Condoleeza as Romney's VP

Consider the source, these are the same progressive lefties that would have screamed bloody murder had Bush not attacked Iraq and Saddam used WMD later on.

Being post reactionary is a key element that makes up a leftie, they always know what to do when everything is over!

this is another tack by the right - to prognosticate some imaginary action and then condemn it. This is akin to a straw man argument. In truth you have no idea what the "lefties" would have done.
isent it odd, that socialists , or just plain dimwits, get awared the nobel???? think about it. jimmy carter, darn near the loser obama is. al gore, for being the global warming con man......(with tons of stock in ge), but not blamed for being "rich" cause he is under the liberal umbrella. and dident that venezuelan commie prick get it to? and they just keep working their way into every post, so they control the country. THIS ZIT IS COMMING TO A HEAD!!
Bill Clinton went out of his way to express his support for the actions in Iraq. Nearly every member of Congress voted to authorize the use of force, Left and Right alike. The vast majority of the population, Left and Right alike, agreed. The Left wants to pretend they were against this war, but they weren't when it started. They are trying to rewrite history.
its called the "spoils of war". so what should we do/ have a day we decide is universal "suicide day"??? (any human of european decent sould kill themselves? twice as fast, if they are also christian?. remember. the pagans worshipped the gold idols. and jewlery. and stuff. they ended up very sorry in the end. or turned to stone...i think the left has just gotten to where they attack anyone for not going along 100% with whatever they do. so nasty. and calling conservative women whores, etc, when they are certainly not. their beliefs dont dictate this, as is not the case with liberal sows...who dress their 12 year old daugters like hoes. and, if brought to task, by a conservative, they then set out to ruin careers, etc;. with no care of the harm they do. animals. and i used to be one, before i grew up.....
Bill Clinton went out of his way to express his support for the actions in Iraq. Nearly every member of Congress voted to authorize the use of force, Left and Right alike. The vast majority of the population, Left and Right alike, agreed. The Left wants to pretend they were against this war, but they weren't when it started. They are trying to rewrite history.

Another myth. It is a fact that congress has no military intelligence arm - they depended upon informaton given them by the administration. Of course that particular administration "bent" the facts and misconstrued the interpretation of those facts - some of the senate were quite upset that they were lied to, but they operated under the same scare tactics that swayed most of the population. Now it is convenient for the right to claim that even democrats were on board with the war, even though the truth is revealing what actually happened. This is how "history" is rewritten.
I thought the same thing when Mcain ran, I think she has something in the closet, she pretty much came out and said no.

Always wondered as I do respect her and think it would be a great pick.
religion has nothing to do with anything, as far as politics go. so why discuss it?? for years, the left allways said, near elecion time. "vote for a rep, and be forced to go to chruch!!. they still do this. i still cant remember being forced to church....can u? that would be communism. the obama way of thinking....and the left has a whole long list of "mandates" ready when they win reelection. such as gun control (bad, and agaisnt the seccond amendment). foods we cant have. like sugar. but not agaisnt alcohol, or tobacco, for these are an income of theirs, that they waste on handouts.......
religion has nothing to do with anything, as far as politics go. so why discuss it?? for years, the left allways said, near elecion time. "vote for a rep, and be forced to go to chruch!!. they still do this. i still cant remember being forced to church....can u? that would be communism. the obama way of thinking....and the left has a whole long list of "mandates" ready when they win reelection. such as gun control (bad, and agaisnt the seccond amendment). foods we cant have. like sugar. but not agaisnt alcohol, or tobacco, for these are an income of theirs, that they waste on handouts.......

And the Republicans are still robocalling saying democrats are supposed to vote on wednesday
Another lie. You're a real piece o' work.

Voters may be given false information about when and how to vote, leading them to fail to cast valid ballots. For example, in recall elections for the Wisconsin State Senate in 2011, Americans for Prosperity (a conservative organization that was supporting Republican candidates) sent many Democratic voters a mailing that gave an incorrect deadline for absentee ballots. Voters who relied on the deadline in the mailing would have sent in their ballots too late for them to be counted.[SUP][15][/SUP] The organization said that the mistake was a typographical error.[SUP][16][/SUP]
Another lie. You're a real piece o' work.

2006 Virginia Senate electionDuring the United States Senate election in Virginia, 2006, Secretary of the Virginia State Board of Elections Jean Jensen concluded that incidents of voter suppression appeared widespread and deliberate. Documented incidents of voter suppression include:[SUP][30][/SUP]

  • Democratic voters receiving calls incorrectly informing them voting will lead to arrest.
  • Widespread calls fraudulently claiming to be "[Democratic Senate candidate Jim] Webb Volunteers," falsely telling voters their voting location had changed.
  • Fliers paid for by the Republican Party, stating "SKIP THIS ELECTION" that allegedly attempted to suppress African-American turnout.
The FBI has since launched an investigation into the suppression attempts.[SUP][31][/SUP] Despite the allegations, Democrat Jim Webb narrowly defeated incumbent George Allen.
Another lie. You're a real piece o' work.

