeb, the media over here went nuts about it.

Déjà Vu All Over Again: Florida’s Latest Attempt to Purge Voters
from the Rolls
By Katie
, Voting Rights Project at 5:20pm

The ACLU and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights filed suit
in federal district court in Florida challenging the state’s latest
attack on voting rights: purging voters from voter registration rolls.

In May of this year, Secretary
of State Ken Detzer distributed nearly 2,700 names for removal from the voter
registration rolls,
claiming that those voters on the list were not U.S.
citizens. The list is fraught with inaccuracies and false positives. In
Florida’s most populous county, Miami-Dade, where about 1,600 of the 2,700
”ineligible” voters are registered, nearly 500 of the targeted voters have
already proven to be lawfully registered U.S. citizens. That’s more than a 30
percent error rate.

Skip to 2012, and Florida is at it again. Secretary Detzer’s list again
disproportionately impacts racial and language minorities. In fact, according to
analysis, 61 percent of those on the purge list are Hispanic, while only 14
percent of registered Florida voters are Hispanic. By contrast, only
16 percent of those on the state’s purge list are identified as white, even
though whites compose approximately 70 percent of all Florida voters
Perhaps if our racist federal executive branch had cooperated with Fl. officials in identifying possibly fraudulent voters, they would have been able to verify the eligibility of voters. Whining that the list contained a disproportionate number of Hispanics is stupid. Most illegal residents ARE Hispanic. You might as well claim rape laws are discriminatory because a disproportionate number of males are charged with it.
Perhaps if our racist federal executive branch had cooperated with Fl. officials in identifying possibly fraudulent voters, they would have been able to verify the eligibility of voters. Whining that the list contained a disproportionate number of Hispanics is stupid. Most illegal residents ARE Hispanic. You might as well claim rape laws are discriminatory because a disproportionate number of males are charged with it.

It is always best to misconstrue an argument if one is not winning that argument using facts. It is evident to anyone who is not ideologicaly blinded that FL's voter roll purging was intended to marginalize the voting ability of a particular socioeconomic class of people, and that class tends to vote dem because they believe that dems are looking out for them - at least a little.

Contrary to the GOP, who is not only not looking out for them but sees their votes as valueless and has so demonstrated that with numbers of examples - including voter ID, purging, caging, intimidation, subterfuge, con and angle.

Oh don't start with the panthers and ACORN. That is irrelevent in the first case and inapplicable in the second.
Fictitious country - forum post review | BoardReader
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insurgents owned - BBS post summary‎ - Jul 28, 2009


why am i not surprised?

And what have you that demonstrates that rollinbud? where are all those voter fraud cases? there needn't be convictions, just reasonable accusations from legitimate parties. My same equation stands for you as well, are the number of fraudulent voters that would be stopped greater than the number of legit voters who will be deprived of their right?
Again with that misdirection. Your "equation" is totally i relevant. Actually it's not even your equation. sock puppet
Again with that misdirection. Your "equation" is totally i relevant. Actually it's not even your equation. sock puppet

It isn't irrevent at all. It is the entire point.

if voter ID causes causes more legitimate voters to fail to vote then it stops illigeimate voters from voting then voter ID is unacceptable. If you see it any other way than you are seeing the situation through partisan goggles.
Loretta Sanchez is a carpet bagging bitch who should be in jail for election fraud considering she doesn't even live in her district because she's a lying cunt.
No, no, She's a Democrat. It doesn't count when a Democrat does it. Not even murdering your pregnant girlfriend.
Which class are you talking about, criminals or non-citizens? But they tend to vote Democrat so that's all that matters to you. So the Panthers standing outside polling places with clubs driving away white voters and Acorn actively and illegally campaigning for Obama while being funded with tax dollars is OK with you? Let's see, as long as it benefits the Democrats, any illegal activity is perfectly fine? Hypocrite. And liar......."It is evident to anyone who is not ideologicaly blinded that FL's voter roll purging was intended to marginalize the voting ability of a particular socioeconomic class of people, and that class tends to vote dem because they believe that dems are looking out for them - at least a little." Not even a misguided opinion, just a blatant lie. You ARE a piece of shit.

I may be wrong but I don't lie, I have no reason to - if you want to play, if you really want to show me how wrong I am then let us have this discussion full out some time next week. I am going to make mojitos for my wife. Oh, and your calling names proves nothing except what I have been for some time saying about the right on this site, they are incapbable of dealing with facts, either their own or anyone elses and tend to fall back on name calling rather than present evidence or reason for their viewpoints.
Thats what it was, sorry was a long time ago...I knew there was some skullduggery afoot involving Jeb, the media over here went nuts about it.
Media went nuts about it, but didn't say anything about what happened? Again, how does purging random voters benefit Republicans?.