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We can talk about how Condoleeza Rice is a hyper intelligent black woman"Hasn't anyone anything of relevance to discuss?"
We can talk about how Condoleeza Rice is a hyper intelligent black woman"Hasn't anyone anything of relevance to discuss?"
We can talk about how Condoleeza Rice is a hyper intelligent black woman
Chesus ... are you related?cn
What does her skin color have to do with it? Racists like you are easy to spot. You can't help yourself. Is it her speaking patterns with no Negro dialect, unless she wanted to have one, the thing that convinced you?We can talk about how Condoleeza Rice is a hyper intelligent black woman
What does her skin color have to do with it? Racists like you are easy to spot. You can't help yourself. Is it her speaking patterns with no Negro dialect, unless she wanted to have one, the thing that convinced you?
What does her skin color have to do with it? Racists like you are easy to spot. You can't help yourself. Is it her speaking patterns with no Negro dialect, unless she wanted to have one, the thing that convinced you?
I agree it has been blown out of proportion.jesus the race card has been blown out of preportion in the last decade...
its simply a viewable fact..
gonna pull the gender card because he caller her a woman?
how about get mad because he called her intelligent...
again a clear viewable confirmable fact...
condi is black.
I agree it has been blown out of proportion.
However, Condi is NOT defined by her being black. Being black is not what makes her. Her accomplishments do.
Do you say or hear anyone use race to describe Hillary Clinton? I haven't heard anyone say she's an intelligent white woman.
How about "We can talk about how Condoleeza Rice is a hyper intelligent person"
Being intelligent describes an accomplishment, being black or a woman describes something she was born with. If it doesn't matter why bring up race?
I agree it has been blown out of proportion.
However, Condi is NOT defined by her being black. Being black is not what makes her. Her accomplishments do.
Do you say or hear anyone use race to describe Hillary Clinton? I haven't heard anyone say she's an intelligent white woman.
How about "We can talk about how Condoleeza Rice is a hyper intelligent person"
Being intelligent describes an accomplishment, being black or a woman describes something she was born with. If it doesn't matter why bring up race?
Intelligence is congenital as well, however. It's akin to talent. Skill is an achievement related to talent ... not sure what the earned equivalent to intelligence is. cn
She overcame a lot to be where she is
Tell me how "easy" it was for her to get to where she is being her age and black?
Dr. Condoleeza Rice
And yes parker
She is black
Doesnt that just burn your little cracker heart up?
You don't know much. Like how to spell because.
Wager a bet? That's the same word twice in a sentence. You make a bet or you make a wager or you'd wager.
Most people of all color Of all color? LOL You really are an imbecile aren't you?
If the bolded is directed at me, it does not seem to address my point.
And fwiw her name is spelled Condoleezza. cn
Intelligence is congenitalcn
So is religion. Should that excuse bigotry and hate? Intelligence has a genetic limiting factor that few achieve. Two people can get an A in a class, but one has to work twice as hard. A third can be just as intelligent as the one who tries half as hard, but doesn't try at all and gets a B, while a fourth gets an F doing the same.
There is instinctual and learned intelligence, which give the same result,but both are reached differently. You can apply number theory to elementary math. Multiplication is just fancy addition and division just subtraction. Any two even or same odd number added together give an even result. Using many other mathematical proofs, you can quickly do complex number manipulations. Or you could do what the traditionally educated learned in grade school: addition carry, subtraction borrow, multiplication tables, etc. Or a child can memorize advanced number theory proofs without knowing how they're derived. The F student would then get an A in traditional Calculus without trying using learned methods. The only difference between the traditionally educated and method trained would be the traditional A student comes up with their own methods similar to the methodically trained student.
This is why artificial intelligence is so difficult. Training a computer methods is what gives them intelligence. Like a computer, unless something is terribly wrong with it, it's the method.
Some people just have certain congenital methods. I think in the future, even without genetic manipulations, learned methods will eventually outperform congenital methods, making intelligence an outdated concept.
Religion, congenital? Religion (in both senses, allegiance and intensity) is trained in. Intelligence is not. Perhaps we're using different definitions... to me intelligence is the organic component, while I don't have a good term for the trained-in/acquired component. cn