
ffs Big Lou

Ffs omg lol wtf m8

I Confess - I've been seriously looking @ Boerboel puppies again.

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This is the Sire.

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I need another freakin Pony around the house like I need another hole in my head. o_O
As a South African I can but sternly warn you off these dogs unless you want somebody killed by it.

One is still OK. But the team work between two... and you have any fucking idea how powerful they are?! 160 lb and up of pure muscle.

Two Boerboel... one will get aggro at you and keep your attention while the other circles behind to take you out.

A mates boerbol was found carrying a human arm down the towns main road. No bulllshit.

And they hate kids. They hate strangers. Court case waiting to happen those dogs. I fucking hate them.
As a South African I can but sternly warn you off these dogs unless you want somebody killed by it.

One is still OK. But the team work between two... and you have any fucking idea how powerful they are?! 160 lb and up of pure muscle.

Two Boerboel... one will get aggro at you and keep your attention while the other circles behind to take you out.

A mates boerbol was found carrying a human arm down the towns main road. No bulllshit.

And they hate kids. They hate strangers. Court case waiting to happen those dogs. I fucking hate them.
like any other dog.. it all depends how they are raised.
As a South African I can but sternly warn you off these dogs unless you want somebody killed by it.

One is still OK. But the team work between two... and you have any fucking idea how powerful they are?! 160 lb and up of pure muscle.

Two Boerboel... one will get aggro at you and keep your attention while the other circles behind to take you out.

A mates boerbol was found carrying a human arm down the towns main road. No bulllshit.

And they hate kids. They hate strangers. Court case waiting to happen those dogs. I fucking hate them.

That's because South Africa is all fucked up..those Boerbols we're aggressive to keep the blacks in line and guard estates...they didn't do much good when the poor rose up and crushed the apartheid with machetes's all about how you raise a dog.
I had a glutton of a friend who would come over to my parents house when I was growing up and literally would mow everything, eat the FUCKING door off the motherfucker literally. We would be chillin out back and this motherfucker would say "I gotta piss" get up and go in the house, stop by the kitchen before the bathroom and pack food into his mouth like a goddamn chipmunk . Same thing on the way back outside and this had been going on for years until one hot day in August. We bought some lemon lime magnesium laxative and chilled it way down, poured it in a glass of ice with seven up and a twist of lime his was "spiked" ours was not lol. So we set him out back in the sun and fed him hot peanuts and when he got thirsty after eating 37 goddamn pounds of peanuts we brought out the spritzer! He lapped it down like a big dog , so fast he barely tasted it. We waited about 45 minutes then took him on a hike into Silverado canyon in the summer heat, it was 112 degrees in the shade . He had gut wrenching explosive diarrhea for 2 hours at least in the heat of the hot California sun. I hate gluttony and I FUCKING hate being taken advantage of. I don't feel guilty.
I had a glutton of a friend who would come over to my parents house when I was growing up and literally would mow everything, eat the FUCKING door off the motherfucker literally. We would be chillin out back and this motherfucker would say "I gotta piss" get up and go in the house, stop by the kitchen before the bathroom and pack food into his mouth like a goddamn chipmunk . Same thing on the way back outside and this had been going on for years until one hot day in August. We bought some lemon lime magnesium laxative and chilled it way down, poured it in a glass of ice with seven up and a twist of lime his was "spiked" ours was not lol. So we set him out back in the sun and fed him hot peanuts and when he got thirsty after eating 37 goddamn pounds of peanuts we brought out the spritzer! He lapped it down like a big dog , so fast he barely tasted it. We waited about 45 minutes then took him on a hike into Silverado canyon in the summer heat, it was 112 degrees in the shade . He had gut wrenching explosive diarrhea for 2 hours at least in the heat of the hot California sun. I hate gluttony and I FUCKING hate being taken advantage of. I don't feel guilty.
Best post I've read here today RFLMAO!!

The fact that so much planning went into it. I'm dying. The salted peanuts BEST POST +++ rep
I had a glutton of a friend who would come over to my parents house when I was growing up and literally would mow everything, eat the FUCKING door off the motherfucker literally. We would be chillin out back and this motherfucker would say "I gotta piss" get up and go in the house, stop by the kitchen before the bathroom and pack food into his mouth like a goddamn chipmunk . Same thing on the way back outside and this had been going on for years until one hot day in August. We bought some lemon lime magnesium laxative and chilled it way down, poured it in a glass of ice with seven up and a twist of lime his was "spiked" ours was not lol. So we set him out back in the sun and fed him hot peanuts and when he got thirsty after eating 37 goddamn pounds of peanuts we brought out the spritzer! He lapped it down like a big dog , so fast he barely tasted it. We waited about 45 minutes then took him on a hike into Silverado canyon in the summer heat, it was 112 degrees in the shade . He had gut wrenching explosive diarrhea for 2 hours at least in the heat of the hot California sun. I hate gluttony and I FUCKING hate being taken advantage of. I don't feel guilty.
thats the meanest most fucked up shit i heard today. ur a horrible person. i dont know u but i fn like u!
(edit, im.drynk snd fucked up so you may just want to disregard this post)

