
I am sitting here drinking the last drop of booze from my dead friend's house (Bulliet Rye) out of the shot glass that he drank his last drink from before a blood vessel burst in his stomach and killed him on August 1. I am morbid this way. I have my two best friends' death-shotglasses not to mention portions of their ashes. They were both sick bastards too.

He always threw a New Year's Day party starting around 2. If he were alive today he would have called me a couple of times to make sure I was going to be there. I think he was insecure (like any sane person less cool that bu$hleaguer) about throwing a party and having nobody show up. But we always did. In truth, it was always a good party - once we learned to intercede in his cooking. I thought about him in a bittersweet sort of way today. I poured a little rye on the Muhajadeen rug he brought me from Afghanistan circa 1987. His Christmas card that year was him posing behind an opium seller's table. I miss him.

It is not really a confession. But this is better than just bumping the thread. Lest this post make anybody sad, don't be. Life goes on.
I am sitting here drinking the last drop of booze from my dead friend's house (Bulliet Rye) out of the shot glass that he drank his last drink from before a blood vessel burst in his stomach and killed him on August 1. I am morbid this way. I have my two best friends' death-shotglasses not to mention portions of their ashes. They were both sick bastards too.

He always threw a New Year's Day party starting around 2. If he were alive today he would have called me a couple of times to make sure I was going to be there. I think he was insecure (like any sane person less cool that bu$hleaguer) about throwing a party and having nobody show up. But we always did. In truth, it was always a good party - once we learned to intercede in his cooking. I thought about him in a bittersweet sort of way today. I poured a little rye on the Muhajadeen rug he brought me from Afghanistan circa 1987. His Christmas card that year was him posing behind an opium seller's table. I miss him.

It is not really a confession. But this is better than just bumping the thread. Lest this post make anybody sad, don't be. Life goes on.
Not for him
a good thread.

i dont have any confessions lately, staying outa trouble and moral dilemmas....but

i am buying a new trap house sometime in january. excited for that like always. stopped by, nobody was there... and in a moment of opiate bliss i figured i would see if the current residents had some rillos i could borrow while they were out. for some reason it was locked, as i was leaving isort of tripped leaning on the door and it busted open. darn... i knew there was, well hoped it was still there from my last visit. and yep found a pack of rillos behind the tv..sour apple good times. what a horrible rillo

smoked me a blunt then quietly let myself out.

thank you for the rillo good sir. i will try to remember to smoke a blunt with you someday soon

my sincerest apologies...end of confession
I think im a sociopath, haha and so dose my oll lady who is almost done with her second phycology degree. lol its ok though, I told her I loved her and sociopaths aint capable of love ;) ;) lmao
Pilonidal cyst; both my Dad and sister used to get them. She outgrew it, he had to get surgery. Used to embarass her to no end, sometimes it would just blowout and soak her clothes, like at her Jr Prom.
Also had surgery. Didnt fucking work. It was back by the time I could walk again. Serious changes to diet fixed it. Well I fucking hope so. Been over a year now and all good. Strangely enough I had this from three days after getting together with my ex to the day I asked for divorce. No jokes. Exact same time period.
OMG your poor sister LOL! I had no idea these things existed. I want to click on @Pinworm vid but just know I'll regret it.
Very common really, caused by hairline fracture in the spine that fills with skin instead of bone, all you need is a pimple on top of that fracture and you get this huge infection. Gets pretty uncomfy thats for sure. Leaves a nasty scar. Or mine did. I will never be too happy showing my lower back ever again.
Very common really, caused by hairline fracture in the spine that fills with skin instead of bone, all you need is a pimple on top of that fracture and you get this huge infection. Gets pretty uncomfy thats for sure. Leaves a nasty scar. Or mine did. I will never be too happy showing my lower back ever again.
Very weird, I had never heard of this until last night, a buddy fell on his ass and just assumed the pain would leave eventually. Long story short he had to be put asleep once a week for 6 weeks to have his drained. Brutal
I haven't heard of it either, sounds nasty!
I must have gotten lucky - broke my tail bone once, but it apparently healed without all the drama (although it seemed to take forfuckingever to quit hurting!)
Lol. That is one of those pains everyone should feel.
Never broke mine but must have been close a time or two. Suuuuuuuux
Very weird, I had never heard of this until last night, a buddy fell on his ass and just assumed the pain would leave eventually. Long story short he had to be put asleep once a week for 6 weeks to have his drained. Brutal
Worst mistake I made was to use hash oil on the damn thing. What it did was to heal the skin super fast... ending up with me lancing it myself because no way it would drain on its own with that strong healthy skin over it. I did learn I am pretty handy with a scalpel in a mirror while facing backwards. If any body needs that particular skill I am your man. Not quite something i put on my CV though.
I haven't heard of it either, sounds nasty!
I must have gotten lucky - broke my tail bone once, but it apparently healed without all the drama (although it seemed to take forfuckingever to quit hurting!)
And as soon as you think its fine, after months of taking it easy, you screw it up doing something like getting out of bed or off the toilet. I remember those odd shocks. Did seem to take forever and I didnt even break mine properly
Worst mistake I made was to use hash oil on the damn thing. What it did was to heal the skin super fast... ending up with me lancing it myself because no way it would drain on its own with that strong ehealthy skin over it. I did learn I am pretty handy with a scalpel in a mirror while facing backwards. If any body needs that particular skill I am your man. Not quite something i put on my CV though.
I fractured my elbow and went to a friend to slice it open and remove bone fragments. He was like fuck yeah, but when the time came he was shaking so bad he spilled rubbing alcohol in my lap. Side note. Once you open the shin over the elbow it looks complex and scary. Also the bone chips were attached to meat. Not my brightest moment but I saved a few bucks and have a cool story bro.
I fractured my elbow and went to a friend to slice it open and remove bone fragments. He was like fuck yeah, but when the time came he was shaking so bad he spilled rubbing alcohol in my lap. Side note. Once you open the shin over the elbow it looks complex and scary. Also the bone chips were attached to meat. Not my brightest moment but I saved a few bucks and have a cool story bro.
Did you pretend you were a cyborg like in Terminator? Please tell me you said it... while wearing black shades.
Did you pretend you were a cyborg like in Terminator? Please tell me you said it... while wearing black shades.
No I pretended not to feel the searing hot pain of his multiple hesitation cuts.
It was like Jesus fuck dude cut already. Glad he didn't though, like I said lots of important looking shit just under the surface.