WisconsinThe Republican Party attempted to have all 60,000 voters in the heavily Democratic city of Milwaukee who had registered since 1/1/2006 deleted from the voter rolls. The requests were rejected by the Milwaukee Election Commission with Republican commissioner Bob Spindell voting in favor of deletion."[SUP][[/SUP]
Another lie. You're a real piece o' work.

2010 Maryland gubernatorial electionIn the Maryland gubernatorial election in 2010, the campaign of Republican candidate Bob Ehrlich hired a consultant who advised that "the first and most desired outcome is voter suppression", in the form of having "African-American voters stay home."[SUP][39][/SUP] To that end, the Republicans placed thousands of Election Day robocalls to Democratic voters, telling them that the Democratic candidate, Martin O'Malley, had won, although in fact the polls were still open for some two more hours.[SUP][40][/SUP] The Republicans' call, worded to seem as if it came from Democrats, told the voters, "Relax. Everything's fine. The only thing left is to watch it on TV tonight."[SUP][39][/SUP] The calls reached 112,000 voters in majority-African American areas.[SUP][40][/SUP] In 2011, Ehrlich's campaign manager, Paul Schurick, was convicted of fraud and other charges because of the calls.[SUP][39][/SUP][SUP][40][/SUP] In 2012, he was sentenced to 30 days of home detention, a one-year suspended jail sentence, and 500 hours of community service over the four years of his probation, with no fine or jail time.[SUP][41][/SUP]
2010 Maryland gubernatorial electionIn the Maryland gubernatorial election in 2010, the campaign of Republican candidate Bob Ehrlich hired a consultant who advised that "the first and most desired outcome is voter suppression", in the form of having "African-American voters stay home."[SUP][39][/SUP] To that end, the Republicans placed thousands of Election Day robocalls to Democratic voters, telling them that the Democratic candidate, Martin O'Malley, had won, although in fact the polls were still open for some two more hours.[SUP][40][/SUP] The Republicans' call, worded to seem as if it came from Democrats, told the voters, "Relax. Everything's fine. The only thing left is to watch it on TV tonight."[SUP][39][/SUP] The calls reached 112,000 voters in majority-African American areas.[SUP][40][/SUP] In 2011, Ehrlich's campaign manager, Paul Schurick, was convicted of fraud and other charges because of the calls.[SUP][39][/SUP][SUP][40][/SUP] In 2012, he was sentenced to 30 days of home detention, a one-year suspended jail sentence, and 500 hours of community service over the four years of his probation, with no fine or jail time.[SUP][41][/SUP]

I was living in PG County Maryland at the time of Erlich's first run against Kathleen Kennedy Towsand. PG County is largely African-American and boasts of having the highest per capita income amongst African Americans in the country. At my polling place, Michael Steele, Erlich's then Lt. Gov. had a sign, I shit you not, that said "Help make me the first African American Lt Gov in MD history". He was also there in person.

I had moved to another state by the time Tommy Carcetti won the Governor's mansion. (Wire reference)
2006 Virginia Senate electionDuring the United States Senate election in Virginia, 2006, Secretary of the Virginia State Board of Elections Jean Jensen concluded that incidents of voter suppression appeared widespread and deliberate. Documented incidents of voter suppression include:[SUP][30][/SUP]
  • Democratic voters receiving calls incorrectly informing them voting will lead to arrest.
  • Widespread calls fraudulently claiming to be "[Democratic Senate candidate Jim] Webb Volunteers," falsely telling voters their voting location had changed.
  • Fliers paid for by the Republican Party, stating "SKIP THIS ELECTION" that allegedly attempted to suppress African-American turnout.
The FBI has since launched an investigation into the suppression attempts.[SUP][31][/SUP] Despite the allegations, Democrat Jim Webb narrowly defeated incumbent George Allen.
Investigation? Six years have gone by and nothing has been found. What does that tell us? It never happened. Quoting other liars doesn't prove your point
WisconsinThe Republican Party attempted to have all 60,000 voters in the heavily Democratic city of Milwaukee who had registered since 1/1/2006 deleted from the voter rolls. The requests were rejected by the Milwaukee Election Commission with Republican commissioner Bob Spindell voting in favor of deletion."[SUP][[/SUP]
And yet there was huge voter fraud that took place. So perhaps those were really fraudulent votes. "Republican commissioner Bob Spindell voting in favor of deletion" and the Democrats, a majority, refused to examine the questionable registrations.