i feel like talki.m legttin sshit off my chest ..but just talkin

it sucks when you cant share anything with people irl.. cause you know fpr.the most part your just a shitty person, who fucks up everybody...
i tturn people to drig addivts or criminals.. murderers and dealers. been caugjt im bed with a ducking 16yar old. 17, 18 19 20 21 22
the only people.that like me dont truly

i mean, id wanted this one girl sinve before my exwife. simce like i was a fucking freshman. so orgeous. and then im talkin to her still.while.i mmarried. then i get divorced and finally get with her.,, well fyck her, and shes the kinda chik where even i bust fucking immediately lookin at her, gotta keep it up and keep.going till you go again,. anf ses actually in love with me. what ive been wanting all thos time. of course i just disrespect her while cheat too. i dont even.know why.. i dony blame her for noy wanting anything to do witj me,, it suvks
my baby momma too an all these other girls, every time, i say if i get one.more chance

i have an addiction to yhese fine little hood rats, even thougj they aint shit. these snow bunnies etc. i mean even now i have a girl, a real woman, strong matur intelligent.,,i mean actually makes me feel a dymmy at times, and ive convimced her ive only fucked her and my ex wife., she knows about my baby momma, but only tjat we talked idk. prettu sure thats just all.she wants to admit..

sometimes i.think about quitting my job and just diving into a pit of cocaine xanax and lean.. its been so.long. i need my drugs. i van.see in my psts im.more level headed, i habemt even had an addition of qizos stpry time.. ... my.mind ficks witj me
alot of people might miss me. but thats only because they dont really know me.
i dont even.give most of.the details on riu.

i know.ibe haf a bd coiple days. its liek why do you only focus.on this shit, well i make so luch money tjat i dont worry about that shit. all that part of my life is takencar of, what do you live fprc.
maybe i jst wany the family i oudnt have when i was young

even now i cant express whsts really on my mind..

but i confess...

i cant stay u pop brain is melting.
thos tome nect week maybe and a half ill have 200 2 mg klonopin tp myself that nobody knows about
maybe that will put my problems to

ugj i should just delete tjis post
(edit, im.drynk snd fucked up so you may just want to disregard this post)

i feel like talki.m legttin sshit off my chest ..but just talkin

it sucks when you cant share anything with people irl.. cause you know fpr.the most part your just a shitty person, who fucks up everybody...
i tturn people to drig addivts or criminals.. murderers and dealers. been caugjt im bed with a ducking 16yar old. 17, 18 19 20 21 22
the only people.that like me dont truly

i mean, id wanted this one girl sinve before my exwife. simce like i was a fucking freshman. so orgeous. and then im talkin to her still.while.i mmarried. then i get divorced and finally get with her.,, well fyck her, and shes the kinda chik where even i bust fucking immediately lookin at her, gotta keep it up and keep.going till you go again,. anf ses actually in love with me. what ive been wanting all thos time. of course i just disrespect her while cheat too. i dont even.know why.. i dony blame her for noy wanting anything to do witj me,, it suvks
my baby momma too an all these other girls, every time, i say if i get one.more chance

i have an addiction to yhese fine little hood rats, even thougj they aint shit. these snow bunnies etc. i mean even now i have a girl, a real woman, strong matur intelligent.,,i mean actually makes me feel a dymmy at times, and ive convimced her ive only fucked her and my ex wife., she knows about my baby momma, but only tjat we talked idk. prettu sure thats just all.she wants to admit..

sometimes i.think about quitting my job and just diving into a pit of cocaine xanax and lean.. its been so.long. i need my drugs. i van.see in my psts im.more level headed, i habemt even had an addition of qizos stpry time.. ... my.mind ficks witj me
alot of people might miss me. but thats only because they dont really know me.
i dont even.give most of.the details on riu.

i know.ibe haf a bd coiple days. its liek why do you only focus.on this shit, well i make so luch money tjat i dont worry about that shit. all that part of my life is takencar of, what do you live fprc.
maybe i jst wany the family i oudnt have when i was young

even now i cant express whsts really on my mind..

but i confess...

i cant stay u pop brain is melting.
thos tome nect week maybe and a half ill have 200 2 mg klonopin tp myself that nobody knows about
maybe that will put my problems to

ugj i should just delete tjis post
having a rough time are ya?