Condoleeza as Romney's VP

More to the point, he benefited by not having an R by his name. The Repubs were "in charge" when the economy crashed so they get the blame.

Well the federal deficit actually declined during Clinton's (DEMOCRAT) presidency.......what happened to the federal deficit after Clinton left? Oh yeah I remember now....

The difference between Clinton and Bush/Obama is that Clinton was willing to work with the Republicans in congress..they worked together to make things better for the American people. That hasn't happened since Clinton left office.
Well the federal deficit actually declined during Clinton's (DEMOCRAT) presidency.......what happened to the federal deficit after Clinton left? Oh yeah I remember now....

The difference between Clinton and Bush/Obama is that Clinton was willing to work with the Republicans in congress..they worked together to make things better for the American people. That hasn't happened since Clinton left office.

How many times did Al Gore cast the deciding vote on legislation? because no republicans would vote yes?
Speak for yourself wannabe stoned Emily Dickinson. Also, I say you're evil. If you disagree, you're wrong. I don't answer questions because I already labeled you so stupid, you can't understand this post.

Im more of a John Steinbeck kinda of guy

Hey did you finish 50 shades of grey yet?
Well the federal deficit actually declined during Clinton's (DEMOCRAT) presidency.......what happened to the federal deficit after Clinton left? Oh yeah I remember now....
The debt rose every year under Clinton. That's whats important. Is taking from Social Security to lower the deficit a good thing?
Clinton paid down the public debt by borrowing a lot of money in the form of intragovernmental holdings, mainly Social Security.

The difference between Clinton and Bush/Obama is that Clinton was willing to work with the Republicans in congress..they worked together to make things better for the American people. That hasn't happened since Clinton left office.
Working together to manipulate the free market is what caused the dot com bubble. That crash caused Congress to work together again which caused the Housing bubble. Which caused the worst economic collapse since the great depression. Get it yet?
i like her too. bush wasent that bad., im over 50, and im glad i figured it out. that was when i did not vote for cliten the second time. good timing, as the party of the worker, is now the party of the user and abuser. and they love for us to be needy. shame. thats not america. and its so obviouss that he is purposly doing what he is doing. destroying america. no natural gas, no pipline, sell the battery company to russia, and now, not renewing current oil/gas rigs leases! im not worried about romney as pres. im worried about abarrack as pres!! so many point to this or that. (who in life, is perfect??) i say fine. so if he has any flaws, we keep the thousand flawed one for another ride?? yes, they mean it when he says, "lets finish what we started" NO SHIT. WHAT WAS OUR FIRST CLUE. look up "little akio" the kid in school. peace!!
clinton also made china "most favored nation" status, for trade!!! now that looking out for the working class!!?? i grew up back then. i did not vote for him the second time. and i dont think ive voted with them at all. they keep getting more socialistic.
I agree it has been blown out of proportion. However, Condi is NOT defined by her being black. Being black is not what makes her. Her accomplishments do. Do you say or hear anyone use race to describe Hillary Clinton? I haven't heard anyone say she's an intelligent white woman. How about "We can talk about how Condoleeza Rice is a hyper intelligent person" Being intelligent describes an accomplishment, being black or a woman describes something she was born with. If it doesn't matter why bring up race?
I've never heard anyone call Hillary Clinton intelligent.
she is qualified. since, our pres has no qualifications at all. there are plenty that would be fine. i like christys attitude. i like santorum for his trying to keep it clean, attitude. me. id close the dam bookstore down the street. not nessisary. of course, when mitt wins, all the little lazys with their hands out, will riot, probably after the soon to be ex pres tells them to, just like he did the occupiers. this guy dont like america. bush was not perfect. but have any of us ever had a pres who was? oh my god, hes a mormon!! hmmmm. how many throats have they cut lately? how many planes into buildings? this is comming more than ever, if we dont stop this 3+ year insanity! i know. i was brought up to hate the reps to. hate the rich. why?? took me half my life, to realize, if i ever made it big, id be preety happy. hard work more often than not pays off. and the pres today said that "goverment creats industry, etc". what a crock!! wonder how many swallowed that?? so. vice presidnet. condi??? i allwasys thought she was professial. one problem. mid easters have no respect for females. so she would be useless as a talker. but, that wont be a prob, cause she will fire em up real fast! they will not be babied with political correcness, with her at vice. i like the young cuban american, rubio. i think they may think he is just a tad "young" . so. HOW ABOUT DONALD!!?????? oh, i forgot, we are supposed to hate people who have money.... and if we keep it up, we are done.
Religious people use their temporal lobe differently. I was born into a strong religious family. I'm the only atheist. Religious people can learn to use their temporal lobe differently. They can become like me or use their temporal lobe to the extreme which is how controlling cults work, like Scientology. Hubbard learned he could control others with trained methods. Even without specific methods, most people have congenital methods which give a form of spirituality. Over millenia, people learned methods which make perverse our otherwise benign congenital spiritual methods, or superstitions.
One of my posts never appeared. Also got a "capcha" when I tried to advance a page. Anyone else having these problems?
One of my posts never appeared. Also got a "capcha" when I tried to advance a page. Anyone else having these problems?
Yeah happened to me, I assumed its cos I was trolling Americans hard on an American website.

Damn, I thought I was just doing it really well...back to the drawing board.