Condoleeza as Romney's VP

I agree it has been blown out of proportion.
However, Condi is NOT defined by her being black. Being black is not what makes her. Her accomplishments do.
Do you say or hear anyone use race to describe Hillary Clinton? I haven't heard anyone say she's an intelligent white woman.

How about "We can talk about how Condoleeza Rice is a hyper intelligent person"
Being intelligent describes an accomplishment, being black or a woman describes something she was born with. If it doesn't matter why bring up race?
Yeah, cos being black didn't help the last guy at all, didn't it not?
its fucking aesthetics of that person!!

with the same logic you should never describe a person by the way they look
ie. supermodel with huge breasts... she sure as hell didn't earn those..

fuck man take it with a grain of salt..
and btw yes i have heard people talk about Hillarys' race

anyone and everyone should be proud of, yes, what they earned, but also who they are!
Who you are has nothing to do with race. Who you are has everything to do with accomplishments. Please show me the plethora of articles that describe Hillary as a white fill in the blank.
She overcame a lot to be where she is

Tell me how "easy" it was for her to get to where she is being her age and black?

Dr. Condoleeza Rice

And yes parker
She is black

Doesnt that just burn your little cracker heart up?
No it doesn't you racist minor. You're the one making her race an issue. Otherwise why bring it up? Do tell how often you included the race of a white person when speaking of that person.
And you can stop this garbage like you care where she came from or how hard she worked. Nice try though.
No it doesn't you racist minor. You're the one making her race an issue. Otherwise why bring it up? Do tell how often you included the race of a white person when speaking of that person.
And you can stop this garbage like you care where she came from or how hard she worked. Nice try though.

All the time dude. That's how you know when a crime wasn't done by a white person. Otherwise, "a man broke into an elderly woman's house and brutally raped her before the murder." That's how you know it wasn't a white man for once.
leave it to parker to turn a compliment into an indictment of racism.

we can mark off the "no, you're the racist" square on our tea party bingo.
Religion, congenital? Religion (in both senses, allegiance and intensity) is trained in. Intelligence is not. Perhaps we're using different definitions... to me intelligence is the organic component, while I don't have a good term for the trained-in/acquired component. cn
I was using intelligence along the lines of knowledge.
leave it to parker to turn a compliment into an indictment of racism.

we can mark off the "no, you're the racist" square on our tea party bingo.
Keep trying my closet racist. In the case of the post of your other personality it comes across as "smart, for a black person". But since you do not hang around people of color you wouldn't know would you Senator Reid?
That's the problem with tools like yourself. You see people in groups instead of seeing them as an individual. Even IF you think you are complementing them it's condescending.
Similar to when people said "we have a black president, America has finally come to the modern age". A bit insulting to all those who have succeeded in life.
If she was from the mean streets you'd have a point. My parents couldn't afford to let me do any of those things.

She doesnt have to be from "the mean streets"
She just had to deal with a whole bunch of people like you
And back then they didnt keep it in the closet
Not even in Colorado
You mean the intelligence that the entire western world believed at the time? Saddam could have easily disproven it, all he had to do was allow the UN inspectors access.

A lie is still a lie even if you can successfully fool a large amount of people. In a rational world, the United States was and remains the aggressor.

Condi Rice is another person willing to kill people for financial interests. She is no better than Hillary.

Politically speaking it is a good idea for Romney to include her as many people will be fooled...pity isn't it?
A lie is still a lie even if you can successfully fool a large amount of people. In a rational world, the United States was and remains the aggressor.

Condi Rice is another person willing to kill people for financial interests. She is no better than Hillary.

Politically speaking it is a good idea for Romney to include her as many people will be fooled...pity isn't it?

Trust me, this is the belief of the rest of the world.

Iraq was TOTALLY unnecessary, lets just take a moment to admit that to ourselves.

The UK is as much to blame on it as well tho.

Noone blames the people tho, its the knobends on top shitting down on the rest of us.

It seems some people just like poop tho apparently.
What Rice and Powell said about Iraq WMD's 6 months before 9/11
She is black and she is smarter and more successful than you

Any questions?
Again why the need to to include race? Because YOU think she's smart "for a black woman". That's what you do, judge people by appearance.
A third grader is smarter and more successful than you. Any questions?